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lynda ux_如何建立内部UX团队


lynda ux

Written by Cassandra Naji

卡珊德拉·纳吉 ( Cassandra Naji)撰写

The needs of real users are increasingly driving enterprise software design and development. Since 2013, IBM has hired close to 1500 designers and UXers, establishing the largest design studio network in the world. Art dealership and realtor Sotheby’s plans to boost its UX and product design team from 3 to 40 people in 3 years. Multinational manufacturer of product ranges Procter & Gamble (P&G) created a 12 person in-house design team, dubbed Clay Street that came up with innovative ideas which managed to revive an ailing brand.

实际用户的需求正日益推动企业软件设计和开发。 自2013年以来,IBM雇用了将近1500名设计师和UXer,建立了全球最大的设计工作室网络 。 艺术经销商和经纪人苏富比计划在3年内将其UX和产品设计团队从3人增加到40人 。 产品系列的跨国制造商宝洁(P&G)创建了一个由12人组成的内部设计团队,称为Clay Street,提出了一些创新思想,这些思想设法复兴了衰败的品牌

IBM, Sotheby’s and Procter & Gamble are just the tip of the enterprise UX iceberg. Global organisations are increasingly moving to create their User Experience teams, swapping the external agency model for in-house teams working hand in hand with product developers. It is a brave new world of enterprise UX out there.

IBM,苏富比和宝洁只是企业UX冰山一角。 全球组织正越来越多地创建自己的用户体验团队,将外部代理模型换成与产品开发人员携手合作的内部团队。 这是企业UX的勇敢新世界。

That being said, while adopting user experience approaches is vital for global enterprises, it is a challenging endeavour. Building an in-house enterprise UX team requires organisational, structural and attitudinal changes.

话虽这么说,尽管采用用户体验方法对全球企业至关重要,但这是一项具有挑战性的工作。 建立内部企业UX团队需要组织,结构和态度上的变化。

A successful enterprise UX overhaul means you have to:


  1. Be sure that having an in-house UX team is the way forward. (If, yes, proceed to point 2, else stop here.)

    确保拥有内部UX团队是前进的道路。 (如果是,请继续执行第2点,否则请在此处停止。)
  2. Lay the groundwork for an in-house UX team.

  3. Hire that team.

  4. Structure it.

  5. Integrate this new UX team into the culture of the company.


开始之前:企业中用户体验的兴起 (Before we Begin: The Rise of UX in the Enterprise)

It is tempting to ask — if introducing UX into an enterprise is so difficult, why bother? Why not just keep legacy software systems and hire agency UXers for occasional troubleshooting? Nice idea, but not viable. User experience has ceased to be an optional add-on and is now considered central to enterprise product development concerning profits, people, and productivity.

诱人的问题是-将UX引入企业是否如此困难,为什么要打扰? 为什么不只保留旧版软件系统并雇用代理UXer进行偶尔的故障排除? 好主意,但不可行。 用户体验已不再是可选的附加功能,现在被认为是企业产品开发中涉及利润,人员和生产率的关键。

利润 (Profits)

User-friendly software makes more money than unintuitive software. Take Walmart’s redesign of their e-commerce site, which resulted in a 214% increase in visitors. Or Bank of America, which increased online banking registration by 45% after a UX redesign of the process. In fact, according to D3 Infragistics, investment in UX gives a return of between $2 and $100 for every $1 spent, thanks to factors such as increased conversion or engagement, reduced drop-off rates and fewer internal training sessions.

用户友好的软件比不直观的软件能赚更多的钱。 以沃尔玛重新设计其电子商务网站为例,该网站的访问者增加214% 。 或美国银行, 在对用户体验进行重新设计之后 ,在线银行注册增加了45% 。 实际上,根据D3 Infragistics的说法,由于增加了转换或参与度,减少了流失率以及减少了内部培训课程等因素,对UX的投资每花费1美元,就会获得2到100美元的回报。


Or more specifically enterprise employees. These are the individuals who have to suffer through unintuitive enterprise software for 40+ hours every week. In the past, employees accepted bad software as the norm. These days, thanks to rising software consumerization and the growth in software competition, teams are freer to choose their enterprise products and to change them if the experience is not up to scratch. Clumsy enterprise software just is not going to cut it in a world where start-ups like Slack and Zendesk are eating into territory formerly held by established software builders.

或更具体地说是企业员工。 这些人每周必须遭受不直观的企业软件困扰40多个小时。 过去,员工将不良软件作为准则。 如今,由于软件消费化程度的提高以及软件竞争的加剧,如果经验不足,团队可以更自由地选择其企业产品并进行更改。 在一个像Slack和Zendesk这样的初创公司正在蚕食以前由老牌软件开发商占领的领域的世界中,笨拙的企业软件并不会削减它。

生产率 (Productivity)

As a rule, the better your software functions, the better your business functions. For example, Oracle enabled administrators to do their job 20% faster by improving their internal database software. In large organisations, these incremental improvements in productivity add up to millions.

