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如何打印带有public void testDistanceBetween_AD的vaule



public void testDistanceBetween_ABC public void testDistanceBetween_AD public void testDistanceBetween_ADC public void testDistanceBetween_AEBCD public void testDistanceBetween_AED public void numRoutesWithin_CC30 public void TestQuals



package com.utsavized.trains;

public class Node {
public String name;
public boolean visited;

public Node(String name) {
    this.name = name;
    this.visited = false;

public boolean equals(Object b) {
    if (b == null || b.getClass() != getClass()) {
        return false;
    Node bx = (Node)b;
    return this.name.equals(bx.name);

public int hashCode() {
    if(this.name == null) return 0;
    return this.name.hashCode();


public class Edge {

public Node origin;

public Node destination;

public int weight;

public Edge next;

public Edge(Node origin, Node destination, int weight) {
    this.origin         = origin;
    this.destination    = destination;
    this.weight         = weight;
    this.next       = null;

public Edge next(Edge edge) {
    this.next = edge;
    return this;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Hashtable;

public class Routes {
public Hashtable<Node, Edge> routeTable;

public Routes() {
    this.routeTable = new Hashtable<Node, Edge>();

public int distanceBetween(ArrayList<Node> cities) throws Exception {
    /*There is no distance between
     * no cities or 1 city*/
    if(cities.size() < 2)
        return 0;
    int distance, depth, i;
    distance = depth = i = 0;

    /* For each city in the list,
     * we check if entry exists in our
     * hash table.
    while(i < cities.size() - 1) {
        if(this.routeTable.containsKey(cities.get(i))) {
            Edge route = this.routeTable.get(cities.get(i));
            /*If key exists, we check if route from key to next
             * city exists. We add the distance, and maintain a
             * depth count
            while(route != null) {
                if(route.destination.equals(cities.get(i + 1))) {
                    distance += route.weight;
                route = route.next;
            throw new Exception("NO SUCH ROUTE");
    /*If edge depth is not equal to vertex - 1,
     * then it is safe to assume that one ore more
     * routes do not exist
    if(depth != cities.size() - 1)
        throw new Exception("NO SUCH ROUTE");

    return distance;

 * Number of stops;
 * Wrapper for recursive function
public int numStops(Node start, Node end, int maxStops) throws Exception{
    //Wrapper to maintain depth of traversal
    return findRoutes(start, end, 0, maxStops);

 * Finds number of stops from start to end,
 * with a maximum of maxStops and the depth
 * limit.
private int findRoutes(Node start, Node end, int depth, int maxStops) throws Exception{
    int routes = 0;
    //Check if start and end nodes exists in route table
    if(this.routeTable.containsKey(start) && this.routeTable.containsKey(end)) {
         * If start node exists then traverse all possible
         * routes and for each, check if it is destination
         * If destination, and number of stops within 
         * allowed limits, count it as possible route.
        if(depth > maxStops)        //Check if depth level is within        limits
            return 0;
        start.visited = true;       //Mark start node as visited
        Edge edge = this.routeTable.get(start);
        while(edge != null) {
            /* If destination matches, we increment route
             * count, then continue to next node at same depth
            if(edge.destination.equals(end)) {
                edge = edge.next;
            /* If destination does not match, and
             * destination node has not yet been visited,
             * we recursively traverse destination node
            else if(!edge.destination.visited) {
                routes += findRoutes(edge.destination, end, depth,                                                        maxStops);
            edge = edge.next;
        throw new Exception("NO SUCH ROUTE");

     * Before exiting this recursive stack level,
     * we mark the start node as visited.
    start.visited = false;
    return routes;

 * Shortest route;
 * Wrapper for recursive function
public int shortestRoute(Node start, Node end) throws Exception {
    //Wrapper to maintain weight
    return findShortestRoute(start, end, 0, 0);


 * Finds the shortest route between two nodes
private int findShortestRoute(Node start, Node end, int weight, int shortestRoute) throws Exception{
    //Check if start and end nodes exists in route table
    if(this.routeTable.containsKey(start) && this.routeTable.containsKey(end)) {
         * If start node exists then traverse all possible
         * routes and for each, check if it is destination
        start.visited = true;       //Mark start node as visited
        Edge edge = this.routeTable.get(start);
        while(edge != null) {
            //If node not already visited, or is the destination, increment weight
            if(edge.destination == end || !edge.destination.visited)
                weight += edge.weight;

            /* If destination matches, we compare
             * weight of this route to shortest route
             * so far, and make appropriate switch
            if(edge.destination.equals(end)) {
                if(shortestRoute == 0 || weight < shortestRoute)
                    shortestRoute = weight;
                start.visited = false;
                return shortestRoute;           //Unvisit node and return shortest route
            /* If destination does not match, and
             * destination node has not yet been visited,
             * we recursively traverse destination node
            else if(!edge.destination.visited) {
                shortestRoute = findShortestRoute(edge.destination, end, weight, shortestRoute);
                //Decrement weight as we backtrack
                weight -= edge.weight;
            edge = edge.next;
        throw new Exception("NO SUCH ROUTE");

