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..的答案进行了一些研究。因此,这里是ELF格式的Linux共享库的详细解决方案,该解决方案可与我的gcc 4.3.4一起使用,但也希望与新版本一起使用。


  • ELF手册页
  • 一些示例代码(在搜索“ dl_iterate_phdr”时找到了它)

++的。但是,如果省略向量和字符串,它也应适用于C )

#include <link.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

/* Callback for dl_iterate_phdr.
 * Is called by dl_iterate_phdr for every loaded shared lib until something
 * else than 0 is returned by one call of this function.
int retrieve_symbolnames(struct dl_phdr_info* info, size_t info_size, void* symbol_names_vector) 

    /* ElfW is a macro that creates proper typenames for the used system architecture
     * (e.g. on a 32 bit system, ElfW(Dyn*) becomes "Elf32_Dyn*") */
    ElfW(Dyn*) dyn;
    ElfW(Sym*) sym;
    ElfW(Word*) hash;

    char* strtab = 0;
    char* sym_name = 0;
    ElfW(Word) sym_cnt = 0;

    /* the void pointer (3rd argument) should be a pointer to a vector<string>
     * in this example -> cast it to make it usable */
    vector<string>* symbol_names = reinterpret_cast<vector<string>*>(symbol_names_vector);

    /* Iterate over all headers of the current shared lib
     * (first call is for the executable itself) */
    for (size_t header_index = 0; header_index < info->dlpi_phnum; header_index++)

        /* Further processing is only needed if the dynamic section is reached */
        if (info->dlpi_phdr[header_index].p_type == PT_DYNAMIC)

            /* Get a pointer to the first entry of the dynamic section.
             * It's address is the shared lib's address + the virtual address */
            dyn = (ElfW(Dyn)*)(info->dlpi_addr +  info->dlpi_phdr[header_index].p_vaddr);

            /* Iterate over all entries of the dynamic section until the
             * end of the symbol table is reached. This is indicated by
             * an entry with d_tag == DT_NULL.
             * Only the following entries need to be processed to find the
             * symbol names:
             *  - DT_HASH   -> second word of the hash is the number of symbols
             *  - DT_STRTAB -> pointer to the beginning of a string table that
             *                 contains the symbol names
             *  - DT_SYMTAB -> pointer to the beginning of the symbols table
            while(dyn->d_tag != DT_NULL)
                if (dyn->d_tag == DT_HASH)
                    /* Get a pointer to the hash */
                    hash = (ElfW(Word*))dyn->d_un.d_ptr;

                    /* The 2nd word is the number of symbols */
                    sym_cnt = hash[1];

                else if (dyn->d_tag == DT_STRTAB)
                    /* Get the pointer to the string table */
                    strtab = (char*)dyn->d_un.d_ptr;
                else if (dyn->d_tag == DT_SYMTAB)
                    /* Get the pointer to the first entry of the symbol table */
                    sym = (ElfW(Sym*))dyn->d_un.d_ptr;

                    /* Iterate over the symbol table */
                    for (ElfW(Word) sym_index = 0; sym_index < sym_cnt; sym_index++)
                        /* get the name of the i-th symbol.
                         * This is located at the address of st_name
                         * relative to the beginning of the string table. */
                        sym_name = &strtab[sym[sym_index].st_name];


                /* move pointer to the next entry */

    /* Returning something != 0 stops further iterations,
     * since only the first entry, which is the executable itself, is needed
     * 1 is returned after processing the first entry.
     * If the symbols of all loaded dynamic libs shall be found,
     * the return value has to be changed to 0.
    return 1;


int main()
    vector<string> symbolNames;
    dl_iterate_phdr(retrieve_symbolnames, &symbolNames);

    return 0;

  • 问题内容: 我的系统上安装了python模块,我希望能够看到其中提供了哪些函数/类/方法。 我想在每个函数上调用doc函数。在ruby中,我可以执行类似ClassName.methods之类的操作来获取该类上所有可用方法的列表。python中是否有类似的东西? 例如。就像是: 问题答案: 该模块。另请参阅模块,交互式解释器中的功能以及生成所需文档的命令行工具。你可以为他们提供希望查看其文档的课程。

  • 问题内容: 如何列出Linux中某个组的所有成员(可能还包括其他unice)? 问题答案: 不幸的是,据我所知,没有很好的便携式方法可以做到这一点。如果您尝试解析/ etc / group(如其他人所建议的那样),则会错过以该组为主要组的用户以及通过UNIX平面文件(例如LDAP,NIS, pam-pgsql等)。 如果我绝对必须自己做,则可能相反:使用来获取系统上每个用户的组(这将使NSS看到所

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  • 问题内容: 我需要在C编程中递归列出所有目录和文件。我已经研究了FTW,但是我所使用的2个操作系统(Fedora和Minix)中没有包括。在过去的几个小时中,我从阅读的所有不同内容中开始感到头疼。 如果有人知道我的代码片段,那真是太棒了,或者如果有人可以给我很好的指导,我将不胜感激。 问题答案: 这是一个递归版本:

  • 问题内容: 我想建立一个基于php的站点,该站点在我的Ubuntu服务器上(自动)执行一些命令 我要做的第一件事是转到文件(sudoers)并添加用户www-data,以便我可以以root权限执行php命令! 然后我的PHP代码是 它仅返回一个用户(最后一个用户)!如何使其返回所有用户? 谢谢 问题答案: 从exec的PHP手册中: 返回值 命令结果的最后一行。如果您需要执行命令并直接将命令中的所

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