我正在运行Windows 7 64位,并且我的SDK,Java,SWT位于以下位置。
Java JDK - C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_24
Java location - C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_24\jre\bin
SDK manager - C:\android-sdk-windows
C:\Users\MuniFC Portable11>C:\android-sdk-windows\tools\android.bat
[INFO] Starting Android SDK and AVD Manager
'xcopy' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
No command line parameters provided, launching UI.
See 'android --help' for operations from the command line.
at com.android.sdklib.internal.avd.AvdManager.parseAvdInfo(AvdManager.java:1205)
at com.android.sdklib.internal.avd.AvdManager.buildAvdList(AvdManager.java:1184)
at com.android.sdklib.internal.avd.AvdManager.<init>(AvdManager.java:385)
at com.android.sdkuilib.internal.repository.UpdaterData.initSdk(UpdaterData.java:238)
at com.android.sdkuilib.internal.repository.UpdaterData.<init>(UpdaterData.java:114)
at com.android.sdkuilib.internal.repository.UpdaterWindowImpl.<init>(UpdaterWindowImpl.java:86)
at com.android.sdkuilib.repository.UpdaterWindow.<init>(UpdaterWindow.java:42)
at com.android.sdkmanager.Main.showMainWindow(Main.java:302)
at com.android.sdkmanager.Main.doAction(Main.java:281)
at com.android.sdkmanager.Main.run(Main.java:99)
at com.android.sdkmanager.Main.main(Main.java:88)
C:\Users\MuniFC Portable11>C:\android-sdk-windows\tools\android.bat
[INFO] Starting Android SDK and AVD Manager
'xcopy' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
No command line parameters provided, launching UI.
See 'android --help' for operations from the command line.
at com.android.sdklib.internal.avd.AvdManager.parseAvdInfo(AvdManager.java:1205)
at com.android.sdklib.internal.avd.AvdManager.buildAvdList(AvdManager.java:1184)
at com.android.sdklib.internal.avd.AvdManager.<init>(AvdManager.java:385)
at com.android.sdkuilib.internal.repository.UpdaterData.initSdk(UpdaterData.java:238)
at com.android.sdkuilib.internal.repository.UpdaterData.<init>(UpdaterData.java:114)
at com.android.sdkuilib.internal.repository.UpdaterWindowImpl.<init>(UpdaterWindowImpl.java:86)
at com.android.sdkuilib.repository.UpdaterWindow.<init>(UpdaterWindow.java:42)
at com.android.sdkmanager.Main.showMainWindow(Main.java:302)
at com.android.sdkmanager.Main.doAction(Main.java:281)
at com.android.sdkmanager.Main.run(Main.java:99)
at com.android.sdkmanager.Main.main(Main.java:88)`
`@echo off
rem Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project
rem Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
rem you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
rem You may obtain a copy of the License at
rem http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
rem Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
rem distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
rem WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
rem See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
rem limitations under the License.
rem Useful links:
rem Command-line reference:
rem http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb490890.aspx
rem don't modify the caller's environment
rem Set up prog to be the path of this script, including following symlinks,
rem and set up progdir to be the fully-qualified pathname of its directory.
set prog=%~f0
rem Grab current directory before we change it
set work_dir="%cd%"
rem Change current directory and drive to where the script is, to avoid
rem issues with directories containing whitespaces.
cd /d %~dp0
rem Check we have a valid Java.exe in the path.
set java_exe=
call lib\find_java.bat
if not defined java_exe goto :EOF
set jar_path=lib\sdkmanager.jar
rem Set SWT.Jar path based on current architecture (x86 or x86_64)
for /f %%a in ('%java_exe% -jar lib\archquery.jar') do set swt_path=lib\%%a
if "%1 %2"=="update sdk" goto StartUi
if not "%1"=="" goto EndTempCopy
echo [INFO] Starting Android SDK and AVD Manager
rem We're now going to create a temp dir to hold all the Jar files needed
rem to run the android tool, copy them in the temp dir and finally execute
rem from that path. We do this only when the launcher is run without
rem arguments, to display the SDK Updater UI. This allows the updater to
rem update the tools directory where the updater itself is located.
