date staff_no
2016-06-10 1
2016-06-09 1
2016-05-09 1
2016-04-09 1
staff_no name
1 David
SELECT DATE_FORMAT(table1.date,'%b %Y') as month,COUNT(table1.date) as total_records,table2.name as name
FROM table1 as table1
LEFT JOIN table2 as table2 on table2.staff_no = table1.staff_no
WHERE table1.staff_no = "1" and date(table1.date) between = "2016-04-01" and "2016-06-30"
GROUP BY table2.name,DATE_FORMAT(table1.date,'%Y-%m')
ORDER BY DATE_FORMAT(table1.date,'%Y-%m-%d')
month total_records name
Apr 2016 1 David
May 2016 1 David
Jun 2016 2 David
但是,如果我从查询中替换“ 2016-04-01”和“
month total_records name
Apr 2016 1 David
May 2016 1 David
Jun 2016 2 David
Jul 2016 0 David
create table workerRecords
( id int auto_increment primary key,
the_date date not null,
staff_no int not null
-- truncate workerRecords;
insert workerRecords(the_date,staff_no) values
create table workers
( staff_no int primary key,
full_name varchar(100) not null
-- truncate workers;
insert workers(staff_no,full_name) values
(1,'David Higgins'),(2,"Sally O'Riordan");
create table ymHelper
( -- Year Month helper table. Used for left joins to pick up all dates.
-- PK is programmer's choice.
dtBegin date primary key, -- by definition not null
dtEnd date null
-- truncate ymHelper;
insert ymHelper (dtBegin,dtEnd) values
-- will leave as an exercise for you to add more years. Good idea to start, 10 in either direction, at least.
update ymHelper set dtEnd=LAST_DAY(dtBegin); -- data patch. Confirmed leap years.
alter table ymHelper modify dtEnd date not null; -- there, ugly patch above worked fine. Can forget it ever happened (until you add rows)
-- show create table ymHelper; -- this confirms that dtEnd is not null
注意 :不要忘记运行上面的更新stmt
SELECT DATE_FORMAT(ymH.dtBegin,'%b %Y') as month,
ifnull(COUNT(wr.the_date),0) as total_records,@soloName as full_name
FROM ymHelper ymH
left join workerRecords wr
on wr.the_date between ymH.dtBegin and ymH.dtEnd
and wr.staff_no = 1 and wr.the_date between '2016-04-01' and '2016-07-31'
LEFT JOIN workers w on w.staff_no = wr.staff_no
cross join (select @soloName:=full_name from workers where staff_no=1) xDerived
WHERE ymH.dtBegin between '2016-04-01' and '2016-07-31'
GROUP BY ymH.dtBegin
order by ymH.dtBegin;
| month | total_records | full_name |
| Apr 2016 | 1 | David Higgins |
| May 2016 | 1 | David Higgins |
| Jun 2016 | 2 | David Higgins |
| Jul 2016 | 0 | David Higgins |
工作正常。第一个mysql表是Helper表。左联接以引入工作程序记录(允许为null)。让我们在这里暂停。毕竟,这就是您所要提出的问题: 缺少数据
该cross join
的函数可以很好地找到您所要求的缺失日期的空状态,而对于工人的名字,我们却没有那么奢侈。这迫使cross join
drop procedure if exists getOneWorkersRecCount;
create procedure getOneWorkersRecCount
(pStaffNo int, pBeginDt date, pEndDt date)