通常,软件功能越好,业务功能越好。 例如,Oracle通过改进内部数据库软件使管理员能够将工作速度提高20% 。 在大型组织中,这些生产率的逐步提高总计达数百万。

As Jordan Koschei points out,

正如乔丹·科斯基(Jordan Koschei)所指出的

Fortune 500s tend to have a ‘just get it done’ attitude toward internal tools, resulting in user experiences that are not well designed or tested. By giving those tools the same attention to experience that you give consumer-facing products, you can improve the lives of your users and support the organisation’s values and brand.

《财富》 500强企业倾向于对内部工具采取“如愿以偿”的态度,导致用户体验的设计或测试不充分。 通过给那些工具提供与面向消费者的产品相同的体验体验,您可以改善用户的生活并支持组织的价值观和品牌。

1.确定内部UX团队是否正确 (1. Deciding Whether an In-house UX Team is the Right Move)

The advantage of having your in-house UX team is that you will have a dedicated team of professionals that operates from the company’s offices and is fully committed to contributing to the benefit of the business and its product/s.


The downside to this is that you incur the financial and human resource burdens associated with managing and operating this team. If you can guarantee a steady stream of work, then the benefits will probably outweigh the costs as in-house will always be cheaper than outsourcing. However, this is too much of a simplistic view. In this case, the following considerations need to be made:

不利的一面是您要承担与管理和运营该团队相关的财务和人力资源负担。 如果您可以保证工作源源不断,那么收益可能会超过成本,因为内部机构总是比外包机构便宜。 但是,这太过简单了。 在这种情况下,需要注意以下事项:

长期和短期考虑 (Long and Short Term Considerations)

Agency UXers will have extensive experience in working on many projects. They will be typically skilled and collectively can execute a design project from start to finish. They also have established workflows and procedures in place and the appropriate mechanisms to ensure their monitoring and effective execution. These are clear advantages over building your UX team in the short term. In the long run, however, an in-house team will reach the same level of efficiency. Your in-house team will also evolve within the company culture — a great advantage since they would always put the business and its clients first. So the question here is whether you can afford to invest in the long term. This will probably require a two-pronged approach by hiring the services of a UX agency for short-term needs while you are building your team for the handling of long-term needs. Having your in-house team working with an external agency will also be beneficial for them to learn about industry best practices, thus lessening the learning curve.

Agency UXer将在许多项目上具有丰富的经验。 他们通常将是熟练的,并且可以从头到尾一起执行设计项目。 他们还建立了适当的工作流程和程序,并建立了适当的机制来确保对其进行监控和有效执行。 与在短期内建立UX团队相比,这些优势显而易见。 从长远来看,内部团队将达到相同的效率水平。 您的内部团队也会随着公司文化的发展而发展-这是一个巨大的优势,因为他们始终将业务及其客户放在首位。 因此,这里的问题是您是否有能力进行长期投资。 这可能需要采取两方面的方法,即在为长期需求而组建团队的同时,聘请UX机构的服务来满足短期需求。 让您的内部团队与外部代理合作也将有助于他们了解行业最佳实践,从而减少学习曲线。

资源可用性 (Availability of Resources)

A UX agency will work on a project and deliver it (theoretically) at an agreed-upon delivery date, irrespective of whether, say, one of their employees has quit. This is because the responsibility of what is delivered and who delivers it falls in the UX agency’s domain. Conversely, with an in-house UX team, you need to deal with HR issues as well as optimising your team’s workflow. This has the advantage that you are likely to get more flexibility from your in-house team since you manage the entire design process.

UX代理商将处理一个项目,并在一个约定的交付日期(理论上)交付该项目,而不管他们的一名雇员是否辞职。 这是因为交付内容和交付对象的责任属于UX机构的职责范围。 相反,在内部UX团队中,您需要处理HR问题以及优化团队的工作流程。 这样的好处是,由于您可以管理整个设计过程,因此内部团队可能会获得更大的灵活性。

软件和硬件资源 (Software and Hardware Resources)

A UX agency will have its software and hardware resources. This means that there are no setup and maintenance headaches or expenses to incur. On the in-house side, you need to factor in the human and financial resources to keep your in-house UX team running. This also means that with every new team member that you recruit, you need to set up their machine, while ensuring that the current infrastructure can keep up with the additional demand. You also need to take care of employee off-boarding when they leave your company. The agency approach is more advantageous here. The only advantage of the in-house UX team is perhaps that you can pick and choose the software and hardware you use.