set tmp_dir=%TEMP%\temp-android-tool
xcopy %swt_path% %tmp_dir%\%swt_path% /I /E /C /G /R /Y /Q > nul
copy /B /D /Y lib\androidprefs.jar %tmp_dir%\lib\ > nul
copy /B /D /Y lib\org.eclipse.* %tmp_dir%\lib\ > nul
copy /B /D /Y lib\sdk* %tmp_dir%\lib\ > nul
copy /B /D /Y lib\common.jar %tmp_dir%\lib\ > nul
copy /B /D /Y lib\commons-compress* %tmp_dir%\lib\ > nul
rem jar_path and swt_path are relative to PWD so we don't need to adjust them, just change dirs.
set tools_dir=%cd%
cd /d %tmp_dir%
rem The global ANDROID_SWT always override the SWT.Jar path
if defined ANDROID_SWT set swt_path=%ANDROID_SWT%
if exist %swt_path% goto SetPath
echo ERROR: SWT folder '%swt_path%' does not exist.
echo Please set ANDROID_SWT to point to the folder containing swt.jar for your platform.
goto :EOF
rem Finally exec the java program and end here.
call %java_exe% -Dcom.android.sdkmanager.toolsdir="%tools_dir%" -Dcom.android.sdkmanager.workdir=%work_dir% -classpath "%jar_path%;%swt_path%\swt.jar" com.android.sdkmanager.Main %*
rem EOF`
ANDROID_SWT = ;C:\android-sdk-windows\tools\lib\x86_64
Java location - C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_24\jre\bin
If you had installed a public JRE (which is available to all Java Applications
and not limited to JDK) your Java Location would be something like this
C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_24\bin
But Android SDK manager can works with private JRE.
Try setting the PATH
environment variable for Java.
How do I set or change the PATH system
How to Add, Remove or Edit Environment variables in Windows
After you have set the PATH
variable start SDK Manager.exe
It should work now.
You are setting the PATH wrong
Java JDK - C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_24
Java location - C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_24\jre\bin
remove the above PATH
and set the PATH
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_24\bin
This should work. It works for me on jdk1.6.0_20
Did you read
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Cannot load 64-bit SWT libraries on 32-bit JVM
Install a 64-bit JDK for a 64-bit JVM and set the PATH
The question is now getting longer.
Let this question address SDK manager does not find Java and post another
question with reference to this question and the other specific error you get.
我正在尝试为Android实现一个推送通知解决方案。我正在遵循以下教程中给出的步骤:http://www.androidhive.info/2012/10/android-push-notifications-using-google-cloud-messaging-gcm-php-and-mysql/ 但是,当我试图使用Android sdk(我使用的是最新的sdk)安装Google云消息库时,
我安装了flutter,它运行良好,但更新到最新版本后,flutter找不到android sdk管理器。我尝试运行flutter医生并尝试安装android许可证,但错误“未找到Android SdkManager”。我在此处附加了命令提示符的图像。 这是我已经尝试过但不起作用的方法… 我的android工作室安装了cmd工具,所以我卸载并重新安装了它。 更改了路径设置,将sdk路径添加到环境变
我试图在我的函数文件夹中初始化Firebase admin sdk,以便我的云函数可以通过管理员读/写访问访问我的数据库,但是当我试图部署我的函数时,会返回以下错误 错误:错误分析触发器:找不到模块'/serviceKey'。json' 我曾尝试在functions目录中运行npm安装,但没有任何帮助。 这是我的包裹。json文件 这是我的index.js档案
我已经通过AUR安装了。我还安装了。当我运行时,我得到: 首先,运行,并收到: 不知道“看哪一个扑在你的路上”到底是什么意思。接下来我运行并得到: 但是,如果我cd到中,我会得到:
我有一台运行10.5.8版本的非英特尔PowerPC G5。我下载了eclipse并安装了Android SDK和工具,还使用Eclipse的帮助部分中的“安装软件”安装了一个插件。 我有最新的sdk和工具,并尝试使用命令行来更正我在adt bundle-mac for x86_64的工具文件夹中单击“android”时收到的错误 " users-IMAC-G5-2:~ owner 1 $/And