我正在尝试为java应用程序创建本机安装程序。我已经成功地在开放JDK / Linux上使用了jpackage,但现在我在Windows上的甲骨文JDK中。
<exec executable="jpackage" failonerror="true">
<arg line="--version"/>
<exec executable="jpackage" failonerror="true">
<arg line="--help"/>
<exec executable="jpackage" failonerror="true">
<arg line="--input target/dist"/>
<arg line="--main-jar ${project.artifactId}-${project.version}.jar"/>
<arg line="--main-class ${mainclass}"/>
<arg line="--dest target"/>
<arg line="--name ${project.artifactId}"/>
<arg line="--app-version ${project.version}"/>
<arg line="--type exe"/>
<arg line="--verbose"/>
[exec] 16.0.1
[exec] Usage: jpackage <options>
[exec] Sample usages:
[exec] --------------
[exec] Generate an application package suitable for the host system:
[exec] For a modular application:
[exec] jpackage -n name -p modulePath -m moduleName/className
[exec] For a non-modular application:
[exec] jpackage -i inputDir -n name \
[exec] --main-class className --main-jar myJar.jar
[exec] From a pre-built application image:
[exec] jpackage -n name --app-image appImageDir
[exec] Generate an application image:
[exec] For a modular application:
[exec] jpackage --type app-image -n name -p modulePath \
[exec] -m moduleName/className
[exec] For a non-modular application:
[exec] jpackage --type app-image -i inputDir -n name \
[exec] --main-class className --main-jar myJar.jar
[exec] To provide your own options to jlink, run jlink separately:
[exec] jlink --output appRuntimeImage -p modulePath -m moduleName \
[exec] --no-header-files [<additional jlink options>...]
[exec] jpackage --type app-image -n name \
[exec] -m moduleName/className --runtime-image appRuntimeImage
[exec] Generate a Java runtime package:
[exec] jpackage -n name --runtime-image <runtime-image>
[exec] Generic Options:
[exec] @<filename>
[exec] Read options and/or mode from a file
[exec] This option can be used multiple times.
[exec] --type -t <type>
[exec] The type of package to create
[exec] Valid values are: {"app-image", "exe", "msi"}
[exec] If this option is not specified a platform dependent
[exec] default type will be created.
[exec] --app-version <version>
[exec] Version of the application and/or package
[exec] --copyright <copyright string>
[exec] Copyright for the application
[exec] --description <description string>
[exec] Description of the application
[exec] --help -h
[exec] Print the usage text with a list and description of each valid
[exec] option for the current platform to the output stream, and exit
[exec] --name -n <name>
[exec] Name of the application and/or package
[exec] --dest -d <destination path>
[exec] Path where generated output file is placed
[exec] Defaults to the current working directory.
[exec] (absolute path or relative to the current directory)
[exec] --temp <file path>
[exec] Path of a new or empty directory used to create temporary files
[exec] (absolute path or relative to the current directory)
[exec] If specified, the temp dir will not be removed upon the task
[exec] completion and must be removed manually
[exec] If not specified, a temporary directory will be created and
[exec] removed upon the task completion.
[exec] --vendor <vendor string>
[exec] Vendor of the application
[exec] --verbose
[exec] Enables verbose output
[exec] --version
[exec] Print the product version to the output stream and exit
[exec] Options for creating the runtime image:
[exec] --add-modules <module name>[,<module name>...]
[exec] A comma (",") separated list of modules to add.
[exec] This module list, along with the main module (if specified)
[exec] will be passed to jlink as the --add-module argument.
[exec] if not specified, either just the main module (if --module is
[exec] specified), or the default set of modules (if --main-jar is
[exec] specified) are used.
[exec] This option can be used multiple times.
[exec] --module-path -p <module path>...
[exec] A ; separated list of paths
[exec] Each path is either a directory of modules or the path to a
[exec] modular jar.
[exec] (each path is absolute or relative to the current directory)
[exec] This option can be used multiple times.
[exec] --jlink-options <jlink options>
[exec] A space separated list of options to pass to jlink
[exec] If not specified, defaults to "--strip-native-commands
[exec] --strip-debug --no-man-pages --no-header-files"
[exec] This option can be used multiple times.
[exec] --runtime-image <file path>
[exec] Path of the predefined runtime image that will be copied into
[exec] the application image
[exec] (absolute path or relative to the current directory)
[exec] If --runtime-image is not specified, jpackage will run jlink to
[exec] create the runtime image using options:
[exec] --strip-debug, --no-header-files, --no-man-pages, and
[exec] --strip-native-commands.
[exec] Options for creating the application image:
[exec] --icon <icon file path>
[exec] Path of the icon of the application package
[exec] (absolute path or relative to the current directory)
[exec] --input -i <input path>
[exec] Path of the input directory that contains the files to be packaged
[exec] (absolute path or relative to the current directory)
[exec] All files in the input directory will be packaged into the
[exec] application image.
[exec] Options for creating the application launcher(s):
[exec] --add-launcher <launcher name>=<file path>
[exec] Name of launcher, and a path to a Properties file that contains
[exec] a list of key, value pairs
[exec] (absolute path or relative to the current directory)
[exec] The keys "module", "main-jar", "main-class",
[exec] "arguments", "java-options", "app-version", "icon", and
[exec] "win-console" can be used.
[exec] These options are added to, or used to overwrite, the original
[exec] command line options to build an additional alternative launcher.
