html5协议转换,websockify-nginx-module: websockify-nginx-module 使 Nginx 支持将 TCP 协议转化为 websocket 协议 使js + ...


Websockify port for Nginx

Embed the Websockify into Nginx


git clone

cd path/to/nginx_source

./configure --add-module=/path/to/websockify-nginx-module/


make install


Single noVNC websockify proxy

in your nginx.conf

location /websockify {

websockify_pass yourvncip:port


Host is your nginx server's ip

port is your nginx server's listening port

Click connect

Quick start with Docker

Proxy to your localhost/websockify.

Note: 5901 is hardcoded in nginx.vh.default.conf

docker run -d --add-host vnchost: -p 80:80 farmer1992/nginx-websockify

Dynamic vnc upstream with help of ngx-lua

an example script read ip and port from url params and verify them by md5


this is only an exmaple for you to understand how to work together with ngx-lua

do NOT use this script in production.

anyone who know your private key can connect any machine behind your nginx proxy,

you should restrict target ip and port in a whitelist.

in your nginx.conf

location /websockify {

set $vnc_addr '';

access_by_lua '

-- your private key here

local key = "CHANGE_ME_!!!!"

-- read from url params

local args = ngx.req.get_uri_args()

local ip = args["ip"] or ""

local port = args["port"] or "5900"

local sign = args["sign"]

local t = tonumber(args["t"]) or 0

local elapse = ngx.time() - t

-- make sure the signature are generated within 30 seconds

if elapse > 30 or elapse < 0 then



local addr = ip .. ":" .. port

-- verify the signature

if ngx.md5(key .. t .. addr .. key) ~= sign then



ngx.var.vnc_addr = addr


websockify_pass $vnc_addr;


use ajax call to vnc_url.php to retrieve the websockify url, then let noVNC connect to it.

// query you vnc ip and port from somewhere, e.g. mysql.


// query result

$addr = '';

$port = 5900;

// same as private key in nginx.conf

$key = "CHANGE_ME_!!!!";

$t = time();

echo '/websockify/?' . http_build_query(array(

't' => $t,

'sign' => md5($key . $t . "$addr:$port" . $key),

'ip' => $addr,

'port' => $port,



websockify_buffer_size: Default: 65543 = 65535 + 4 + 4 (websocket max frame size + header + mask)

The buffer size used to store the encode/decode data.

each websockify connection will cost websockify_buffer_size * 2 ( 1 upstream + 1 downstream ) addational memory

websockify_read_timeout: Default 60s

proxy_read_timeout of websockify upstream

websockify_connect_timeout: Default 60s

proxy_connect_timeout of websockify upstream

websockify_send_timeout: Default 60s

proxy_send_timeout of websockify upstream

Nginx Compatibility

v0.02 - v0.0.3

1.7.x (Tested on 1.7.9)

1.6.x (Tested on 1.6.2)


1.5.x (Tested on 1.5.9)

1.4.x (Tested on 1.4.4)
