The GNU C Library (glibc)


The GNU C Library (glibc)

The GNU C Library project provides the core libraries for the GNU system and GNU/Linux systems, as well as many other systems that use Linux as the kernel. These libraries provide critical APIs including ISO C11, POSIX.1-2008, BSD, OS-specific APIs and more. These APIs include such foundational facilities as open, read, write, malloc, printf, getaddrinfo, dlopen, pthread_create, crypt, login, exit and more.
GNU C Library 项目为 GNU 系统和 GNU / Linux 系统以及使用 Linux 作为内核的许多其他系统提供了核心库。这些库提供关键的 API,包括 ISO C11、POSIX.1-2008、BSD、特定于操作系统的 API 等。这些 API 包括 open、read、write、malloc、printf、getaddrinfo、dlopen、pthread_create、crypt、login、exit 等基础功能。

The GNU C Library is designed to be a backwards compatible, portable, and high performance ISO C library. It aims to follow all relevant standards including ISO C11, POSIX.1-2008, and IEEE 754-2008.
GNU C 库旨在成为向后兼容、可移植和高性能的 ISO C 库。它旨在遵循所有相关标准,包括 ISO C11、POSIX.1-2008 和 IEEE 754-2008。

The GNU C Library releases every 6 months.

gnu [(g)nuː; (g)njuː]:n. 角马,牛羚
circa ['sɜːkə]:prep. 大约,左右 (主要用于日期前) adv. 大约

The GNU C Library provides many of the low-level components used directly by programs written in the C or C++ languages. Many programming languages use the GNU C Library indirectly including C#, Java, Perl, Python, and Ruby (interpreters, VMs, or compiled code for these langauges use glibc directly).
GNU C 库提供了许多由 C 或 C++ 语言编写的程序直接使用的低级组件。许多编程语言间接使用 GNU C 库,包括 C#、Java、Perl、Python 和 Ruby (解释器,VM 或这些语言的编译代码直接使用 glibc)。

GNU C 库 (GNU C Library,glibc) 是一种按照 LGPL 许可协议发布的,自由的,公开源代码的,方便从网络下载的 C 的编译程序。GNU C 运行库,是一种 C 函数库,是程序运行时使用到的一些 API 集合,它们一般是已预先编译好,以二进制代码形式存在 Linux 类系统中,GNU C 运行库通常作为 GNU C 编译程序的一个部分发布。

Glibc 最初是自由软件基金会 (FSF) 为其 GNU 操作系统所写,但当前最主要的应用是配合 Linux 内核,成为 GNU/Linux 操作系统一个重要的组成部分。

The GNU C Library, commonly known as glibc, is the GNU Project’s implementation of the C standard library. Despite its name, it now also directly supports C++ (and, indirectly, other programming languages). It was started in the early 1990s by the Free Software Foundation (FSF) for their GNU operating system.
GNU C Library (glibc) 是 GNU Project 的 C 标准库实现。尽管它的名字,它现在也直接支持 C++ (和间接支持其他编程语言)。它由自由软件基金会 (FSF) 于 20 世纪 90 年代初开始用于他们的 GNU 操作系统。

Released under the GNU Lesser General Public License, glibc is free software. The GNU C Library project provides the core libraries for the GNU system and GNU/Linux systems, as well as many other systems that use Linux as the kernel. These libraries provide critical APIs including ISO C11, POSIX.1-2008, BSD, OS-specific APIs and more. These APIs include such foundational facilities as open, read, write, malloc, printf, getaddrinfo, dlopen, pthread_create, crypt, login, exit and more.
根据 GNU Lesser General Public License 发布,glibc 是免费软件。GNU C Library 项目为 GNU 系统和 GNU / Linux 系统以及使用 Linux 作为内核的许多其他系统提供了核心库。这些库提供关键 API,包括 ISO C11、POSIX.1-2008、BSD,特定于操作系统的 API 等。这些 API 包括 open、read、write、malloc、printf、getaddrinfo、dlopen、pthread_create、crypt、login、exit 等基础功能。


The GNU C Library

The Linux man-pages project
