SpringSource Tool Suite 2.1.0 Now Available


Christian Dupuis
August 06, 2009

I’m happy to announce that we just released the final version of SpringSource Tool Suite 2.1.0; the first GA version with major enhancements since making STS freely available.

The release comes with brand-new installers for all supported platforms and bundles latest versions of SpringSource tc and dm Server as well as Spring Roo. Additionally you can choose between distributions based on Eclipse 3.4 and the recently released 3.5 aka Eclipse Galileo.

Because we’ve seen lots of interest in the new Groovy tools we also offer a bundled download of STS and the Groovy Eclipse Plugin.

The list of new features in STS is long and we already covered some of them in previous blog posts. Review the New & Noteworthy for more details.

In summary here are the highlights:

Support for milestones of Spring 3.0 including XML editing and validation, support for @Configuration and @Bean annotations

Visual editing of Spring Batch configurations

Integration of Spring Roo for rapid application development

Deployment to single instances of tc or dm Server and to tc Server groups through SpringSource AMS

Deployment into virtualized environments like Amazon EC2 or VMware Lab Manager

Support for milestones of SpringSource dm Server 2.0, RFC66 web modules and SpringSource Bundlor integration

Overall performance improvements and reduced memory consumption

and a lot of smaller enhancements and bug fixes


The team has already started to work on the next release iteration. You can closely follow our progress in JIRA. The major work items for upcoming STS versions include:

<li>Complete Spring 3.0 support including tools for developing RESTful web applications</li>
<li>Support for Grails development including integrated shell, classpath and plugin management</li>
<li>Support for dm Server 2.0 including plan file deployment, hosted repository browsing and provisiong, dump inspection</li>

If you think there is something missing or you’d like to see certain features in the above areas head over to the STS JIRA and file a new user story or defect. We are especially interested in your thoughts about first-class Grails tooling.

And finally here is the link to the downloads. The download page also has instructions on how to install STS from an Eclipse update site.

Update: We released a service release for STS 2.1.0.RELEASE which is available from the download page. Users can also use the update manager to update to 2.1.0.SR01. Please update at your earliest convenience for the best possible usage experience.

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该版本为所有受支持的平台提供了全新的安装程序,并捆绑了最新版本的SpringSource tc和dm Server以及Spring Roo。此外,您还可以在基于Eclipse3.4和最近发布的EclipseGalileo 3.5发行版之间进行选择。
因为我们对新的Groovy工具很感兴趣,我们还提供了STS和Groovy Eclipse插件的捆绑下载。
通过SpringSource AMS部署到tc或dm Server的单个实例和tc Server组
部署到虚拟化环境中,如Amazon EC2或VMware Lab Manager
支持SpringSource dm Server 2.0、RFC66 web模块和SpringSource bundler集成的里程碑

  • 完整的Spring 3.0支持,包括用于开发RESTful web应用程序的工具
  • 支持Grails开发,包括集成的shell、类路径和插件管理
  • 支持dm Server 2.0,包括计划文件部署、托管存储库浏览和配置、转储检查
  • 如果您认为缺少了什么,或者您希望看到上述区域中的某些特性,请直接转到STS JIRA并提交一个新的用户故事或缺陷。我们对您关于一流Grails工具的想法特别感兴趣。 最后是下载链接。下载页面还提供了如何从Eclipse更新站点安装STS的说明。 更新:我们发布了一个STS 2.1.0.release的服务版本,可以从下载页面获得。用户还可以使用更新管理器更新到2.1.0.SR01。请在您方便的时候尽早更新以获得最佳的使用体验。 由DISPS提供的评论