     * Before exiting this recursive stack level,
     * we mark the start node as visited.
    start.visited = false;
    return shortestRoute;


 * Shortest route;
 * Wrapper for recursive function
public int numRoutesWithin(Node start, Node end, int maxDistance) throws Exception {
    //Wrapper to maintain weight
    return findnumRoutesWithin(start, end, 0, maxDistance);

 * Finds the shortest route between two nodes
private int findnumRoutesWithin(Node start, Node end, int weight, int maxDistance) throws Exception{
    int routes = 0;
    //Check if start and end nodes exists in route table
    if(this.routeTable.containsKey(start) && this.routeTable.containsKey(end)) {
         * If start node exists then traverse all possible
         * routes and for each, check if it is destination
        Edge edge = this.routeTable.get(start);
        while(edge != null) {
            weight += edge.weight; 
            /* If distance is under max, keep traversing
             * even if match is found until distance is > max
            if(weight <= maxDistance) {
                if(edge.destination.equals(end)) {
                    routes += findnumRoutesWithin(edge.destination, end, weight, maxDistance);
                    edge = edge.next;
                else {
                    routes += findnumRoutesWithin(edge.destination, end, weight, maxDistance);
                    weight -= edge.weight;  //Decrement weight as we backtrack
                weight -= edge.weight;

            edge = edge.next;
        throw new Exception("NO SUCH ROUTE");

    return routes;



    package com.utsavized.trains;

    import static org.junit.Assert.*;

    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.stream.Collectors;

    import org.junit.BeforeClass;
    import org.junit.Test;

    public class TrainsTest {
static Routes graph;
static Node a, b, c, d, e;

public static void setUpBeforeClass() throws Exception {
    graph = new Routes(); //Build graph

    a = new Node("A");
    b = new Node("B");
    c = new Node("C");
    d = new Node("D");
    e = new Node("E");

    /*Input given in programming challenge
    Graph: AB5, BC4, CD8, DC8, DE6, AD5, CE2, EB3, AE7*/
    graph.routeTable.put(a, new Edge(a, b, 5).next(new Edge(a, d, 5).next(new Edge(a, e, 7))));
    graph.routeTable.put(b, new Edge(b, c, 4));
    graph.routeTable.put(c, new Edge(c, d, 8).next(new Edge(c, e, 2)));
    graph.routeTable.put(d, new Edge(d, c, 8).next(new Edge(d, e, 6)));
    graph.routeTable.put(e, new Edge(e, b, 3));

public void testDistanceBetween_ABC() throws Exception {
    ArrayList<Node> route = new ArrayList<Node>(); 
    assertEquals(9, graph.distanceBetween(route));      


public void testDistanceBetween_AD() throws Exception {
    ArrayList<Node> route = new ArrayList<Node>(); 
    assertEquals(5, graph.distanceBetween(route));

public void testDistanceBetween_ADC() throws Exception  {
    ArrayList<Node> route = new ArrayList<Node>(); 
    assertEquals(13, graph.distanceBetween(route));

public void testDistanceBetween_AEBCD() throws Exception  {
    ArrayList<Node> route = new ArrayList<Node>(); 
    assertEquals(22, graph.distanceBetween(route));

public void testDistanceBetween_AED() throws Exception  {
    ArrayList<Node> route = new ArrayList<Node>(); 
    assertEquals(-1, graph.distanceBetween(route));

public void testNumStops_CC3() throws Exception {
    int numStops = graph.numStops(c, c, 3);
    assertEquals(2, numStops);

public void testNumStops_AC4() throws Exception {
    int numStops = graph.numStops(a, c, 4);
    assertEquals(4, numStops);

public void testShortestRoute_AC() throws Exception {
    int shortestRoute = graph.shortestRoute(a, c);
    assertEquals(9, shortestRoute);

public void testShortestRoute_BB() throws Exception {
    int shortestRoute = graph.shortestRoute(b, b);
    assertEquals(9, shortestRoute);

public void numRoutesWithin_CC30() throws Exception {
    int numRoutesWithin = graph.numRoutesWithin(c, c, 30);
    assertEquals(7, numRoutesWithin);

public void testEquals() {
    Node a1 = new Node("A");
    Node a2 = new Node("A");
    Node b = new Node("B");

    assertEquals(true, a1.equals(a2));
    assertEquals(false, a1.equals(b));
    assertEquals(true, (new Node("Test").equals(new Node("Test"))));


嗨,我正在打印a、b和C的值。正如您所看到的,我在路由上使用了System out println,但它没有输出任何内容。有没有一种方法可以在不对方法进行太多修改的情况下输出结果?

public void testDistanceBetween_ADC() throws Exception  {
    ArrayList<Node> route = new ArrayList<Node>(); 
    assertEquals(13, graph.distanceBetween(route));





public String toString(){
    return name;


System.out.println(route.stream().map(n -> n.name).collect(Collectors.toList()));


...stream().map(n -> new NodeDecorator(n))...
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