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|    Author     |      Method      | 10,000  | 1,000,000 | 20,000,000 |
| Devon Bernard | PHP Many Queries | 0.38847 | 39.32716  | ~ 786.54   |
| Bhare         | PHP Few Queries  | 0.00831 | 0.94738   | 19.58823   |
| psadac,Bhare  | LOAD DATA        | 0.00549 | 0.43855   | 10.55236   |
| kjtl          | Bitwise          | 1.36076 | 1.48300   | 4.79226    |


– To use the bitwise solution you need a view of 2 to the power 25.
– the following solution is derived from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9751318/creating-a-numbers-table-in-mysql
– the following solution ran in 43.8 seconds with the primary key, without it 4.56 seconds.

-- create a view that has 2 to the power 25 minus 1

-- 2 ^ 1
CREATE or replace VIEW `two_to_the_power_01_minus_1` AS select 0 AS `n` union all select 1 AS `1`;

-- 2 ^ 2
CREATE or replace VIEW `two_to_the_power_02_minus_1` 
AS select
   ((`hi`.`n` << 1) | `lo`.`n`) AS `n`
from (`two_to_the_power_01_minus_1` `lo` join `two_to_the_power_01_minus_1` `hi`) ;

-- 2 ^ 4
CREATE or replace VIEW `two_to_the_power_04_minus_1` 
AS select
   ((`hi`.`n` << 2 ) | `lo`.`n`) AS `n`
from (`two_to_the_power_02_minus_1` `lo` join `two_to_the_power_02_minus_1` `hi`) ;

-- 2 ^ 8
CREATE or replace VIEW `two_to_the_power_08_minus_1` 
AS select
   ((`hi`.`n` << 4 ) | `lo`.`n`) AS `n`
from (`two_to_the_power_04_minus_1` `lo` join `two_to_the_power_04_minus_1` `hi`) ;

-- 2 ^ 12
CREATE or replace VIEW `two_to_the_power_12_minus_1` 
AS select
   ((`hi`.`n` << 8 ) | `lo`.`n`) AS `n`
from (`two_to_the_power_08_minus_1` `lo` join `two_to_the_power_04_minus_1` `hi`) ;

-- 2 ^ 13
CREATE or replace VIEW `two_to_the_power_13_minus_1`
AS select
   ((`hi`.`n` << 1) | `lo`.`n`) AS `n`
from (`two_to_the_power_01_minus_1` `lo` join `two_to_the_power_12_minus_1` `hi`);

-- create a table to store the interim results for speed of retrieval
drop table if exists numbers_2_to_the_power_13_minus_1;

create table `numbers_2_to_the_power_13_minus_1` (
  `i` int(11) unsigned
) ENGINE=myisam DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 ;

-- faster 2 ^ 13
insert into numbers_2_to_the_power_13_minus_1( i )
select n from `two_to_the_power_13_minus_1` ;

-- faster 2 ^ 12
CREATE or replace view `numbers_2_to_the_power_12_minus_1`
AS select
   `numbers_2_to_the_power_13_minus_1`.`i` AS `i`
from `numbers_2_to_the_power_13_minus_1`
where (`numbers_2_to_the_power_13_minus_1`.`i` < (1 << 12));

-- faster 2 ^ 25
CREATE or replace VIEW `numbers_2_to_the_power_25_minus_1`
AS select
   ((`hi`.`i` << 12) | `lo`.`i`) AS `i`
from (`numbers_2_to_the_power_12_minus_1` `lo` join `numbers_2_to_the_power_13_minus_1` `hi`);

-- create table for results

drop table if exists numbers ;

create table `numbers` (
  `i` int(11) signed 
  , primary key(`i`)

-- insert the numbers
insert into numbers(i)
select i from numbers_2_to_the_power_25_minus_1
where i <= 20000000 ;

drop view if exists numbers_2_to_the_power_25_minus_1 ;
drop view if exists numbers_2_to_the_power_12_minus_1 ;
drop table if exists numbers_2_to_the_power_13_minus_1 ;
drop view if exists two_to_the_power_13_minus_1 ;
drop view if exists two_to_the_power_12_minus_1 ;
drop view if exists two_to_the_power_08_minus_1 ;
drop view if exists two_to_the_power_04_minus_1 ;
drop view if exists two_to_the_power_02_minus_1 ;
drop view if exists two_to_the_power_01_minus_1 ;

  • 问题内容: 这是我永远遇到的一个问题。 据我所知,索引的顺序很重要。因此,类似的索引与 并不相同,对吧? 如果我仅定义第一个索引,是否意味着它将仅用于 而不是 由于我使用的是ORM,所以我不知道这些列的调用顺序。这是否意味着我必须在所有排列上添加索引?如果我有2列索引,那是可行的,但是如果我的索引是3列或4列怎么办? 问题答案: 当查询条件仅适用于 部分 索引时,索引顺序很重要。考虑: 如果你的索

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  • 我们可以看到,转速不是单调增加的。在我的实体的审计表中,我有以下内容: 通过将记录与转速号链接在一起形成时间线,我得到了: 24 -- 事实上,我有一个由2台服务器组成的集群。它们都可以将数据持久化到数据库中。我怀疑这与版本号中的顺序问题有关。因为这个问题。像MyEntity anEntity=auditReader.find(MyEntity.class,id,revNum)这样的查询不起作用,

  • 问题内容: 我们有一个带有表的数据库,该表的值是从另一个系统导入的。有一个自动增量列,没有重复的值,但缺少值。例如,运行以下查询: 应该返回100,但返回87。我可以运行任何查询来返回缺失数字的值吗?例如,可能存在ID为1-70和83-100的记录,但是没有ID为71-82的记录。我想返回71、72、73等 这可能吗? 问题答案: ConfexianMJS 在性能方面提供 了更好的 答案。 (不尽

  • 我在一个返回一个巨大选择的过程中工作,我不想定义它是如何排序的。我不想从三个字段中选择一个,如果它是升序还是降序,如果三个选项都没有定义,它会默认返回降序中的第一个字段 这边 当然,这不起作用... mysql指责单词DESC和ASC中的错误,我怎么能让这个工作??