目前,angular没有提供用于组织类层次结构的任何构造,这很遗憾,因为或多或少的大型应用程序不能仅满足Model / View / Controller
/ …构造,它必须将其代码组织到OOP对象中。
关于Angular,我认为这是一个与kickout.js / bone.js /任何其他MVV-
我使用了仅实现John Resig's Simple JavaScript Inheritance
Application.factory('SomeChildObject', ['$http', 'SomeParentClass', function ($http, SomeParentClass) {
var SomeChildClass = SomeParentClass.extend({
init: function() { // Constructor
this._super.init(123, 231); // call base constructor
someFunction: function() {
// Notice that your OOP now knows everything that can be injected into angular service, which is pretty cool :)
$http({method: 'GET', url: '/someUrl'}).then(function(){
this._super.someFunction(); // call base function implementation
// return new SomeChildClass(); // We are not returning instance here!
return SomeChildClass; // Service is a function definition not an instance of an object
// So now we can both use this service in angular and have the ability to extend it using the `extend` method call, like so:
Application.controller('MegaController', ['$scope', 'SomeChildClass', function ($scope, SomeChildClass) {
$scope.someObject = new SomeChildClass();
OOP +Angular可以很好地配合使用,在angular上下文下创建的对象可以通过服务自动利用依赖注入,因此您不必将实例注入到OOP构造函数中,这使您的OOP层次结构非常苗条且没有无关紧要的内容需要(由)angular.js处理
Class.extend('YourClassDisplayName', {
ctor: function () {
// Some useful constructor logic
controller: ['$scope', '$attrs', function ($scope, $attrs) {
// Do something with $scope and $attrs
在异步操作处理程序中使用时(如$http.get(..., function() { self.base(...);})
var self = this;
var base = this.base;
$http.get(..., function () {
base.call(self, ...); // or base.apply(self, ...), or base() if you don't care about `this`
/* Simple JavaScript Inheritance
* By John Resig http://ejohn.org/
* MIT Licensed.
* Inspired by base2 and Prototype
* Angular adaptations by Denis Yaremov http://github.com/lu4
* Usage:
var X = Class.extend('X', {
ctor: function () {
this.name = "I'm X";
myOrdinaryMethod: function (x, y, z) {
console.log([this.name, x, y, z]);
myClassMemberMethod: ClassMember(function (x, y, z) {
console.log([this.name, x, y, z]);
var Y = Class.extend('Y', {
ctor: function () {
this.name = "I'm Y";
myOrdinaryMethod: function (x, y, z) {
console.log([this.name, x, y, z]);
myClassMemberMethod: ClassMember(function (x, y, z) {
console.log([this.name, x, y, z]);
var x = new X();
var y = new Y();
x.myClassMemberMethod('a', 'b', 'c'); // ["I'm X", "a", "b", "c"]
y.myClassMemberMethod('u', 'v', 'm'); // ["I'm Y", "u", "v", "m"]
x.myOrdinaryMethod('a', 'b', 'c'); // ["I'm X", "a", "b", "c"]
y.myOrdinaryMethod('u', 'v', 'm'); // ["I'm Y", "u", "v", "m"]
y.theirOrdinaryMethod = x.myOrdinaryMethod;
y.theirClassMemberMethod = x.myClassMemberMethod;
y.theirOrdinaryMethod('a', 'b', 'c'); // ["I'm Y", "a", "b", "c"]
y.theirClassMemberMethod('u', 'v', 'm'); // ["I'm X", "u", "v", "m"]
angular.module('app').factory('ClassMember', function () {
return function ClassMember(fn) {
if (this instanceof ClassMember) {
this.fn = fn;
} else {
return new ClassMember(fn);
angular.module('app').factory('Class', function (ClassMember) {
var runtime = { initializing: false },
fnTest = /xyz/.test(function() { xyz; }) ? /\bbase\b/ : /.*/,
FN_ARGS = /^function\s*[^\(]*\(\s*([^\)]*)\)/m,
STRIP_COMMENTS = /((\/\/.*$)|(\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\/))/mg;
var toString = Object.prototype.toString;
// The base Class implementation (does nothing)
function Class() { };
Class.members = { };
// Create a new Class that inherits from this class
Class.extend = function extend(displayName, properties) {
var array;
var targetMembers = {};
var sourceMembers = this.members;
for (var memberName in sourceMembers) {
if (sourceMembers.hasOwnProperty(memberName)) {
targetMembers[memberName] = sourceMembers[memberName];
var base = this.prototype;
// Instantiate a base class (but only create the instance,
// don't run the ctor constructor)
runtime.initializing = true;
var prototype = new this();
runtime.initializing = false;
// Copy the properties over onto the new prototype
