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enum Animal {
  BIRD = 'bird',
  DOG = 'dog',

type Base = {
    id: number

// Object example
type Smth = Base &
    | {
        animalType: Animal.BIRD;
        config: number;
    | {
        animalType: Animal.DOG;
        config: string;

// type guards working
const smthObj: Smth = {
  id: 1,
  animalType: Animal.BIRD,
  config: 1

// should be error
const smthObj2: Smth = {
  id: 1,
  animalType: Animal.BIRD,
  config: 'x'

if (smthObj.animalType === Animal.BIRD) {
 smthObj.config = 1;
 smthObj.config = 'x'; // should be error

// How to make it work the same for class?

class myClass {
  id: number;
  animalType: Animal;
  // this should be based on Animal type
  // number for bird and string for dog
  config: number | string; 

   constructor(id: number, animalType: Animal, config: number | string) {
    this.id = id;
    this.animalType = animalType;
    this.config = config

const smthClass: myClass = 1 as any

// I need to make only this check to work
if (smthClass.animalType === Animal.BIRD) {
 smthClass.config = 1;
 smthClass.config = 'x'; // should be error





enum Animal {
  BIRD = 'bird',
  DOG = 'dog',

class myClass<T extends Animal = Animal> {
  id: number;
  animalType: T;
  config: T extends Animal.BIRD ? number : T extends Animal.DOG ? string : never; // this should be based on Animal type

  constructor(id: number, animalType: T, config: T extends Animal.BIRD ? number : T extends Animal.DOG ? string : never) {
    this.id = id;
    this.animalType = animalType;
    this.config = config

const birdClass = new myClass(1, Animal.BIRD, 1);

if (birdClass.animalType === Animal.BIRD) {
  birdClass.config = 1;
  birdClass.config = 'x'; // should be error

const dogClass = new myClass(1, Animal.DOG, 'x');

if (dogClass.animalType === Animal.DOG) {
  dogClass.config = 1; // should be error
  dogClass.config = 'x';

const smthClass: myClass<Animal.BIRD> = 1 as any;

if (smthClass.animalType === Animal.BIRD) {
  smthClass.config = 1;
  smthClass.config = 'x'; // should be error

// Type guard function example for any class
function isBirdClass(smth: myClass): smth is myClass<Animal.BIRD> {
  return smth.animalType === Animal.BIRD ? true : false

function isDogClass(smth: myClass): smth is myClass<Animal.DOG> {
  return smth.animalType === Animal.DOG ? true : false

const unknownClass: myClass = 1 as any;

if (isBirdClass(unknownClass)) {
  unknownClass.config = 1;
  unknownClass.config = 'x'; // should be error

if (isDogClass(unknownClass)){
  unknownClass.config = 1; // should be error 
  unknownClass.config = 'x'; 

在 TypeScript Playground 中看到它。


  • ,您甚至不需要类型保护,因为泛型会自动捕获类型错误。



enum Animal {
  BIRD = 'bird',
  DOG = 'dog',

type Base = {
  id: number

// Object example
type Smth = Base &
    | {
      animalType: Animal.BIRD;
      config: number;
    | {
      animalType: Animal.DOG;
      config: string;

// How to make it work the same for class?

class myClass {
  constructor(public props: Smth) {
    this.props = props;

const smthClass: myClass = 1 as any

if (smthClass.props.animalType === Animal.BIRD) {
  smthClass.props.config = 1;
  smthClass.props.config = 'x'; // should be error


enum Animal {
  BIRD = 'bird',
  DOG = 'dog',

// How to make it work the same for class?

type Either<R> = R extends Animal.DOG ? string : number;

class myClass<T extends Animal> {
  id: number;
  animalType: T;
  config: Either<T>

  constructor(id: number, animalType: T, config: Either<T>) {
    this.id = id;
    this.animalType = animalType;
    this.config = config

const smthClass: myClass<Animal.BIRD> = 1 as any

if (smthClass.animalType === Animal.BIRD) {
  smthClass.config = 1;
  smthClass.config = 'x'; // should be error
  • 由于Python是动态语言,根据类创建的实例可以任意绑定属性。 给实例绑定属性的方法是通过实例变量,或者通过self变量: class Student(object): def __init__(self, name): self.name = name s = Student('Bob') s.score = 90 但是,如果Student类本身需要绑定一个属性呢?可

  • 主要内容:类变量(类属性),实例变量(实例属性),局部变量无论是类属性还是类方法,都无法像普通变量或者函数那样,在类的外部直接使用它们。我们可以将类看做一个独立的空间,则类属性其实就是在类体中定义的变量,类方法是在类体中定义的函数。 前面章节提到过,在类体中,根据变量定义的位置不同,以及定义的方式不同,类属性又可细分为以下 3 种类型: 类体中、所有函数之外:此范围定义的变量,称为类属性或类变量; 类体中,所有函数内部:以“self.变量名”的方式定义的

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