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package main

import (

type datstr string

type Guy interface {
   SomeDumbGuy() string

func (d *datstr) SomeDumbGuy() string {
  return "some guy"

func someConsumer(g Guy) {
  fmt.Println("Hello, " + g.SomeDumbGuy())

func main() {
    var d datstr

主要 方式完成的组件连接是否正确,将依赖关系连接在一起?看来我在代码中有点用完了。有没有比这更好的通用模式了?还是我想得太多?




文档:https :


package main

import (


// Our Awesome Application renders a message using two APIs in our fake
// world.
type HomePlanetRenderApp struct {
    // The tags below indicate to the inject library that these fields are
    // eligible for injection. They do not specify any options, and will
    // result in a singleton instance created for each of the APIs.

    NameAPI   *NameAPI   `inject:""`
    PlanetAPI *PlanetAPI `inject:""`

func (a *HomePlanetRenderApp) Render(id uint64) string {
    return fmt.Sprintf(
        "%s is from the planet %s.",

// Our fake Name API.
type NameAPI struct {
    // Here and below in PlanetAPI we add the tag to an interface value.
    // This value cannot automatically be created (by definition) and
    // hence must be explicitly provided to the graph.

    HTTPTransport http.RoundTripper `inject:""`

func (n *NameAPI) Name(id uint64) string {
    // in the real world we would use f.HTTPTransport and fetch the name
    return "Spock"

// Our fake Planet API.
type PlanetAPI struct {
    HTTPTransport http.RoundTripper `inject:""`

func (p *PlanetAPI) Planet(id uint64) string {
    // in the real world we would use f.HTTPTransport and fetch the planet
    return "Vulcan"

func main() {
    // Typically an application will have exactly one object graph, and
    // you will create it and use it within a main function:
    var g inject.Graph

    // We provide our graph two "seed" objects, one our empty
    // HomePlanetRenderApp instance which we're hoping to get filled out,
    // and second our DefaultTransport to satisfy our HTTPTransport
    // dependency. We have to provide the DefaultTransport because the
    // dependency is defined in terms of the http.RoundTripper interface,
    // and since it is an interface the library cannot create an instance
    // for it. Instead it will use the given DefaultTransport to satisfy
    // the dependency since it implements the interface:
    var a HomePlanetRenderApp
    err := g.Provide(
        &inject.Object{Value: &a},
        &inject.Object{Value: http.DefaultTransport},
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)

    // Here the Populate call is creating instances of NameAPI &
    // PlanetAPI, and setting the HTTPTransport on both to the
    // http.DefaultTransport provided above:
    if err := g.Populate(); err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)

    // There is a shorthand API for the simple case which combines the
    // three calls above is available as inject.Populate:
    //   inject.Populate(&a, http.DefaultTransport)
    // The above API shows the underlying API which also allows the use of
    // named instances for more complex scenarios.



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  • 在React中,想做依赖注入(Dependency Injection)其实相当简单。请看下面这个例子: // Title.jsx export default function Title(props) { return <h1>{ props.title }</h1>; } // Header.jsx import Title from './Title.jsx'; export defa

  • 依赖注入 Dependency Injection is a strong mechanism, which helps us easily manage dependencies of our classes. It is very popular pattern in strongly typed languages like C# and Java. 依赖注入是一个很强大的机制,该机制可以帮

  • 简介 Hyperf 默认采用 hyperf/di 作为框架的依赖注入管理容器,尽管从设计上我们允许您更换其它的依赖注入管理容器,但我们强烈不建议您更换该组件。 hyperf/di 是一个强大的用于管理类的依赖关系并完成自动注入的组件,与传统依赖注入容器的区别在于更符合长生命周期的应用使用、提供了 注解及注解注入 的支持、提供了无比强大的 AOP 面向切面编程 能力,这些能力及易用性作为 Hyper

  • 出自维基百科 Wikipedia: 依赖注入是一种允许我们从硬编码的依赖中解耦出来,从而在运行时或者编译时能够修改的软件设计模式。 这句解释让依赖注入的概念听起来比它实际要复杂很多。依赖注入通过构造注入,函数调用或者属性的设置来提供组件的依赖关系。就是这么简单。