public static String searchProject(String searchTerm, String filepath) {
String findString = "";
boolean found = false;
String projectNumber = "";
String projectName = "";
String typeProject = "";
String address = "";
String erf = "";
String fee = "";
String paid = "";
String deadline = "";
String finalised = "";
String architectName = "";
String architectTel = "";
String architectEmail = "";
String architectAddress = "";
String contractorName = "";
String contractorTel = "";
String contractorEmail = "";
String contractorAddress = "";
String customerName = "";
String customerTel = "";
String customerEmail = "";
String customerAddress = "";
try {
Scanner userInput = new Scanner(System.in);
userInput = new Scanner(new File(filepath));
while (userInput.hasNext() && !found) {
projectNumber = userInput.next();
projectName = userInput.next();
typeProject = userInput.next();
address = userInput.next();
erf = userInput.next();
fee = userInput.next();
paid = userInput.next();
deadline = userInput.next();
finalised = userInput.next();
architectName = userInput.next();
architectTel = userInput.next();
architectEmail = userInput.next();
architectAddress = userInput.next();
contractorName = userInput.next();
contractorTel = userInput.next();
contractorEmail = userInput.next();
contractorAddress = userInput.next();
customerName = userInput.next();
customerTel = userInput.next();
customerEmail = userInput.next();
customerAddress = userInput.next();
if (projectNumber.equals(searchTerm)) {
findString = "\nProject Number: " + projectNumber + "\nProject Name: " + projectName + "\nType Project: " + typeProject + "\nAddress: "
+ address + "\nERF number: " + erf + "\nTotal fee: R" + fee + "\nPaid to date: R" + paid + "\nProject Deadline: "
+ deadline + "\nIs the project finalised: " + finalised + "\nArchitect Name: " + architectName + "\nArchitect Telephone: " + architectTel + "\nArchitect Email: "
+ architectEmail + "\nArchitect Address: " + architectAddress + "\nContractor Name: " + contractorName + "\nContractor Telephone: " + contractorTel + "\nContractor Email: "
+ contractorEmail + "\nContractor Address: " + contractorAddress + "\nCustomer Name: " + customerName + "\nCustomer Telephone: " + customerTel + "\nCustomer Email: "
+ customerEmail + "\nCustomer Address: " + customerAddress;
} catch (Exception e) {
return findString;
我的 txt 文件内容
1,House mack,house,123 mack road,155,100000,40000,2022-09-14,no,Bill,123456,bill@gmail.com,12 Bill road,Jack,456789,jack@gmail.com,23 Jack road,John,789632,john@gmail.com,34 John road,
2,House John,house,123 John road,183,160000,50000,2022-09-10,yes,Bill,123456,bill@gmail.com,12 Bill road,Jack,456789,jack@gmail.com,23 Jack road,John,789632,john@gmail.com,34 John road,
3,House bill,house,123 bill road,193,160000,50000,2022-09-10,yes,Bill,123456,bill@gmail.com,12 Bill road,Jack,456789,jack@gmail.com,23 Jack road,John,789632,john@gmail.com,34 John road,
Please enter the project number to find the task: 1
Project Number: 1
Project Name: House mack
Type Project: house
Address: 123 mack road
ERF number: 155
Total fee: R100000
Paid to date: R40000
Project Deadline: 2022-09-14
Is the project finalised: no
Architect Name: Bill
Architect Telephone: 123456
Architect Email: bill@gmail.com
Architect Address: 12 Bill road
Contractor Name: Jack
Contractor Telephone: 456789
Contractor Email: jack@gmail.com
Contractor Address: 23 Jack road
Customer Name: John
Customer Telephone: 789632
Customer Email: john@gmail.com
Customer Address: 34 John road
要检查这一点,您可以在阅读后立即写出< code>projectNumber:
projectNumber = userInput.next();
System.out.println("projectNumber=" + projectNumber);
customerAddress = userInput.next();
附加说明:为什么要创建一个new Scanner(System.in);
Scanner userInput = new Scanner(System.in);
userInput = new Scanner(new File(filepath));
Scanner userInput = new Scanner(new File(filepath));
我试图从我的Java程序中读取一个充当数据库的. txt文件。在通过TextEdit和使用FileWriter类运行程序之前,我已经写入了该文件Java但是在运行这些代码行后,程序仍然显示一个空数组。这是唯一造成问题的地方,当我使用ArrayList作为临时数据库时,我代码的其余部分(此处未显示)运行良好。有人能帮我找出为什么. txt文件总是空的吗?
问题内容: 我正在尝试使用php创建一个脚本,该脚本将在文本文件中搜索并获取整行并回显它。 我有一个名为“ numorder.txt”的文本文件(.txt),并且在该文本文件中有几行数据,每5分钟会有新行出现(使用cron作业)。数据类似于: 我将如何创建一个php脚本来搜索数据“ aullah1”,然后抓起整行并回显它?(一旦回显,它应该显示“ 2 aullah1”(不带引号)。 如果我没有清楚
问题内容: 我正在尝试打开一个保存在源文件夹本身中的CSV文件名“ logger.csv”。 但是,这一直在给我一个“找不到文件”错误。 问题答案: 如果您现在就使用相对路径,则该文件需要存在于项目根目录中, 而不是 存在于java文件的目录中。 考虑以下层次结构: 不管用。 将 现在 的工作。(注意,该文件与src目录相邻。)
问题内容: 我在asp.net项目的Content文件夹中有一个json文件: …以及访问它的代码: …但是调用代码时什么也没发生;浏览器控制台说:“无法加载资源:服务器响应状态为404(未找到)” 为什么找不到?“波浪号文件名”不是通往文件的正确路径吗? 更新 我还尝试了向后“重击”: …并且得到相同的结果(“ 无法加载资源:服务器以404(未找到)状态进行响应 ”) 更新2 然后,我尝试了这种
问题内容: 我是全文搜索的新手,我使用以下查询 学生表包含数百万条随机记录,看起来像这样的“ QZAQHIEK VABCNLRM KFFZJYUU” 仅用了2秒,就产生了1100行。 如果在两秒钟内搜索了百万条记录,为什么我还要使用全文搜索呢? Like谓词是否也使用了全文索引? 问题答案: 我认为您已经回答了自己的问题,至少感到满意。如果您的原型制作在可接受的时间内产生了结果,并且您确信高速缓存