我想使用Python的Pandas库读取. xlsx文件,并将数据移植到postgreSQL表。
import pandas as pd
data = pd.ExcelFile("*File Name*")
dfs = pd.read_excel(xlsx_file, sheetname="sheet1")
Help on function read_excel in module pandas.io.excel:
read_excel(io, sheetname=0, header=0, skiprows=None, skip_footer=0, index_col=None, names=None, parse_cols=None, parse_dates=False, date_parser=None, na_values=None, thousands=None, convert_float=True, has_index_names=None, converters=None, true_values=None, false_values=None, engine=None, squeeze=False, **kwds)
Read an Excel table into a pandas DataFrame
io : string, path object (pathlib.Path or py._path.local.LocalPath),
file-like object, pandas ExcelFile, or xlrd workbook.
The string could be a URL. Valid URL schemes include http, ftp, s3,
and file. For file URLs, a host is expected. For instance, a local
file could be file://localhost/path/to/workbook.xlsx
sheetname : string, int, mixed list of strings/ints, or None, default 0
Strings are used for sheet names, Integers are used in zero-indexed
sheet positions.
Lists of strings/integers are used to request multiple sheets.
Specify None to get all sheets.
str|int -> DataFrame is returned.
list|None -> Dict of DataFrames is returned, with keys representing
Available Cases
* Defaults to 0 -> 1st sheet as a DataFrame
* 1 -> 2nd sheet as a DataFrame
* "Sheet1" -> 1st sheet as a DataFrame
* [0,1,"Sheet5"] -> 1st, 2nd & 5th sheet as a dictionary of DataFrames
* None -> All sheets as a dictionary of DataFrames
header : int, list of ints, default 0
Row (0-indexed) to use for the column labels of the parsed
DataFrame. If a list of integers is passed those row positions will
be combined into a ``MultiIndex``
skiprows : list-like
Rows to skip at the beginning (0-indexed)
skip_footer : int, default 0
Rows at the end to skip (0-indexed)
index_col : int, list of ints, default None
Column (0-indexed) to use as the row labels of the DataFrame.
Pass None if there is no such column. If a list is passed,
those columns will be combined into a ``MultiIndex``
names : array-like, default None
List of column names to use. If file contains no header row,
then you should explicitly pass header=None
converters : dict, default None
Dict of functions for converting values in certain columns. Keys can
either be integers or column labels, values are functions that take one
input argument, the Excel cell content, and return the transformed
true_values : list, default None
Values to consider as True
.. versionadded:: 0.19.0
false_values : list, default None
Values to consider as False
.. versionadded:: 0.19.0
parse_cols : int or list, default None
* If None then parse all columns,
* If int then indicates last column to be parsed
* If list of ints then indicates list of column numbers to be parsed
* If string then indicates comma separated list of column names and
column ranges (e.g. "A:E" or "A,C,E:F")
squeeze : boolean, default False
If the parsed data only contains one column then return a Series
na_values : scalar, str, list-like, or dict, default None
Additional strings to recognize as NA/NaN. If dict passed, specific
per-column NA values. By default the following values are interpreted
as NaN: '', '#N/A', '#N/A N/A', '#NA', '-1.#IND', '-1.#QNAN', '-NaN', '-nan',
'1.#IND', '1.#QNAN', 'N/A', 'NA', 'NULL', 'NaN', 'nan'.
thousands : str, default None
Thousands separator for parsing string columns to numeric. Note that
this parameter is only necessary for columns stored as TEXT in Excel,
any numeric columns will automatically be parsed, regardless of display
keep_default_na : bool, default True
If na_values are specified and keep_default_na is False the default NaN
values are overridden, otherwise they're appended to.
verbose : boolean, default False
Indicate number of NA values placed in non-numeric columns
engine: string, default None
If io is not a buffer or path, this must be set to identify io.