[exec] The main application launcher will be built from the command line
[exec] options. Additional alternative launchers can be built using
[exec] this option, and this option can be used multiple times to
[exec] build multiple additional launchers.
[exec] --arguments <main class arguments>
[exec] Command line arguments to pass to the main class if no command
[exec] line arguments are given to the launcher
[exec] This option can be used multiple times.
[exec] --java-options <java options>
[exec] Options to pass to the Java runtime
[exec] This option can be used multiple times.
[exec] --main-class <class name>
[exec] Qualified name of the application main class to execute
[exec] This option can only be used if --main-jar is specified.
[exec] --main-jar <main jar file>
[exec] The main JAR of the application; containing the main class
[exec] (specified as a path relative to the input path)
[exec] Either --module or --main-jar option can be specified but not
[exec] both.
[exec] --module -m <module name>[/<main class>]
[exec] The main module (and optionally main class) of the application
[exec] This module must be located on the module path.
[exec] When this option is specified, the main module will be linked
[exec] in the Java runtime image. Either --module or --main-jar
[exec] option can be specified but not both.
[exec] Platform dependent option for creating the application launcher:
[exec] --win-console
[exec] Creates a console launcher for the application, should be
[exec] specified for application which requires console interactions
[exec] Options for creating the application package:
[exec] --app-image <file path>
[exec] Location of the predefined application image that is used
[exec] to build an installable package
[exec] (absolute path or relative to the current directory)
[exec] --file-associations <file path>
[exec] Path to a Properties file that contains list of key, value pairs
[exec] (absolute path or relative to the current directory)
[exec] The keys "extension", "mime-type", "icon", and "description"
[exec] can be used to describe the association.
[exec] This option can be used multiple times.
[exec] --install-dir <file path>
[exec] Relative sub-path under the default installation location
[exec] --license-file <file path>
[exec] Path to the license file
[exec] (absolute path or relative to the current directory)
[exec] --resource-dir <path>
[exec] Path to override jpackage resources
[exec] Icons, template files, and other resources of jpackage can be
[exec] over-ridden by adding replacement resources to this directory.
[exec] (absolute path or relative to the current directory)
[exec] --runtime-image <file-path>
[exec] Path of the predefined runtime image to install
[exec] (absolute path or relative to the current directory)
[exec] Option is required when creating a runtime package.
[exec] Platform dependent options for creating the application package:
[exec] --win-dir-chooser
[exec] Adds a dialog to enable the user to choose a directory in which
[exec] the product is installed
[exec] --win-menu
[exec] Adds the application to the system menu
[exec] --win-menu-group <menu group name>
[exec] Start Menu group this application is placed in
[exec] --win-per-user-install
[exec] Request to perform an install on a per-user basis
[exec] --win-shortcut
[exec] Creates a desktop shortcut for the application
[exec] --win-upgrade-uuid <id string>
[exec] UUID associated with upgrades for this package
[exec] [22:46:46.538] Can not find WiX tools (light.exe, candle.exe)
[exec] [22:46:46.529] Running candle.exe
[exec] [22:46:46.538] Download WiX 3.0 or later from https://wixtoolset.org and add it to the PATH.
[exec] [22:46:46.539] jdk.jpackage.internal.PackagerException: Error: Invalid or unsupported type: [exe]
[exec] at jdk.jpackage/jdk.jpackage.internal.Arguments.generateBundle(Arguments.java:658)
[exec] at jdk.jpackage/jdk.jpackage.internal.Arguments.processArguments(Arguments.java:538)
[exec] at jdk.jpackage/jdk.jpackage.main.Main.execute(Main.java:98)
[exec] at jdk.jpackage/jdk.jpackage.main.Main.main(Main.java:52)
[exec] [22:46:46.538] Can not find WiX tools (light.exe, candle.exe)
[exec] [22:46:46.529] Running candle.exe
[exec] [22:46:46.538] Download WiX 3.0 or later from https://wixtoolset.org and
add it to the PATH.
Android studio曾经抱怨使用OpenJDK,并推荐Oracle JDK。然而,在最新的Android Studio中,这个提示消失了(可能是由于两家公司之间的法律纠纷)。 我今天安装了甲骨文1.8.0.92 JDK和Android Studio 2.1.1似乎运行速度更快,明显更快。 你知道Android studio在Java 1.8和OpenJDK与Oracle JDK方面的现状吗
Support for the Oracle database. The following table summarizes current support levels for database release versions. 支持的Oracle版本 The following dialect/DBAPI options are available. Please refer to ind
问题内容: 我似乎无法弄清楚我的代码出了什么问题,但是我不断得到: 这是我的代码: 当我在查询中将’ ‘而不是设置为变量时,它可以正常工作,因此我知道这是元组语法或其他问题。我已经试过了,没有括号,有第二个变量,有没有单独定义的游标,基本上我能想到的每种方法,我已经研究了数小时,但是却一无所获,所以任何帮助都是超级有用的赞赏。 问题答案: 嵌套列表,元组用于,而不用于。 传递包含参数的平面列表(或
我刚接触oracle forms,遇到了一个问题。我在表单中有两个具有相同字段的多个记录块。 我查询一个块的数据,它被填充。 哪里有一种方法可以将所有行从填充的块复制到“复制”块?
我正在开发基本的Spring Boot应用程序,它启用了Spring Security性 当我尝试在my thymeleaf HTML中使用CSS时,出现以下错误: 拒绝应用http://localhost:9999/login的样式,因为它的MIME类型(text/html)不是受支持的样式表MIME类型,并且启用了严格的MIME检查。