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import java.io.*;
import java.lang.*;
import java.util.*;

class jtail { 
    public static void main (String args[])
            throws InterruptedException, IOException{

        BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(
                new FileReader("\\\\server01\\data\\CommissionPlanLog.txt"));

        String line = null;
        while (br.nextLine ) {
            line = br.readLine();
            if (line == null) {
                //wait until there is more of the file for us to read
            else {
    } //end main 
} //end class jtail


更新:此后,我将“ while(br.nextLine){”行更改为“ while(TRUE){”






package com.javasrc.tuning.agent.logfile;

import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;

 * A log file tailer is designed to monitor a log file and send notifications
 * when new lines are added to the log file. This class has a notification
 * strategy similar to a SAX parser: implement the LogFileTailerListener interface,
 * create a LogFileTailer to tail your log file, add yourself as a listener, and
 * start the LogFileTailer. It is your job to interpret the results, build meaningful
 * sets of data, etc. This tailer simply fires notifications containing new log file lines, 
 * one at a time.
public class LogFileTailer extends Thread 
   * How frequently to check for file changes; defaults to 5 seconds
  private long sampleInterval = 5000;

   * The log file to tail
  private File logfile;

   * Defines whether the log file tailer should include the entire contents
   * of the exising log file or tail from the end of the file when the tailer starts
  private boolean startAtBeginning = false;

   * Is the tailer currently tailing?
  private boolean tailing = false;

   * Set of listeners
  private Set listeners = new HashSet();

   * Creates a new log file tailer that tails an existing file and checks the file for
   * updates every 5000ms
  public LogFileTailer( File file )
    this.logfile = file;

   * Creates a new log file tailer
   * @param file         The file to tail
   * @param sampleInterval    How often to check for updates to the log file (default = 5000ms)
   * @param startAtBeginning   Should the tailer simply tail or should it process the entire
   *               file and continue tailing (true) or simply start tailing from the 
   *               end of the file
  public LogFileTailer( File file, long sampleInterval, boolean startAtBeginning )
    this.logfile = file;
    this.sampleInterval = sampleInterval;

  public void addLogFileTailerListener( LogFileTailerListener l )
    this.listeners.add( l );

  public void removeLogFileTailerListener( LogFileTailerListener l )
    this.listeners.remove( l );

  protected void fireNewLogFileLine( String line )
    for( Iterator i=this.listeners.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
      LogFileTailerListener l = ( LogFileTailerListener )i.next();
      l.newLogFileLine( line );

  public void stopTailing()
    this.tailing = false;

  public void run()
    // The file pointer keeps track of where we are in the file
    long filePointer = 0;

    // Determine start point
    if( this.startAtBeginning )
      filePointer = 0;
      filePointer = this.logfile.length();

      // Start tailing
      this.tailing = true;
      RandomAccessFile file = new RandomAccessFile( logfile, "r" );
      while( this.tailing )
          // Compare the length of the file to the file pointer
          long fileLength = this.logfile.length();
          if( fileLength < filePointer ) 
            // Log file must have been rotated or deleted; 
            // reopen the file and reset the file pointer
            file = new RandomAccessFile( logfile, "r" );
            filePointer = 0;

          if( fileLength > filePointer ) 
            // There is data to read
            file.seek( filePointer );
            String line = file.readLine();
            while( line != null )
              this.fireNewLogFileLine( line );
              line = file.readLine();
            filePointer = file.getFilePointer();

          // Sleep for the specified interval
          sleep( this.sampleInterval );
        catch( Exception e )

      // Close the file that we are tailing
    catch( Exception e )

  • 问题内容: 因此,我的教授为我们分配了一个项目,我们必须从文本文件中接收命令并使用它们来驱动程序的流程。这些命令-起飞,着陆,装载货物,卸载货物等-用于模拟飞机状物体。 有时执行这些命令没有意义,例如在飞机飞行中装载货物。因此,为防止发生此类情况,我们必须在自己的异常类中进行编码,即 “如果命令飞机在飞行中装载货物,则抛出InvalidActionException” 我的问题是:引发异常后,如何

  • 问题内容: 我想读取一个包含空格分隔值的文本文件。值是整数。如何读取并将其放入数组列表? 这是文本文件内容的示例: 我想将它包含在arraylist中。如何用Java做到这一点? 问题答案: 你可以用来将文本文件的所有行都放入。 教程:基本文件读取,写入和创建文本文件 你可以用来基于正则表达式拆分部分。 教程:数字和字符串>字符串>操纵字符串中的字符 你可以使用将转换为。 教程:数字和字符串>字符

  • 问题内容: 我需要使用Java读取XML文件。它的内容就像 是否有特殊的阅读器/ JAR,还是应该使用 FileInputStream进行 阅读? 问题答案: 另一个建议:尝试使用Commons消化器。这使您可以使用基于规则的方法非常快速地开发解析代码。有一个教程在这里和图书馆可在这里 我也同意Brian和Alzoid的观点,因为JAXB非常适合快速启动和运行。您可以使用JDK附带的xjc绑定编译

  • 我试图从XML文件中读入一些数据,但遇到了一些问题,我的XML如下所示: 我试图将这些值作为字符串读入Java程序,到目前为止,我已经编写了以下代码: 我正在努力读取和打印id、用户名等的值。

  • 我正在尝试在客户端和服务器之间同步两个文件夹及其子目录。我已经在下面发布了这个类的修改版本。在我的客户机类中,我创建了一个WatchDir对象,并在无限循环中调用其processEvents()方法。 如果事件已注册,则该方法返回myTuple对象(包含事件类型和路径对象的结构),如果未注册,则返回null。问题是,这似乎只适用于目录中发生的第一个事件(即,如果我将文件添加到关注的文件夹中,我的W

  • 问题内容: 如何在不启动GUI的情况下如何编写python脚本来读取Tensorboard日志文件,提取损失和准确性以及其他数字数据? 问题答案: 您可以使用TensorBoard的Python类或脚本来提取数据: 如何从TensorBoard导出数据? 如果您想导出数据以在其他地方可视化(例如iPython Notebook),那也是可能的。您可以直接依赖TensorBoard用来加载数据的基础