UX代理将拥有其软件和硬件资源。 这意味着不会产生设置和维护上的麻烦或费用。 在内部方面,您需要考虑人力和财力,以保持内部UX团队的运转。 这也意味着,对于您招募的每个新团队成员,您都需要设置他们的机器,同时确保当前的基础架构可以满足额外的需求。 当员工离开公司时,您还需要照顾他们离职的情况。 代理方法在这里更有利。 内部UX团队的唯一优势也许是您可以选择使用的软件和硬件。

适应公司文化 (Adaptation to Company Culture)

This is a double-edged sword. A UX agency has the advantage that it can take a clinical, non-biased, external view when working on your projects. This paves the way for innovation and uniqueness. It will give you what you need rather than what you may want. However, this may lead to disagreements or, worse still, a templated approach where you get something standard that the agency gives out to its clients. Conversely, an in-house UX team will take into consideration things like the company culture, its customers and its objectives. They can pull in internal resources to say, better understand the product or service they are working on. This paves the way for customisation. However, it may also lead to conformism and a too cautious approach.

这是一把双刃剑。 UX代理的优势在于,在处理项目时可以采用临床,无偏见的外部视图。 这为创新和独特性铺平了道路。 它会给您您所需要的,而不是您可能想要的。 但是,这可能会导致分歧,或者更糟的是,采用模板化的方法,在这种方法中,您可以获得代理商向客户提供的标准物品。 相反,内部UX团队将考虑公司文化,客户和目标等问题。 他们可以利用内部资源说,更好地了解他们正在开发的产品或服务。 这为定制化铺平了道路。 但是,这也可能导致顺从性和过于谨慎的态度。

In his role as UX Consultant, Justin Mifsud, founder of this site, UsabilityGeek, has been involved in the setting up and management of UX teams across many companies, and he feels that the biggest challenge for the in-house UX person involves establishing their domain.

UsabilityGeek站点的创始人Justin Mifsud担任UX顾问一职,参与了许多公司的UX团队的建立和管理,他认为内部UX人员面临的最大挑战是建立他们的UX团队。域。

He states that very often they may become demotivated and frustrated when they see that company culture affects their workflow and/or may force them to go against established UX methodologies to achieve business objectives. This can take various forms, but perhaps two of the most common are:

他指出,当他们看到公司文化影响他们的工作流程和/或可能迫使他们违背既定的UX方法来实现业务目标时,他们常常会变得沮丧和沮丧。 这可以采用多种形式,但是最常见的两种可能是:

  • The decision to forego necessary steps in the system design process such as wireframing and testing;

  • Interference from senior management in other departments who request system features and changes based on their personal experiences or hunches, without consulting data at hand or user testing.


So why do these things happen? It could be the urgency dictated by the environment that the company operates in, the need to ‘get to the market quickly’. It could also be a lack of understanding and / or a lack of appreciation of what UX entails.

那么为什么这些事情发生呢? 这可能是公司所处的环境所致的紧迫性,也是“Swift进入市场”的需要。 也可能是缺乏对UX的理解和/或缺乏对UX的含义的理解。

This affects anyone within the UX department, but the effect can be more severe for those team members who come from an agency background or who have landed their first UX job with your company.


The consequences are not pleasant. Employees can quit their job, and the department will inevitably become dysfunctional. At the very best, if the UX team bows down to such pressure, then the actual benefits of having an in-house UX team will be lost. Furthermore, the innovation and specialisation of the UX team will also be lost. In the end, it is not healthy either that the UX team operates as a silo. So the best approach is a trade-off between best practice and the company’s requirements. Remember that after all you need to win key, influential employees over so as to promote a UX culture within the organisation.

结果并不令人满意。 员工可以辞职,部门必然会失调。 最好的情况是,如果UX团队屈服于如此巨大的压力,那么拥有内部UX团队的实际利益将会丧失。 此外,UX团队的创新和专业化也将丢失。 最后,UX团队作为一个孤岛运作也不健康。 因此,最好的方法是在最佳实践和公司需求之间进行权衡。 请记住,毕竟,您需要赢得关键的,有影响力的员工,以在组织内推广UX文化。

2.为UX大修奠定基础 (2. Laying the Groundwork for a UX Overhaul)

So let us assume that the decision is taken to build an in-house UX team. Before HR go on a hiring spree it is necessary to prepare the organisation, and all its employees, for this swivel towards user experience. This preparation can be distilled into two main areas — organisational and attitudinal:

因此,让我们假设已决定建立内部UX团队。 在人力资源部门大肆招聘之前,有必要为该组织及其所有员工做好准备,以使其转向用户体验。 此准备工作可以分为两个主要领域-组织和态度:

组织 (Organisational)

Before introducing a new UX team, conduct an organisational assessment to decide where the new department will fit in, and how they will link to others in the organigram. Additionally, assess the enterprise’s current UX maturity using the UX stages outlined by Jakob Nielsen (stage 1–4, stage 5–8) to find out whether the company has existing, unacknowledged user experience skills buried in other departments.

