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使用go build但我也看到-test标志


我有一个main.gomypkg/...go。我使用go build -o main main.gogo install <pkg that has main.go>并且其中有一些我需要的标志。但是我也看到了测试标志。为什么会这样呢?我想念什么?

Usage of ./main:
  -docker string
        Docker API Path, defaults to local (default "unix:///var/run/docker.sock")
  -httptest.serve string
        if non-empty, httptest.NewServer serves on this address and blocks
  -port int
        The default port to listen (default 8000)
  -test.bench string
        regular expression per path component to select benchmarks to run
        print memory allocations for benchmarks
  -test.benchtime duration
        approximate run time for each benchmark (default 1s)
  -test.blockprofile string
        write a goroutine blocking profile to the named file after execution
  -test.blockprofilerate int
        if >= 0, calls runtime.SetBlockProfileRate() (default 1)





import (
    _ "testing"

func main() {
    flag.Int("port", 80, "port to use")



  -port int
        port to use (default 80)
  -test.bench string
        regular expression per path component to select benchmarks to run
        print memory allocations for benchmarks
  -test.benchtime duration
        approximate run time for each benchmark (default 1s)
  -test.blockprofile string
        write a goroutine blocking profile to the named file after execution
  -test.blockprofilerate int
        if >= 0, calls runtime.SetBlockProfileRate() (default 1)
  -test.count n
        run tests and benchmarks n times (default 1)
  -test.coverprofile string
        write a coverage profile to the named file after execution
  -test.cpu string
        comma-separated list of number of CPUs to use for each test
  -test.cpuprofile string
        write a cpu profile to the named file during execution
  -test.memprofile string
        write a memory profile to the named file after execution
  -test.memprofilerate int
        if >=0, sets runtime.MemProfileRate
  -test.outputdir string
        directory in which to write profiles
  -test.parallel int
        maximum test parallelism (default 4)
  -test.run string
        regular expression to select tests and examples to run
        run smaller test suite to save time
  -test.timeout duration
        if positive, sets an aggregate time limit for all tests
  -test.trace string
        write an execution trace to the named file after execution
        verbose: print additional output
exit status 2


  • gobuild.io 是一个提供 golang 在线编译的网站。目前已重新上线 有很多很多优秀的工具是用 golang 写出来的。不过最大的开源网站 github.com 只提供代码的托管,并不提供二进制文件的下载。该网站将代码的编译与二进制的分享结合了起来,给无数人带来了便利。 比如一个项目的地址是 github.com/beego/bee,而二进制文件的下载直接前往 gobuild.io/be

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