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WAMP/MySQL errors not in correct language


I’ve re-installed WAMP multiple times, searched literally hundreds of pages,
and its not fixed this issue:

enter image description here

I’ve looked inside the phpmyadmin config files, set:

$cfg['Lang'] = 'en-utf-8';

Uninstalled multiple times (as mentioned) and seemed to have no luck what so
ever. Any help would be appreciated.


To change the language that MySQL uses when reporting you need to change the
my.ini file as follows.

Find this line:

# Change your locale here !

And change it to your prefered language, for example:


To change it to English US, you can do like this:


Save the file and then restart MySQL.

left click wampmanager icon -> MySQL -> Service -> Restart Service

Remember the guys that produce WampServer are French so I guess thats why this
has been added to the my.ini file, and they just forgot to remove it on this

How to Find my.ini in WAMPServer

Use the wampmanager menus like so :-

left click wampmanager icon -> MySQL -> my.ini

This will load the my.ini file into your editor.

Here you can find a list of valid

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