Acceptable values are None or xlrd
convert_float : boolean, default True
convert integral floats to int (i.e., 1.0 --> 1). If False, all numeric
data will be read in as floats: Excel stores all numbers as floats
has_index_names : boolean, default None
DEPRECATED: for version 0.17+ index names will be automatically
inferred based on index_col. To read Excel output from 0.16.2 and
prior that had saved index names, use True.
parsed : DataFrame or Dict of DataFrames
DataFrame from the passed in Excel file. See notes in sheetname
argument for more information on when a Dict of Dataframes is returned.
from pandas import read_excel
my_sheet = 'Sheet1' # change it to your sheet name, you can find your sheet name at the bottom left of your excel file
file_name = 'products_and_categories.xlsx' # change it to the name of your excel file
df = read_excel(file_name, sheet_name = my_sheet)
print(df.head()) # shows headers with top 5 rows
xl_file = pd.ExcelFile(file_name)
dfs = {sheet_name: xl_file.parse(sheet_name)
for sheet_name in xl_file.sheet_names}
dfs = pd.read_excel(file_name, sheet_name=None)
sheet name
,而不是sheet\u name
dfs = pd.read_excel(file_name, sheetname=None)
问题内容: 我想使用python的Pandas库读取.xlsx文件,并将数据移植到postgreSQL表中。 到目前为止,我所能做的就是: 现在,我知道该步骤已成功执行,但是我想知道如何解析已读取的excel文件,以便可以了解excel中的数据如何映射到变量数据中的数据。 我没弄错,数据就是Dataframe对象。因此,我如何解析此dataframe对象以逐行提取每一行。 问题答案: 我通常会为每
问题内容: 我正在尝试读取“ file.txt”,然后使用Golang将内容放入变量中。这是我尝试过的… 文件已成功读取,并且从 os.Open 返回的返回类型为 * os.File 问题答案: 这取决于您要执行的操作。 它输出&{0xc082016240}的原因是因为您正在打印文件描述符()的指针值,而不是文件内容。要获取文件内容,可以从文件描述符中获取。 要将所有文件内容(以字节为单位)读取到
这个小册子面向的读者,是对金数据已经有一些使用经验、想要扩展使用思路、更好地应对工作的金数据用户。每一篇控制在了几页之内,帮助读者能够在很短的时间里了解新的用法。 本书分为五个部分: 使用技巧 金数据个人版(jinshuju.net)产品使用技巧集锦。每一篇技巧按照针对实际发生的场景精心而写,都能在很短的时间内读完并且迅速派上用场。大部分接触过金数据的读者都可以从这里开始。没有先后顺序,可以根据目
问题内容: 我想从文本文件中读取文本。在下面的代码中,发生异常(这意味着它进入了该块)。我将文本文件放在应用程序文件夹中。我应该在哪里放置此文本文件()以便正确阅读? 问题答案: 我假设你的文本文件在SD卡上 //Don’t hardcode “/sdcard” File sdcard = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(); //Get the t
我可以知道为什么我看不懂a中的下一行吗。txt文件时,我上传它。这发生在所有的人身上。txt文件,我尝试上传,然后系统。出来println()带。在我的文本文件中,它包含:猫、狗、猴子(每一行)。。但输出值为: 需要这方面的帮助。非常感谢。 想知道为什么我会读书。txt文件,而不是。文件编号:。也需要这方面的建议。
怎样阅读本书 技术书籍经常要面对这样两难的困境:是迎合自上至下的初学者,还是自下至上的初学者。一个自上至下的学习者会喜欢略读文档,得到对系统工作原理的总体看法;然后她才会开始实际使用软件。而一个自下至上的学习者,是“通过实践学习”的人,他们希望快速的开始使用软件,自己领会软件的使用,只在必要时读取相关章节。大多数图书会倾向于针对某一类读者,而本书毫无疑问倾向于自上至下的方法。(如果你阅读了本节,那
问题内容: 我需要在Java应用程序中读取Excel 2007 XLSX文件。有谁知道一个很好的API来完成这项任务? 问题答案: AFAIK还没有可用的xlsx库。但是有些旧的xls: 一个库是jxls,它内部使用已经提到的POI。 其他2个链接:处理Excel文件,用于读写Excel XLS文档文件的Java库 。