Inventory class.
Chad Peppers
This class creates a object for stacking nodes
In addition, there should be member functions to perform the following
- Push to the stack
- Pop to the stack
- Function to check if empty
// Specification file for the DynIntStack class
template <class T>
class Inventory
// Structure for stack nodes
struct StackNode
T value; // Value in the node
StackNode *next; // Pointer to the next node
StackNode *top; // Pointer to the stack top
// Constructor
{ top = NULL; }
// Destructor
// Stack operations
void push(T);
void pop(T &);
bool isEmpty();
Basic class constructor.
Input Parameters: Information to build the stack
Return Type: void
template<class T>
StackNode *nodePtr, *nextNode;
// Position nodePtr at the top of the stack.
nodePtr = top;
// Traverse the list deleting each node.
while (nodePtr != NULL)
nextNode = nodePtr->next;
delete nodePtr;
nodePtr = nextNode;
Function to push an item in the stack
Input Parameters: T
Return Type: void
template<class T>
void Inventory<T>::push(T num)
StackNode *newNode; // Pointer to a new node
// Allocate a new node and store num there.
newNode = new StackNode;
newNode->value = num;
// If there are no nodes in the list
// make newNode the first node.
if (isEmpty())
top = newNode;
newNode->next = NULL;
else // Otherwise, insert NewNode before top.
newNode->next = top;
top = newNode;
Function to pop an item in the stack
Input Parameters: T
Return Type: void
template<class T>
void Inventory<T>::pop(T &num)
StackNode *temp; // Temporary pointer
// First make sure the stack isn't empty.
if (isEmpty())
cout << "The stack is empty.\n";
else // pop value off top of stack
num = top->value;
temp = top->next;
delete top;
top = temp;
Basic class deconstructor.
Input Parameters: None
Return Type: void
template<class T>
bool Inventory<T>::isEmpty()
bool status;
if (!top)
status = true;
status = false;
return status;
#include "Inventory.h"
//create an aggregate structure
struct ProductData {
int serial_num;
int manufacture_date;
int lot_num;
//instantiate Inventory for ProductData
Inventory<ProductData> stack;
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问题内容: 我在数据库中有一个表,记录如下: 我的用户为每个匹配项选择一个猜测,我有一个函数可以根据匹配结果计算猜测的结果:如果猜测正确,则结果为(1)如果错误,则结果为(2 ),如果比赛还没有结束,结果将是(默认为0),例如,我有11种猜测的可能性(一次可能有多个正确的猜测):如果我有一场比赛,id = 125,我拥有全部除了8,11之外的其他猜测都是错误的,因此我应该为具有匹配ID的所有匹配更
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