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基于ubuntu16.04安装参考博客: https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_43455581/article/details/103899362
Cyclictest 测试


yaru@yaru-NUC:~$ sudo cyclictest -t 4 -p 80 -n
[sudo] password for yaru:
# /dev/cpu_dma_latency set to 0us
policy: fifo: loadavg: 0.91 0.68 0.57 1/491 12130

T: 0 (12124) P:80 I:1000 C:  79481 Min:      4 Act:   11 Avg:   13 Max:      46
T: 1 (12125) P:80 I:1500 C:  52987 Min:      4 Act:   10 Avg:   13 Max:      62
T: 2 (12126) P:80 I:2000 C:  39740 Min:      4 Act:    9 Avg:   12 Max:      59
T: 3 (12127) P:80 I:2500 C:  31792 Min:      4 Act:   11 Avg:   11 Max:      43


yaru@yaru-NUC:~$ sudo cyclictest -t 4 -p 80 -n
[sudo] password for yaru:
# /dev/cpu_dma_latency set to 0us
policy: fifo: loadavg: 0.03 0.20 0.13 1/393 2328

T: 0 ( 2298) P:80 I:1000 C: 248093 Min:      2 Act:    9 Avg:    9 Max:     100
T: 1 ( 2299) P:80 I:1500 C: 165395 Min:      3 Act:    9 Avg:    9 Max:      48
T: 2 ( 2300) P:80 I:2000 C: 124046 Min:      3 Act:    9 Avg:    8 Max:     108
T: 3 ( 2301) P:80 I:2500 C:  99237 Min:      2 Act:    9 Avg:    9 Max:      90


cyclictest: option requires an argument -- 'h'
cyclictest V 0.93
cyclictest <options>

