C:\minikube>minikube start --memory 4096 --vm-driver=virtualbox --docker-env http_proxy=xx.xx.xx:8080 --docker-env https_proxy=xx.xx.xx:8080 --docker-env no_proxy=localhost,, --cache-images=false
Starting local Kubernetes v1.9.0 cluster...
Starting VM...
Getting VM IP address...
Moving files into cluster...
Setting up certs...
Connecting to cluster...
Setting up kubeconfig...
Starting cluster components...
Kubectl is now configured to use the cluster.
Loading cached images from config file.
C:\minikube>kubectl version
Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"9", GitVersion:"v1.9.0", GitCommit:"925c127ec6b946659ad0fd596fa959be43f0cc05", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2017-12-15T21:07:38Z", GoVersion:"go1.9.2", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"windows/amd64"}
Unable to connect to the server: dial tcp connectex: An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions.
Feb 01 08:48:35 minikube localkube[2941]: E0201 08:48:35.223594 2941 proxier.go:1701] Failed to delete stale service IP connections, error: error deleting connection tracking
file not found in $PATH
Feb 01 08:48:38 minikube localkube[2941]: I0201 08:48:38.738404 2941 node_controller.go:857] Controller detected that some Nodes are Ready. Exiting master disruption mode.
Feb 01 08:48:45 minikube localkube[2941]: W0201 08:48:45.765543 2941 conversion.go:110] Could not get instant cpu stats: different number of cpus
Feb 01 08:48:55 minikube localkube[2941]: W0201 08:48:55.776172 2941 conversion.go:110] Could not get instant cpu stats: different number of cpus
Feb 01 08:49:24 minikube localkube[2941]: E0201 08:49:24.338731 2941 healthcheck.go:317] Failed to start node healthz on 0: listen tcp: address 0: missing port in address
Feb 01 08:50:24 minikube localkube[2941]: E0201 08:50:24.341890 2941 healthcheck.go:317] Failed to start node healthz on 0: listen tcp: address 0: missing port in address
Feb 01 08:51:24 minikube localkube[2941]: E0201 08:51:24.342845 2941 healthcheck.go:317] Failed to start node healthz on 0: listen tcp: address 0: missing port in address
Feb 01 08:52:24 minikube localkube[2941]: E0201 08:52:24.344497 2941 healthcheck.go:317] Failed to start node healthz on 0: listen tcp: address 0: missing port in address
Feb 01 08:53:24 minikube localkube[2941]: E0201 08:53:24.349095 2941 healthcheck.go:317] Failed to start node healthz on 0: listen tcp: address 0: missing port in address
Feb 01 08:54:24 minikube localkube[2941]: E0201 08:54:24.351143 2941 healthcheck.go:317] Failed to start node healthz on 0: listen tcp: address 0: missing port in address
minikube start --docker-env HTTP_PROXY=http://$YOURPROXY:PORT \ --docker-env HTTPS_PROXY=https://$YOURPROXY:PORT
我是库伯内特斯的新手,我正在学习。我有我的视窗8机器,我在那里安装了瓦格兰特。使用流浪者,我运行ubuntu虚拟机,在虚拟机中,我运行3个docker容器。 流浪者档案: 容器 in Ubuntu VM : 在同一个VM中,现在我安装了迷你库贝和库贝特,如此链接中所述 迷你库贝版本: kubectl版本: 迷你库贝在我的 ubuntu VM 中成功启动。我已经创建了 文件。 使用这个yml文件,我
我对迷你库贝很陌生。 我想在本地机器上尝试迷你库贝。 我安装了乌班图服务器和泊坞窗。 我已经下载并使用此命令启动了迷你库贝: sudo minikube start--vm驱动程序=无 如果我键入此命令: sudo kubectl get services --all-namespaces 如果我输入:sudo minikube仪表板--url,我得到:
我正在尝试创建minikube集群,但总是失败。 任何建议都非常欢迎: C:\WINDOWS\system32 Microsoft Windows 10 Home 10.0.19042 Build 19042上的minikube v1.16.0 根据用户配置使用vmware驱动程序 启动群集minikube中的控制平面节点minikube 正在创建vmware VM(CPU=2,内存=4000MB
我在我的Windows机器上成功安装了迷你库贝,并正在使用它。突然间,迷你库贝启动命令有一天无法正常工作,所以我强制删除了.minikube目录,并从Windows上的Hyper-V管理器中删除了迷你库贝。 此后,我无法在windows机器上创建/启动minikube。我可以看到在Hyper-V管理器中创建了一个VM,但minikube没有以以下错误开始。 我发现这个链接似乎很久以前就被修复了。h
当我运行这个命令时: minikube start --vm-driver=hyperv minikube无法启动并显示以下错误: minikube v1.7.2 on Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise 根据用户配置使用 hyperv 驱动程序 !“hyperv”驱动程序报告了一个问题:C:\ WINDOWS \ System32 \ WINDOWS powershe
我按照官方报告中的说明在kubernetes上安装,但是当我试图使用UI时,我得到了404。有人能告诉我可能是什么问题吗? repo:https://github . com/Apache/incubator-air flow/tree/master/scripts/ci/kubernetes 澄清一下,我遵循的指示是: 将 kubectl 点到本地微型 kube 群集 (v1.10.0) 克隆存