|-- main/
|-- java/
|-- resources/
|-- scala/
|-- test/
|-- java/
|-- resources/
|-- scala/
name := "HelloWorld"
version := "1.0"
scalaVersion := "2.13.2"
在src/main/scala 目录下:
object HelloWorld extends App {
println("Hello, world")
$ sbt run
Updated file /Users/al/Projects/Scala/Hello/project/ setting sbt.version to: 0.13.15
[warn] Executing in batch mode.
[warn] For better performance, hit [ENTER] to switch to interactive mode, or
[warn] consider launching sbt without any commands, or explicitly passing 'shell'
[info] Loading project definition from /Users/al/Projects/Scala/Hello/project
[info] Updating {file:/Users/al/Projects/Scala/Hello/project/}hello-build...
[info] Resolving org.fusesource.jansi#jansi;1.4 ...
[info] Done updating.
[info] Set current project to Hello (in build file:/Users/al/Projects/Scala/Hello/)
[info] Updating {file:/Users/al/Projects/Scala/Hello/}hello...
[info] Resolving jline#jline;2.14.5 ...
[info] Done updating.
[info] Compiling 1 Scala source to /Users/al/Projects/Scala/Hello/target/scala-2.12/classes...
[info] Running HelloWorld
Hello, world
[success] Total time: 4 s
> sbt
[info] Loading project definition from /Users/al/Projects/Scala/Hello/project
[info] Set current project to Hello (in build file:/Users/al/Projects/Scala/Hello/)
> run
[info] Running HelloWorld
Hello, world
[success] Total time: 0 s
可以输入 exit 来退出sbt ,或快捷键 ctrl+D
name := "HelloScalaTest"
version := "1.0"
scalaVersion := "2.13.2"
libraryDependencies +=
"org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % "3.0.8" % Test
然后在src/main/scala 写代码:
package simpletest
object Hello extends App {
val p = new Person("Alvin Alexander")
println(s"Hello ${}")
class Person(var name: String)
> sbt run
[warn] Executing in batch mode.
[warn] For better performance, hit [ENTER] to switch to interactive mode, or
[warn] consider launching sbt without any commands, or explicitly passing 'shell'
[info] Compiling 1 Scala source to /Users/al/Projects/Scala/HelloScalaTest/target/scala-2.12/classes...
[info] Running simpletest.Hello
Hello Alvin Alexander
[success] Total time: 4 s
在 src/test/scala 中写代码:
package simpletest
import org.scalatest.FunSuite
class HelloTests extends FunSuite {
// test 1
test("the name is set correctly in constructor") {
val p = new Person("Barney Rubble")
assert( == "Barney Rubble")
// test 2
test("a Person's name can be changed") {
val p = new Person("Chad Johnson") = "Ochocinco"
assert( == "Ochocinco")
> sbt test
[info] Set current project to HelloScalaTest (in build file:/Users/al/Projects/Scala/HelloScalaTest/)
[info] HelloTests:
[info] - the name is set correctly in constructor
[info] - a Person's name can be changed
[info] Run completed in 277 milliseconds.
[info] Total number of tests run: 2
[info] Suites: completed 1, aborted 0
[info] Tests: succeeded 2, failed 0, canceled 0, ignored 0, pending 0
[info] All tests passed.
[success] Total time: 1 s
在src/main/scala 写代码:
package simpletest
object MathUtils {
def double(i: Int) = i * 2
在src/test/scala 写代码:
package simpletest
import org.scalatest.FunSpec
class MathUtilsSpec extends FunSpec {
describe("MathUtils::double") {
it("should handle 0 as input") {
val result = MathUtils.double(0)
assert(result == 0)
it("should handle 1") {
val result = MathUtils.double(1)
assert(result == 2)
it("should handle really large integers") (pending)
在TDD(测试驱动开发)中是使用 FunSuite;
在BDD(行为驱动开发)中使用 FunSpec。
> sbt test
[info] HelloTests:
[info] - the name is set correctly in constructor
[info] - a Person's name can be changed
[info] MathUtilsSpec:
[info] MathUtils::double
[info] - should handle 0 as input
[info] - should handle 1
[info] - should handle really large integers (pending)
[info] Total number of tests run: 4
[info] Suites: completed 2, aborted 0
[info] Tests: succeeded 4, failed 0, canceled 0, ignored 0, pending 1
[info] All tests passed.
[success] Total time: 4 s, completed Jan 6, 2018 4:58:23 PM