-a [CPUSET] --affinity     Run thread #N on processor #N, if possible, or if CPUSET
                           given, pin threads to that set of processors in round-
                           robin order.  E.g. -a 2 pins all threads to CPU 2,
                           but -a 3-5,0 -t 5 will run the first and fifth
                           threads on CPU (0),thread #2 on CPU 3, thread #3
                           on CPU 4, and thread #5 on CPU 5.在N#处理器上运行N#线程
-A USEC  --aligned=USEC    align thread wakeups to a specific offset
-b USEC  --breaktrace=USEC send break trace command when latency > USEC#当延时大于USEC指定的值时,发送停止跟踪。USEC,单位为谬秒
-B       --preemptirqs     both preempt and irqsoff tracing (used with -b)#和 -b一起使用。preempt(抢占)和 irqsoff同时跟踪。cyclictest -b 100 -B
-c CLOCK --clock=CLOCK     select clock
                           0 = CLOCK_MONOTONIC (default)
                           1 = CLOCK_REALTIME#选择时钟  cyclictest -c 1
-C       --context         context switch tracing (used with -b)#上下文切换跟踪(和-b一起使用)
-d DIST  --distance=DIST   distance of thread intervals in us default=500#线程间隔(默认为500)
-D       --duration=t      specify a length for the test run
                           default is in seconds, but 'm', 'h', or 'd' maybe added
                           to modify value to minutes, hours or days#指定要测试多长时间。默认单位是秒,但是也可以指定m(分),h(小时),d(天)
         --latency=PM_QOS  write PM_QOS to /dev/cpu_dma_latency
-E       --event           event tracing (used with -b)#事件跟踪,和 -b一起使用
-f       --ftrace          function trace (when -b is active)#函数跟踪(-b 为激活的)
-F       --fifo=<path>     create a named pipe at path and write stats to it
-h       --histogram=US    dump a latency histogram to stdout after the run
                           (with same priority about many threads)
                           US is the max time to be be tracked in microseconds#在执行完后在标准输出设备上画出延迟的直方图(很多线程有相同的权限)US为最大的跟踪时间限制(单位为毫秒)。
-H       --histofall=US    same as -h except with an additional summary column
-i INTV  --interval=INTV   base interval of thread in us default=1000#基本线程间隔,默认为1000us
-I       --irqsoff         Irqsoff tracing (used with -b)#中断请求关闭跟踪
-l LOOPS --loops=LOOPS     number of loops: default=0(endless)#循环的个数,默认为0(无穷个)
         --laptop          Save battery when running cyclictest
                           This will give you poorer realtime results
                           but will not drain your battery so quickly
-m       --mlockall        lock current and future memory allocations#锁定当前和将来的内存分配
-M       --refresh_on_max  delay updating the screen until a new max latency is hit#延迟更新屏幕直到新的延时周期的到来
-n       --nanosleep       use clock_nanosleep
         --notrace         suppress tracing
-N       --nsecs           print results in ns instead of us (default us)#每ns打印一次结果,而不是us(默认是us)
-o RED   --oscope=RED      oscilloscope mode, reduce verbose output by RED#示波器模式,减少冗长的输出通过RED
-O TOPT  --traceopt=TOPT   trace option
-p PRIO  --priority=PRIO   priority of highest prio thread#最高优先级线程的优先级
-P       --preemptoff      Preempt off tracing (used with -b)
-q       --quiet           print only a summary on exit#退出时只打印概要内容
         --priospread       spread priority levels starting at specified value
-r       --relative        use relative timer instead of absolute#使用相对时间而非绝对时间
-R       --resolution      check clock resolution, calling clock_gettime() many
                           times.  list of clock_gettime() values will be
                           reported with -X
         --secaligned [USEC] align thread wakeups to the next full second,
                           and apply the optional offset
-s       --system          use sys_nanosleep and sys_setitimer#使用 sys_nanosleep 和 sys_setitimer
-S       --smp             Standard SMP testing: options -a -t -n and
                           same priority of all threads
-t       --threads         one thread per available processor#每个可用的处理器一个线程
-t [NUM] --threads=NUM     number of threads:
                           without NUM, threads = max_cpus
                           without -t default = 1
-T TRACE --tracer=TRACER   set tracing function
    configured tracers: hwlat blk mmiotrace function_graph wakeup_dl wakeup_rt wakeup function nop
-u       --unbuffered      force unbuffered output for live processing#对活动的进程强制为无缓冲输出,n=任务个数 c=计数 v=数值(单位:us)
-U       --numa            Standard NUMA testing (similar to SMP option)
                           thread data structures allocated from local node
-v       --verbose         output values on stdout for statistics
                           format: n:c:v n=tasknum c=count v=value in us#把统计数据输出到标准输出
-w       --wakeup          task wakeup tracing (used with -b)#任务唤醒跟踪(和 -b 一起使用)
-W       --wakeuprt        rt task wakeup tracing (used with -b)#实时任务唤醒跟踪
         --dbg_cyclictest  print info useful for debugging cyclictest
         --policy=POLI     policy of realtime thread, POLI may be fifo(default) or rr
                           format: --policy=fifo(default) or --policy=rr#实时线程的调度规则,可以是 fifo(默认) 或者 rr 格式为: --ploicy=fifo 或者 rr


  • 下载cyclictest,可以选择最新的版本

  • 下载后打开rt-tests/src/cyclictest/cyclictest.c

  • 从main()函数入口 line 2009

int main(int argc, char **argv)
        sigset_t sigset;
        int signum = SIGALRM;
        int mode;
        int cpu;
        int max_cpus = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN);/*获取本机的CPU数*/
        int i, ret = -1;
        int status;
        process_options(argc, argv, max_cpus);/*解析输入参数*/
        status = pthread_create(&stat->thread, &attr,   timerthread, par);/*创建线程*/

从main()里面可以看到主要定义了一些变量,然后通过pthread_create()函数创建线程来测试,并通过void *timerthread(void *param)函数来具体测试和记录:

status = pthread_create(&stat->thread, &attr, timerthread, par);
                if (status)
                        fatal("failed to create thread %d: %s\n", i, strerror(status));