for (var name in properties) {
if (properties.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
// Check if we're overwriting an existing function
var property = properties[name];
// Support angular's controller/service/factory declaration notation
if (toString.call(property) === '[object Array]') {
array = property;
var item = array[array.length - 1];
if (toString.call(item) === '[object Function]' || item instanceof ClassMember) {
property = array[array.length - 1];
} else {
array = null;
} else {
array = null;
var isClassMember = property instanceof ClassMember;
if (isClassMember) {
property = property.fn;
if (typeof property === "function") {
if (typeof base[name] === "function" && fnTest.test(property)) {
property = (function (propertyName, fn) {
var args = fn.toString().replace(STRIP_COMMENTS, '').match(FN_ARGS)[1];
return (new Function('propertyName', 'fn', 'base', 'return function (' + args + ') {\n\
var prevBase = this.base;\n\
var hasBase = "base" in this;\n\
// Add a new .base() method that is the same method\n\
// but on the super-class\n\
this.base = base[propertyName];\n\
// The method only need to be bound temporarily, so we\n\
// remove it when we\'re done executing\n\
var ret = fn.call(this' + (!!args ? (', ' + args) : args) + ');\n\
if (hasBase) {\n\
this.base = prevBase;\n\
} else {\n\
delete this["base"];\n\
return ret;\n\
}'))(propertyName, fn, base);
})(name, property);
if (isClassMember) {
targetMembers[name] = property;
} else if (name in targetMembers) {
delete targetMembers[name];
if (array) {
array[array.length - 1] = property;
property = array;
prototype[name] = property;
} else {
prototype[name] = property;
var membersArray = [];
for (var i in targetMembers) {
if (targetMembers.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
membersArray.push({ name: i, fn: targetMembers[i] });
// All construction is actually done in the ctor method
var ChildClass = (new Function("runtime", "members", "FN_ARGS", "STRIP_COMMENTS", "return function " + (displayName || "Class") + "() {\n\
if (!runtime.initializing && this.ctor)\n\
var length = members.length;\n\
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++)\n\
var item = members[i];\n\
this[item.name] = (function (me, fn) {\n\
var args = fn.toString().replace(STRIP_COMMENTS, '').match(FN_ARGS)[1];\n\
return args ? (new Function('me', 'fn', 'return function (' + args + ') { return fn.call(me, ' + args + '); }'))(me, fn) : function () { return fn.call(me); };\n\
})(this, item.fn);\n\
this.ctor.apply(this, arguments);\n\
}"))(runtime, membersArray, FN_ARGS, STRIP_COMMENTS);
ChildClass.members = targetMembers;
// Populate our constructed prototype object
ChildClass.prototype = prototype;
// Enforce the constructor to be what we expect
ChildClass.prototype.constructor = ChildClass;
// And make this class extendable
ChildClass.extend = extend;
return ChildClass;
return Class;
/* Simple JavaScript Inheritance
* By John Resig http://ejohn.org/
* MIT Licensed.
* Inspired by base2 and Prototype
* Angular adaptations by Denis Yaremov http://github.com/lu4
* Usage:
var X = Class.extend('X', {
ctor: function () {
this.name = "I'm X";
myOrdinaryMethod: function (x, y, z) {
console.log([this.name, x, y, z]);
myClassMemberMethod: ClassMember(function (x, y, z) {
console.log([this.name, x, y, z]);
var Y = Class.extend('Y', {
ctor: function () {
this.name = "I'm Y";
myOrdinaryMethod: function (x, y, z) {
console.log([this.name, x, y, z]);
myClassMemberMethod: ClassMember(function (x, y, z) {
console.log([this.name, x, y, z]);
var x = new X();
var y = new Y();
x.myClassMemberMethod('a', 'b', 'c'); // ["I'm X", "a", "b", "c"]
y.myClassMemberMethod('u', 'v', 'm'); // ["I'm Y", "u", "v", "m"]
x.myOrdinaryMethod('a', 'b', 'c'); // ["I'm X", "a", "b", "c"]
y.myOrdinaryMethod('u', 'v', 'm'); // ["I'm Y", "u", "v", "m"]
y.theirOrdinaryMethod = x.myOrdinaryMethod;
y.theirClassMemberMethod = x.myClassMemberMethod;
y.theirOrdinaryMethod('a', 'b', 'c'); // ["I'm Y", "a", "b", "c"]
y.theirClassMemberMethod('u', 'v', 'm'); // ["I'm X", "u", "v", "m"]
