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如果thismoving具有相同的值,则public boolean mergesWith(Tile moving)方法返回true。但当我通过执行以下操作检查它们是否相同时:

if(this.value == temp.value){
    return true;


package Game2048;

// Concrete implementation of a Tile. TwoNTiles merge with each other
// but only if they have the same value.

public class TwoNTile extends Tile {

    private int value;

    // Create a tile with the given value of n; should be a power of 2
    // though no error checking is done
    public TwoNTile(int n){
        value = n;

    // Returns true if this tile merges with the given tile. "this"
    // (calling tile) is assumed to be the stationary tile while moving
    // is presumed to be the moving tile. TwoNTiles only merge with
    // other TwoNTiles with the same internal value.
    public boolean mergesWith(Tile moving){
        Tile temp = moving;
        if(this.value == temp.value){
            return true;
            return false;

    // Produce a new tile which is the result of merging this tile with
    // the other. For TwoNTiles, the new Tile will be another TwoNTile
    // and will have the sum of the two merged tiles for its value.
    // Throw a runtime exception with a useful error message if this
    // tile and other cannot be merged.
    public Tile merge(Tile moving){

        return null;

    // Get the score for this tile. The score for TwoNTiles are its face
    // value.
    public int getScore(){

        return -1;

    // Return a string representation of the tile
    public String toString(){

        return "";


package Game2048;

// Abstract notion of a game tile.
public abstract class Tile{
  // Returns true if this tile merges with the given tile. 
  public abstract boolean mergesWith(Tile other);

  // Produce a new tile which is the result of merging this tile with
  // the other. May throw an exception if merging is illegal
  public abstract Tile merge(Tile other);

  // Get the score for this tile.
  public abstract int getScore();

  // Return a string representation of the tile
  public abstract String toString();





public boolean mergesWith(Tile moving){
    return this.value == temp.value;



public abstract class Tile{
   // ...
   // add a value to Tile
   protected int value; 
   // ...


Tile t = new TwoNTile(...);


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