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SourceForge上发布dedup util 安装使用 ubuntu centos 版本 1.4.2


项目来自   刘爱贵博士的专栏   SourceForge上发布dedup util  点击打开链接

版本 1.4.2 


[dedup util]

dedup util是一款开源的轻量级文件打包工具,它基于块级的重复数据删除技术,可以有效缩减数据容量,节省用户存储空间。目前已经在Sourceforge上创建项目,并且源码正在不断更新中。

 更详细信息请参见 http://blog.csdn.net/liuben/archive/2010/01/09/5166538.aspx

 dedup util目前处于pre-alpha开发阶段,支持文件打包、解包、追加文件、删除文件、罗列包中文件等功能。初步的测试结果显示,即使在不明确数据是否具备较高重复率的情况下,dedup技术也能较明显地减少数据包的数据量,产生的数据包比Tar工具的要小。


项目URL: https://sourceforge.net/projects/deduputil

SVN代码库URL: https://deduputil.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/deduputil



  svn co https://deduputil.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/deduputil deduputil



ubuntu: apt-get install libz-dev   如果不支持apt-get,请采用其他途径安装。

centos:   yum install zlib-devel




sudo ./configure
sudo make
sudo make install


[jz@localhost deduputil-code-83]$ sudo ./autogen.sh 
[sudo] password for jz: 
./autogen.sh: line 3: aclocal: command not found
./autogen.sh: line 4: autoheader: command not found
./autogen.sh: line 5: autoconf: command not found
./autogen.sh: line 6: automake: command not found
ubuntu :
apt-get install automake
yum  install automake 就可以了

[jz@localhost deduputil-code-83]$ ./autogen.sh 
[jz@localhost deduputil-code-83]$ sudo ./configure
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
config.status: creating config.h
config.status: executing depfiles commands
[jz@localhost deduputil-code-83]$ sudo  make
make  all-recursive
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/jz/deduputil-code-83'
Making all in .
make[2]: Entering directory `/home/jz/deduputil-code-83'
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/jz/deduputil-code-83'
Making all in src
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/jz/deduputil-code-83/src'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/jz/deduputil-code-83'
[jz@localhost deduputil-code-83]$ sudo make install
Making install in .
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/jz/deduputil-code-83/src'


[jz@localhost deduputil-code-83]$ dedup -h
Main options (must only one):
  -c, --creat      create a new archive
  -x, --extract    extract files from an archive
  -a, --append     append files to an archive
  -r, --remove     remove files from an archive
  -t, --list       list files in an archive
  -s, --stat       show information about an archive

Other options:
  -C, --chunk      chunk algorithms: FSP, CDC, SB, CDC as default
                   FSP - fixed-size partition
                   CDC - content-defined chunking
                   SB - sliding block
  -f, --hashfunc   set hash function for CDC file chunking, adler_hash as default
                   hash functions list as followed: 
                   rabin_hash, RS_hash, JS_hash, PJW_hash, ELF_hash, AP_hash
                   simple_hash, BKDR_hash, JDBM_hash, DJB_hash, CRC_hash, adler_hash
  -z, --compress   filter the archive through zlib compression
  -b, --block      block size for deduplication, 4096 as default
  -H, --hashtable  hashtable bucket number, 10240 as default
  -d, --directory  change to directory, PWD as default
  -v, --verbose    print verbose messages
  -V, --version    display version number
  -h, --help       give this help list


Usage: dedup [OP TION...] [FILE]...

dedup tool packages files with deduplicaton technique.



  dedup -c foobar.ded foo bar    # Create foobar.ded from files foo and bar.

  dedup -a foobar.ded foo1 bar1  # Append files foo1 and bar1 into foobar.ded.

  dedup -r foobar.ded foo1 bar1  # Remove files foo1 and bar1 from foobar.ded.

  dedup -t foobar.ded            # List all files in foobar.ded.

  dedup -x foobar.ded            # Extract all files from foobar.ded.



  -c, --creat      create a new archive

  -x, --extract    extrace files from an archive

  -a, --append     append files to an archive

  -r, --remove     remove files from an archive

  -t, --list       list files in an archive

  -z, --compress   filter the archive through zlib compression

  -b, --block      block size for deduplication, default is 4096

  -H, --hashtable  hashtable backet number, default is 10240

  -d, --directory  change to directory, default is PWD

  -v, --verbose    print verbose messages

  -h, --help       give this help list






1. 数据块碰撞问题


2. 变长数据块


3. 相似文件识别