angular.module('homer').factory('Class', function () {
function ClassMember(fn) {
if (this instanceof ClassMember) {
this.fn = fn;
return this;
} else {
return new ClassMember(fn);
function ClassEvent() {
if (this instanceof ClassEvent) {
return this;
} else {
return new ClassEvent();
var runtime = { initializing: false },
fnTest = /xyz/.test(function () { xyz; }) ? /\bbase\b/ : /.*/,
fnArgs = /^function\s*[^\(]*\(\s*([^\)]*)\)/m,
stripComments = /((\/\/.*$)|(\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\/))/mg;
var toString = Object.prototype.toString;
// The base Class implementation (does nothing)
function Class() { };
Class.events = {};
Class.members = {};
// Create a new Class that inherits from this class
Class.extend = function Extend(displayName, properties) {
var array;
var targetEvents = {};
var sourceEvents = this.events;
var targetMembers = {};
var sourceMembers = this.members;
for (var eventName in sourceEvents) {
if (sourceEvents.hasOwnProperty(eventName)) {
targetEvents[eventName] = sourceEvents[eventName];
for (var memberName in sourceMembers) {
if (sourceMembers.hasOwnProperty(memberName)) {
targetMembers[memberName] = sourceMembers[memberName];
var base = this.prototype;
// Instantiate a base class (but only create the instance,
// don't run the ctor constructor)
runtime.initializing = true;
var prototype = new this();
runtime.initializing = false;
// Copy the properties over onto the new prototype
for (var name in properties) {
if (properties.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
// Check if we're overwriting an existing function
var property = properties[name];
// Support angular's controller/service/factory declaration notation
if (toString.call(property) === '[object Array]') {
array = property;
var item = array[array.length - 1];
if (toString.call(item) === '[object Function]' || item instanceof ClassMember) {
property = array[array.length - 1];
} else {
array = null;
} else {
array = null;
var isClassMember = property instanceof ClassMember;
if (isClassMember) {
property = property.fn;
var isClassEvent = property instanceof ClassEvent;
if (isClassEvent) {
property = (function() {
function Subscriber(fn) {
Subscriber.listeners = [];
Subscriber.fire = function() {
var listeners = Subscriber.listeners;
for (var i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) {
var result = listeners[i].apply(this, arguments);
if (result !== undefined) return result;
return void 0;
return Subscriber;
if (typeof property === "function") {
if (typeof base[name] === "function" && fnTest.test(property)) {
property = (function (propertyName, fn) {
var args = fn.toString().replace(stripComments, '').match(fnArgs)[1];
return (new Function('propertyName', 'fn', 'base', 'return function (' + args + ') {\n\
var prevBase = this.base;\n\
var hasBase = "base" in this;\n\
// Add a new .base() method that is the same method\n\
// but on the super-class\n\
this.base = base[propertyName];\n\
// The method only need to be bound temporarily, so we\n\
// remove it when we\'re done executing\n\
var ret = fn.call(this' + (!!args ? (', ' + args) : args) + ');\n\
if (hasBase) {\n\
this.base = prevBase;\n\
} else {\n\
delete this["base"];\n\
return ret;\n\
}'))(propertyName, fn, base);
})(name, property);
if (isClassEvent) {
targetEvents[name] = property;
} else {
delete targetEvents[name];
if (isClassMember) {
targetMembers[name] = property;
} else if (name in targetMembers) {
delete targetMembers[name];
if (array) {
array[array.length - 1] = property;
property = array;
prototype[name] = property;
} else {
prototype[name] = property;
var eventsArray = [];
for (var targetEventName in targetEvents) {
if (targetEvents.hasOwnProperty(targetEventName)) {
eventsArray.push({ name: targetEventName, fn: targetEvents[targetEventName] });
var membersArray = [];
for (var targetMemberName in targetMembers) {
if (targetMembers.hasOwnProperty(targetMemberName)) {
membersArray.push({ name: targetMemberName, fn: targetMembers[targetMemberName] });