创建线程后执行void *timerthread(void *param);函数

static void *timerthread(void *param)
        struct thread_param *par = param;
        struct sched_param schedp;
        struct sigevent sigev;
        sigset_t sigset;
        timer_t timer;
        struct timespec now, next, interval, stop;
        struct itimerval itimer;
        struct itimerspec tspec;
        struct thread_stat *stat = par->stats;
        int stopped = 0;
        cpu_set_t mask;
        pthread_t thread;
        unsigned long smi_now, smi_old = 0;

        memset(&stop, 0, sizeof(stop));

        /* if we're running in numa mode, set our memory node */
        if (par->node != -1)
                rt_numa_set_numa_run_on_node(par->node, par->cpu);

        if (par->cpu != -1) {
                CPU_SET(par->cpu, &mask);
                thread = pthread_self();
                if (pthread_setaffinity_np(thread, sizeof(mask), &mask) != 0)
                        warn("Could not set CPU affinity to CPU #%d\n",


/* Get current time */
        if (aligned || secaligned) {
                if (par->tnum == 0) {
                        clock_gettime(par->clock, &globalt);
                        if (secaligned) {
                                /* Ensure that the thread start timestamp is not
                                   in the past */
                                if (globalt.tv_nsec > 900000000)
                                        globalt.tv_sec += 2;
                                globalt.tv_nsec = 0;
                now = globalt;
                if (offset) {
                        if (aligned)
                                now.tv_nsec += offset * par->tnum;
                                now.tv_nsec += offset;
        } else
                clock_gettime(par->clock, &now);


next = now;
next.tv_sec += interval.tv_sec;
next.tv_nsec += interval.tv_nsec;


while (!shutdown) {
    uint64_t diff;
    unsigned long diff_smi = 0;
    int sigs, ret;
    /* Wait for next period */
    switch (par->mode) {
    case MODE_CYCLIC:
        if (sigwait(&sigset, &sigs) < 0)
            goto out;
        if (par->timermode == TIMER_ABSTIME) {
            ret = clock_nanosleep(par->clock, TIMER_ABSTIME,
                               &next, NULL);
            if (ret != 0) {
                if (ret != EINTR)
                     warn("clock_nanosleep failed. errno: %d\n", errno);
                goto out;


if (par->max_cycles && par->max_cycles == stat->cycles)


ret = clock_gettime(par->clock, &now);
if (ret != 0) {
    if (ret != EINTR)
        warn("clock_gettime() failed. errno: %d\n",
        goto out;


if (use_nsecs)
    diff = calcdiff_ns(now, next);
    diff = calcdiff(now, next);


if (diff < stat->min)/*假如延时比min 小,将min 改为这个更小的延时值diff*/
    stat->min = diff;
if (diff > stat->max) {/*假如延时比max 大,将max 改为这个更大的延时值diff*/
    stat->max = diff;
    if (refresh_on_max)
stat->avg += (double) diff;/*计算新的平均延时*/


next.tv_sec += interval.tv_sec;
next.tv_nsec += interval.tv_nsec;
if (par->mode == MODE_CYCLIC) {
    int overrun_count = timer_getoverrun(timer);
    next.tv_sec += overrun_count * interval.tv_sec;
    next.tv_nsec += overrun_count * interval.tv_nsec;


  1. 由main()函数入口
  2. 在mian()里面通过process_options(argc, argv, max_cpus)来解析参数
  3. 通过line:2182 for(i = 0; i < num_threads; i++)循环创建一个线程的参数thread_param(line:119)和thread_stat(line:137)
  4. Line:2305,在每次的循环中通过pthread_create(&stat->thread, &attr, timerthread, par)来创建线程
  5. 创建线程后, 程序进入Line:627 执行函数static void *timerthread(void *param){…}来计算线程时间间隔
  6. 在timerthread函数中,包含一个完整的线程循环迭代Line746~Line:930 while(!shutdown){}