SELECT DATE_FORMAT(ymH.dtBegin,'%b %Y') as month,ifnull(COUNT(wr.the_date),0) as total_records,@soloName as full_name
FROM ymHelper ymH
left join workerRecords wr
on wr.the_date between ymH.dtBegin and ymH.dtEnd
and wr.staff_no = pStaffNo and wr.the_date between pBeginDt and pEndDt
LEFT JOIN workers w on w.staff_no = wr.staff_no
cross join (select @soloName:=full_name from workers where staff_no=pStaffNo) xDerived
WHERE ymH.dtBegin between pBeginDt and pEndDt
GROUP BY ymH.dtBegin
order by ymH.dtBegin;
call getOneWorkersRecCount(1,'2016-04-01','2016-06-09');
call getOneWorkersRecCount(1,'2016-04-01','2016-06-10');
call getOneWorkersRecCount(1,'2016-04-01','2016-07-01');
call getOneWorkersRecCount(2,'2016-02-01','2016-11-01');
drop procedure if exists getAllWorkersRecCount;
create procedure getAllWorkersRecCount
(pBeginDt date, pEndDt date)
SELECT DATE_FORMAT(ymH.dtBegin,'%b %Y') as month,ifnull(COUNT(wr.the_date),0) as total_records,w.staff_no,w.full_name
FROM ymHelper ymH
cross join workers w
left join workerRecords wr
on wr.the_date between ymH.dtBegin and ymH.dtEnd
and wr.staff_no = w.staff_no and wr.the_date between pBeginDt and pEndDt
-- LEFT JOIN workers w on w.staff_no = wr.staff_no
-- cross join (select @soloName:=full_name from workers ) xDerived
WHERE ymH.dtBegin between pBeginDt and pEndDt
GROUP BY ymH.dtBegin,w.staff_no,w.full_name
order by ymH.dtBegin,w.staff_no;
call getAllWorkersRecCount('2016-03-01','2016-08-01');
| month | total_records | staff_no | full_name |
| Mar 2016 | 0 | 1 | David Higgins |
| Mar 2016 | 1 | 2 | Sally O'Riordan |
| Apr 2016 | 1 | 1 | David Higgins |
| Apr 2016 | 0 | 2 | Sally O'Riordan |
| May 2016 | 1 | 1 | David Higgins |
| May 2016 | 0 | 2 | Sally O'Riordan |
| Jun 2016 | 2 | 1 | David Higgins |
| Jun 2016 | 0 | 2 | Sally O'Riordan |
| Jul 2016 | 0 | 1 | David Higgins |
| Jul 2016 | 1 | 2 | Sally O'Riordan |
| Aug 2016 | 0 | 1 | David Higgins |
| Aug 2016 | 0 | 2 | Sally O'Riordan |
问题内容: 我写了一个查询以获取用户表中的按月记录,如下所示 输出: 预期产量: 即使数据不存在,我也需要显示记录。这个怎么做? 问题答案: 关于效率,我不会说太多,因为我没有针对其他方法进行过测试,但是如果没有临时表,这似乎是一个不错的选择。 如果您基于日期格式进行并集,甚至可以减少工作量和查询负担。 两个查询的实时演示。
问题内容: 我有一个具有“约会表”和“服务表”的数据库。每个appt都有一个服务,每个服务都有一个价格。我想要的是一个查询,该查询将始终返回12行(每月一行),并包含几个月的总和(基于其服务ID)。到目前为止,我有: 当前,返回的内容如下: 问题是,如果一个月没有任何订单,我不会在查询中返回该月。我希望该月有一个记录,只是它的“ monthly_total”等于零。 以下是我希望查询返回的内容:
问题内容: 是否可以选择某个月的所有字段? 例如:我有’create_date’列和此列的值: 如何选择月份等于05的所有字段? 问题答案: 你可以用
我有以下查询,我想从表中选择比所选视频的当前时间不超过6个月的所有视频 我从中得到了这个值:
问题内容: 我想根据或月份的月份选择行,如下所示: 但是我只在PostgreSQL中收到错误消息。 如何才能做到这一点? 问题答案: 您可以使用函数,如下所示: 您的问题来自PostgreSQL中没有诸如函数之类的事实。在此处查看在线文档,以了解可以得到什么。应该足够了。
问题内容: 我试图选择一个表中的最后6个月的条目,我有一列称为datetime,这是一种datetime mysql格式。 我已经看到许多使用间隔和其他方法的方法-应该使用哪种方法?谢谢 问题答案: 使用DATE_SUB