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假设我们有编号510(0000 0001 1111 1110),它存储在两个位置

低半价0000 0001


0000 0011 1111 1100



我建议将前8位右移,看看是否有溢出,如果有溢出,将8位左移,加1。在下面的例子中,我使用二进制掩码来检查下半部分的第8位,使用< code >和操作码,我检查该位是否被置位。

.ORIG x3000

    LD R1, DATA         ; load the lower 8 bits into R1
    LD R3, MASK         ; load the mask into R3
    LEA R5, DATA        ; load the mem location of data into R5
    ADD R5, R5, #1      ; offset by 1 to get the upper 8 bits
    ADD R1, R1, R1      ; bit shift right the data in R1
    AND R4, R1, R3      ; check to see if we have overflowed
    BRz NO_CARRY        ; if bit[8] is set then we have a carry

    NOT R3, R3          ; 2's complement
    ADD R3, R3, #1      ;
    ADD R1, R1, R3      ; remove bit[8] from the lower 8 bits
    LDR R3, R5, #0      ; load the value of the 8 upper bits into
            ; R3
    ADD R3, R3, R3      ; bit shift right the upper 8 bits
    ADD R3, R3, #1      ; add the carry bit to the upper bits
    ST R1, DATA         ; store the new value into DATA
    STR R3, R5, #0      ; store the new value for the upper bits
    BRnzp END

    LDR R3, R5, #0      ; load the value of the 8 upper bits into
                        ; R3
    ADD R3, R3, R3      ; bit shift right the upper 8 bits
    ST R1, DATA         ; store the new value into DATA
    STR R3, R5, #0      ; store the new value for the upper bits

    HALT            ; TRAP x25

; Variables 
DATA    .FILL b11111110
        .FILL b00000001

MASK    .FILL b0000000100000000

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