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在spring security 4中,不重定向到过期url的并发会话


在spring security 4中,并发会话不重定向到过期的url,而是重定向到失败的身份验证url。下面是java配置代码片段。

/*start of code*/
public class SecurityContextConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {

private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SecurityContextConfig.class);

 * @param auth
 * @throws Exception
public void configureGlobal(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {
    logger.debug("configureGlobal() : Start : auth={}", auth);

public void configure(WebSecurity web) throws Exception {
    logger.debug("configure() : Start : web={}", web);
    // This is here to ensure that the static content (JavaScript, CSS, etc)
    // is accessible from the login page without authentication

protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
    logger.debug("configure() : Start : http={}", http);


            // This is where we configure our login form.
            // login-page: the page that contains the login screen
            // login-processing-url: this is the URL to which the login form
            // should be submitted
            // default-target-url: the URL to which the user will be
            // redirected if they login successfully
            // authentication-failure-url: the URL to which the user will be
            // redirected if they fail login
            // username-parameter: the name of the request parameter which
            // contains the username
            // password-parameter: the name of the request parameter which
            // contains the password

            // This is where the logout page and process is configured. The
            // logout-url is the URL to send
            // the user to in order to logout, the logout-success-url is
            // where they are taken if the logout
            // is successful, and the delete-cookies and invalidate-session
            // make sure that we clean up after logout


            // The session management is used to ensure the user only has
            // one session. This isn't
            // compulsory but can add some extra security to your
            // application.
    logger.debug("configure() : End : http={}", http);


 * @return
@Bean(name = "loginSuccessHandler")
public LoginSuccessHandler loginSuccessHandler() {
    logger.debug("loginSuccessHandler() : Start.");
    LoginSuccessHandler loginSuccessHandler = new LoginSuccessHandler();

    logger.debug("loginSuccessHandler() : End : loginSuccessHandler={}", loginSuccessHandler);
    return loginSuccessHandler;}

 * @return
@Bean(name = "logoutHandler")
public LogoutHandler logoutHandler() {
    logger.debug("logoutHandler() : Start.");

    LogoutHandler logoutHandler = new LogoutHandler();

    logger.debug("logoutHandler() : End : logoutHandler={}", logoutHandler);

    return logoutHandler;

 * @return
@Bean(name = "authenticationProvider")
public UserDetailsAuthenticationProvider userDetailsAuthenticationProvider() {
    logger.debug("userDetailsAuthenticationProvider() : Start.");

    UserDetailsAuthenticationProvider authenticationProvider = new UserDetailsAuthenticationProvider();

    logger.debug("userDetailsAuthenticationProvider() : End : authenticationProvider={}", authenticationProvider);

    return authenticationProvider;

public AccessDeniedHandlerImpl accessDeniedHandler(){

AccessDeniedHandlerImpl accessDeniedHandler=new AccessDeniedHandlerImpl();
accessDeniedHandler.setErrorPage("/login?reason=Access Denied");
    return accessDeniedHandler;







java prettyprint-override">http
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