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crm(live)# configure
crm(live)configure# show
node node1
node node2
property cib-bootstrap-options: \
    dc-version=1.1.14-8.el6_8.2-70404b0 \
    cluster-infrastructure="classic openais (with plugin)" \
crm(live)configure# property stonith-enabled=false
crm(live)configure# commit
crm(live)configure# cd ..    #返回上一级
crm(live)# node
crm(live)node# help
attribute      Manage attributes
clearstate     Clear node state        #清理当前node的状态信息
delete       Delete node             #删除节点
fence        Fence node
maintenance    Put node into maintenance mode
online       Set node online        #将当前节点重新上线,standby转为online
ready       Put node into ready mode
server       Show node hostname or server address
show        Show node       #显示当前所有节点
standby       Put node into standby    #将当前节点转为备用
status       Show nodes' status as XML
status-attr    Manage status attributes
utilization    Manage utilization attributes
cd        Navigate the level structure
help       Show help (help topics for list of topics)
ls        List levels and commands    #指明级别和子命令列出当前可用节点
quit       Exit the interactive shell
up        Go back to previous level
crm(live)# resource
crm(live)resource# help
ban        Ban a resource from a node    #禁止资源在一个节点
cleanup      Cleanup resource status       #清理资源状态
constraints    Show constraints affecting a resource    #显示影响资源的约束
demote       Demote a master-slave resource   #降级主从资源
failcount     Manage failcounts                #管理员错误状态统计数据
locate       Show the location of resources   #显示资源的位置
maintenance    Enable/disable per-resource maintenance mode #启用/禁用每个资源维护模式
manage       Put a resource into managed mode #资源定义为可被管理状态
meta        Manage a meta attribute          #管理meta 属性
move        Move a resource to another node  #将资源移动到另一个节点
operations     Show active resource operations  #显示活动的资源的操作
param       Manage a parameter of a resource #管理资源参数
promote      Promote a master-slave resource 
refresh      Refresh CIB from the LRM status
reprobe      Probe for resources not started by the CRM
restart      Restart resources           #重启一个资源
scores       Display resource scores     #查看资源
secret       Manage sensitive parameters
start       Start resources             #开启一个资源
status       Show status of resources    #资源当前状态
stop        Stop resources              #停止一个资源
trace       Start RA 
unmanage      Put a resource into unmanaged mode   #资源定义为不可被管理状态
untrace      Stop RA tracing
utilization    Manage a utilization attribute
crm(live)# ra
crm(live)ra# help
classes       List classes and providers   #列出资源代理类型
info        Show meta data for a RA    #显示资源代理的帮助信息
list        List RA for a class (and provider)    #列出资源代理类型中所拥有的资源代理
providers      Show providers for a RA and a class
validate      Validate parameters for RA
node             define a cluster node #定义一个集群节点
primitive        define a resource #定义资源
monitor          add monitor operation to a primitive #对一个资源添加监控选项(如超时时间,启动失败后的操作)
group            define a group #定义一个组类型(包含一个或多个资源,这些资源可通过“组”这个资源统一进行调度)
clone            define a clone #定义一个克隆类型(可以在同一个集群内的多个节点运行多份克隆)
ms               define a master-slave resource #定义一个主从类型(集群内的节点只能有一个运行主资源,其它从的做备用)
rsc_template     define a resource template #定义一个资源模板
location         a location preference #定义位置约束优先级(默认运行于那一个节点(如果位置约束的值相同,默认倾向性那一个高,就在那一个节点上运行))
colocation       colocate resources #排列约束资源(多个资源在一起的可能性)
order            order resources #顺序约束,定义资源在同一个节点上启动时的先后顺序
rsc_ticket       resources ticket dependency
property         set a cluster property #设置集群属性
rsc_defaults     set resource defaults #设置资源默认属性(粘性)
fencing_topology node fencing order #隔离节点顺序
role             define role access rights #定义角色的访问权限
user             define user access rights #定义用用户访问权限
op_defaults      set resource operations defaults #设置资源默认选项
schema           set or display current CIB RNG schema
show             display CIB objects #显示集群信息库对
edit             edit CIB objects #编辑集群信息库对象(vim模式下编辑)
filter           filter CIB objects #过滤CIB对象
delete           delete CIB objects #删除CIB对象
default-timeouts set timeouts for operations to minimums from the meta-data
rename           rename a CIB object #重命名CIB对象
modgroup         modify group #改变资源组
refresh          refresh from CIB #重新读取CIB信息
erase            erase the CIB #清除CIB信息
ptest            show cluster actions if changes were committed
rsctest          test resources as currently configured
cib              CIB shadow management
cibstatus        CIB status management and editing
template         edit and import a configuration from a template
commit           commit the changes to the CIB #将更改后的信息提交写入CIB
verify           verify the CIB with crm_verify #CIB语法验证
upgrade          upgrade the CIB to version 1.0
save             save the CIB to a file #将当前CIB导出到一个文件中(导出的文件存于切换crm 之前的目录)
load             import the CIB from a file #从文件内容载入CIB


posted on 2018-08-30 16:28  gushiren 阅读( ...) 评论( ...) 编辑 收藏

