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我正在尝试解析方法声明。基本上,我需要获取接收方基本类型(type hello)和返回类型(notypeerror)的语法节点。该ast程序包看起来很简单,但是由于某种原因,我没有获得所需的数据(即,字段为nil)。

唯一有用的数据似乎仅在Object -> Decl类型为字段的字段中提供,interface{} 因此我认为我无法序列化它。


package main

import (

func main() {
    // src is the input for which we want to inspect the AST.
    src := `
package mypack
// type hello is a cool type
type hello string

// type notype is not that cool
type notype int

// func printme is like nothing else.
func (x *hello)printme(s string)(notype, error){
    return 0, nil
    // Create the AST by parsing src.
    fset := token.NewFileSet() // positions are relative to fset
    f, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, "src.go", src, 0)
    if err != nil {

    // Inspect the AST and find our function
    var mf ast.FuncDecl
    ast.Inspect(f, func(n ast.Node) bool {
        switch x := n.(type) {
        case *ast.FuncDecl:
            mf = *x
        return true

    if mf.Recv != nil {
        fmt.Printf("\n receivers:")
        for _, v := range mf.Recv.List {
            fmt.Printf(",tag %v", v.Tag)
            for _, xv := range v.Names {
                fmt.Printf("name %v, decl %v, data %v, type %v",
                    xv.Name, xv.Obj.Decl, xv.Obj.Data, xv.Obj.Type)



要获取类型,您需要查看Type可能是an ast.StarExpr或an 的属性ast.Ident


package main

import (

func main() {
    // src is the input for which we want to inspect the AST.
    src := `
package mypack
// type hello is a cool type
type hello string

// type notype is not that cool
type notype int

// printme is like nothing else.
func (x *hello)printme(s string)(notype, error){
    return 0, nil
    // Create the AST by parsing src.
    fset := token.NewFileSet() // positions are relative to fset
    f, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, "src.go", src, 0)
    if err != nil {

    // Inspect the AST and find our function
    var mf ast.FuncDecl
    ast.Inspect(f, func(n ast.Node) bool {
        switch x := n.(type) {
        case *ast.FuncDecl:
            mf = *x
        return true

    if mf.Recv != nil {
        for _, v := range mf.Recv.List {
            fmt.Print("recv type : ")
            switch xv := v.Type.(type) {
            case *ast.StarExpr:
                if si, ok := xv.X.(*ast.Ident); ok {
            case *ast.Ident:

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