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Java Collectors.Stream:POJO构建和设置多个聚合值[重复]

public class Item{
   String name;
   Double quantity;
   Double price;
   Double totalDollarAmount;

    public Item(String name, Double quantity, Double price) {
        this.name = name;
        this.quantity= quantity;
        this.price = price;

   //Basic Getters and setters

   public Double getTotalDollarAmount(){
      return getQuantity()*getPrice();

列表 中,我希望能够快速计算我购买的每件商品的数量、平均价格以及为该商品花费的总金额。假设对于这个场景,我有以下列表:

        List<Item> itemsOnly = Arrays.asList(
                new Item("apple", 10.0, 9.99),
                new Item("banana", 20.0, 19.99),
                new Item("orange", 10.0, 29.99),
                new Item("watermelon", 10.0, 29.99),
                new Item("papaya", 20.0, 9.99),
                new Item("apple", 100.0, 9.99),
                new Item("apple", 20.0, 9.99)


System.out.println("Total Quantity for each Item: " + itemsOnly.stream().collect(
                Collectors.groupingBy(Item::getName, Collectors.summingDouble(Item::getQuantity))));
System.out.println("Average Price for each Item: " + itemsOnly.stream().collect(
                Collectors.groupingBy(Item::getName, Collectors.averagingDouble(Item::getPrice))));
System.out.println("Total Dollar Amount for each Item: " + itemsOnly.stream().collect(
                Collectors.groupingBy(Item::getName, Collectors.summingDouble(Item::getTotalDollarAmount))));


Total Quantity for each Item: {papaya=20.0, orange=10.0, banana=20.0, apple=130.0, watermelon=10.0}
Average Price for each Item: {papaya=9.99, orange=29.99, banana=19.99, apple=9.99, watermelon=29.99}
Total Dollar Amount for each Item: {papaya=199.8, orange=299.9, banana=399.79999999999995, apple=1298.7, watermelon=299.9}






public static Item merge (Item i1, Item i2) {
    final double count = i1.quantity + i2.quantity;
    final double avgPrice = (i1.quantity * i1.price + i2.quantity * i2.price) / count;
    return new Item(i1.name, count, avgPrice);
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import java.util.Optional;

public class Main
    public static void main(String[] args) {        
        List<Item> itemsOnly = Arrays.asList(
                new Item("apple", 10.0, 9.99),
                new Item("banana", 20.0, 19.99),
                new Item("orange", 10.0, 29.99),
                new Item("watermelon", 10.0, 29.99),
                new Item("papaya", 20.0, 9.99),
                new Item("apple", 100.0, 9.99),
                new Item("apple", 20.0, 9.99)
        Map<String, Item> groupedItems = itemsOnly.stream().collect(
                     item -> item.name,
                         Optional::get // No need for null check: grouping should send at least one element to the reducer

        for (Item i : groupedItems.values()) System.out.println(i);                 
    public static Item merge (Item i1, Item i2) {
        final double count = i1.quantity + i2.quantity;
        final double avgPrice = (i1.quantity * i1.price + i2.quantity * i2.price) / count;
        return new Item(i1.name, count, avgPrice);
    public static class Item {
        public final String name;
        public final double quantity;
        public final double price;

        public Item(String name, double quantity, double price) {
            this.name = name;
            this.quantity= quantity;
            this.price = price;

        public double getTotalDollarAmount(){
          return quantity*price;
        public String toString() { return String.format("%s: quantity: %d, price: %f, total: %f", name, (int) quantity, price, getTotalDollarAmount()); }
Map<String, Item> groupedItems = itemsOnly.stream().collect(
                item -> item.name,
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