// All construction is actually done in the ctor method
var ChildClass = (new Function("runtime", "events", "members", "FN_ARGS", "STRIP_COMMENTS", "return function " + (displayName || "Class") + "() {\n\
if (!runtime.initializing && this.ctor)\n\
var length = members.length;\n\
var bind = function (me, $$fn$$) {\n\
var args = $$fn$$.toString().replace(STRIP_COMMENTS, '').match(FN_ARGS)[1];\n\
var result = args ? (new Function('me', '$$fn$$', 'return function (' + args + ') { return $$fn$$.apply(me, arguments); }'))(me, $$fn$$) : function () { return $$fn$$.apply(me, arguments); };\n\
return result;\n\
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++)\n\
var item = members[i];\n\
var fn = item.fn;\n\
var name = item.name;\n\
var property = this[name] = bind(this, fn);\n\
if (fn.fire) {\n\
property.fire = bind(this, fn.fire);\n\
if (fn.listeners) {\n\
property.listeners = fn.listeners;\n\
var length = events.length;\n\
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++)\n\
var item = events[i];\n\
var fn = item.fn;\n\
var name = item.name;\n\
var property = this[name] = bind(this, fn);\n\
if (fn.fire) {\n\
property.fire = bind(this, fn.fire);\n\
if (fn.listeners) {\n\
property.listeners = fn.listeners;\n\
this.ctor.apply(this, arguments);\n\
}"))(runtime, eventsArray, membersArray, fnArgs, stripComments);
ChildClass.members = targetMembers;
// Populate our constructed prototype object
ChildClass.prototype = prototype;
// Enforce the constructor to be what we expect
ChildClass.prototype.constructor = ChildClass;
// And make this class extendable
ChildClass.extend = Extend;
ChildClass.event = ClassEvent;
ChildClass.member = ClassMember;
return ChildClass;
Class.member = ClassMember;
Class.event = ClassEvent;
return Class;
You can reuse functionality defined in parent controllers by simply calling
methods attached to the parent scope:
<div ng-controller="ParentCtrl">
<!-- Something here ... -->
<div ng-controller="ChildCtrl">
<!-- Something here ... -->
<!-- Something here ... -->
function ParentCtrl($scope) {
$scope.parentMethod = function () {
//method body
function ChildCtrl($scope) {
$scope.childMethod = function () {
If you want to use the JavaScript approach with prototype inheritance you can
var myApp = angular.module('myApp',[]);
function Parent($scope) {
$scope.name = 'Superhero';
$scope.clickParent = function() {
$scope.name = 'Clicked from base controller';
function Child($scope, $injector) {
$injector.invoke(Parent, this, {$scope: $scope});
$scope.name = 'Superhero Child';
$scope.clickChild = function(){
Child.prototype = Object.create(Parent.prototype);
For services, for example, you can use:
(function () {
function ParentService(arg1) {
this.arg1 = arg1;
function ChildService(arg1, arg2) {
ParentService.call(this, arg1);
this.arg2 = arg2;
ChildService.prototype = new ParentService();
app.service('ChildService', ChildService);
Also check
discussion and the blog post about inheritance in
AngularJS I posted.
问题内容: 我有一个父类,它定义了链接器方法的集合(返回“ this”的方法)。我想定义多个子类,这些子类包含它们自己的链接器方法,但也“覆盖”父方法,以便返回子类的实例而不是父类。 我不想在每个子类中都重复相同的方法,这就是为什么我有一个父类包含所有子类共享的方法的原因。谢谢。 问题答案: 返回的父类中的方法仍将返回对子类对象的引用。您只能将其视为父类的对象(除非您对其进行了强制转换),但实际上
问题内容: 使用基于注释的配置(等)是否可以实现相同的bean继承? http://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/4.1.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT/spring-framework- reference/htmlsingle/#beans-child-bean- definitions 问题答案: java config中没有抽象bean的概念,因为Java语言已经
使用基于注释的配置(等)是否可以实现相同的bean继承? http://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/4.1.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT/spring-framework-reference/htmlsingle/#beans-child-bean-definitions
我有一个类,用于使用struct解码二进制数据并存储在NamedTuple中,如下所示: 这是没有问题的,我可以如下使用: 但是,如果我尝试将其更改为继承类方法,如下所示,它会失败: 然后它错误与。 我知道从NamedTuple继承有些问题,但我想知道是否有解决办法? 编辑:正如下面的其他人所暗示的那样,看起来数据类是要走的路:一种用于类型检查目的的子类命名Tuple的方法
FAQs in section [24]: [24.1] 如何表示“私有继承”? [24.2] 私有继承和组合(composition)有什么类似? [24.3] 我应该选谁:组合还是私有继承? [24.4] 从私有继承类到父类需要指针类型转换吗? [24.5] 保护继承和私有继承的关系是什么? [24.6] 私有继承和保护继承的访问规则是什么? 24.1 如何表示“私有继承”? 用 : priv