在引入新的UX团队之前,请进行组织评估,以确定新部门将适合的位置以及它们如何与组织图中的其他部门链接。 此外,使用Jakob Nielsen概述的UX阶段( 第1-4 阶段第5-8阶段 )评估企业当前的UX成熟度,以了解公司是否在其他部门中拥有现有的,未经认可的用户体验技能。

态度的 (Attitudinal)

Everyone, from the C-Suite down, will have to be made aware that a UX overhaul is happening, and why. Internal documentation assuaging any employee anxieties is helpful, and product development managers need to start promoting UX design as crucial to long-term success.

从C-Suite到每个人,都必须意识到UX大修正在发生,以及原因。 减轻任何员工焦虑的内部文档会有所帮助,并且产品开发经理需要开始推广UX设计 ,这对于长期成功至关重要。

All global enterprises will have existing procedures, project management methods and product development flow that are not built with UX in mind. There has to be an acknowledgement of the importance of UX, and a willingness to make space for it before an enterprise can move onto the next step of actually building a UX team.

所有全球企业都将拥有不考虑UX的现有程序,项目管理方法和产品开发流程。 必须认识到UX的重要性,并愿意为企业腾出空间,然后企业才能着手进行实际组建UX团队的下一步。

3.聘请UX团队 (3. Hiring the UX Team)

When it comes to recruitment, keeping the organisational analysis and proposed team structure to hand will assist in deciding which candidates fit into the roadmap. UX candidates do not necessarily have to have any experience working in large organisations, but they should have experience working in cross-functional teams and taking feedback from non-UXers. Janet M. Six gives some good advice on personality traits of great UXers in her UXmatters column.

在招聘方面,掌握组织分析和拟议的团队结构将有助于确定哪些候选人适合该路线图。 UX候选人不必一定具有在大型组织中工作的经验,但是他们应该在跨职能团队中工作并从非UX用户那里获得反馈。 珍妮特·M·塞恩( Janet M. Six) 在UXmatters专栏中对优秀UX用户的性格特征提出了一些好的建议。

Before an interview, take a good long look at candidate’s UX portfolios. You are looking for evidence of their UX process skills and descriptions of their approach to problem-solving, as well as detailed outlines of the part they played in previous projects and how they fit into a team.

在面试之前,请仔细看一下候选人的用户体验产品组合。 您正在寻找他们的UX处理技能的证据,以及他们解决问题的方法的描述,以及他们在以前的项目中所扮演的角色的详细概述以及如何适应团队。

With a view to future organisational harmony, it is possible to have existing design-development team members sit in on interviews and share their thoughts on candidates. This can help increase buy-in and provide a different perspective of what is required from the UX team.

为了实现未来的组织和谐,可以让现有的设计开发团队成员参加面试并分享他们对候选人的想法。 这可以帮助增加购买量,并提供与UX团队不同的视角。

4.构建和组织UX团队 (4. Structuring and Organising the UX Team)

There is no one-size-fits-all-enterprises UX team, unsurprisingly; that said, most UX teams will include some or many of the UX roles below:

毫不奇怪,没有一个适合所有企业的UX团队。 也就是说,大多数用户体验团队将包括以下一些或许多用户体验角色:

  • Visual Designer: Similar to a Graphic Designer, the Visual Designer focuses on the big picture — the concept of graphics, typography, iconography and the color schemes. Visual Designers attend to the aesthetics and rarely enter into the technical.

    视觉 设计器 :类似于图形设计器,视觉设计器专注于大图景—图形,版式,图标和配色方案的概念 。 视觉设计师关注美学 ,很少参与技术领域。

  • UX Designer: Deals with how the user is going to interact with the product. The primary responsibility of the UX Designer is to ensure that the product has a logical flow so that the user can move from step to step without getting lost.

    UX设计器 :处理用户如何与产品交互。 UX设计器的主要职责是确保产品具有逻辑流程,以便用户可以一步一步地前进而不会迷路。

  • UI Designer: Concerned with the form and distribution of graphic elements in an interface. While the UX Designer makes a design usable, the UI Designer makes it pleasant to use.

    UI设计器 :与界面中图形元素的形式和分布有关。 UX设计器使设计可用时,UI设计器使使用变得愉快。

  • Interaction Designer: Understands how a user interacts with an app and builds interaction and animation into the design so that it reacts to the user’s touch/instruction.

    交互 设计器 :了解用户如何与应用交互以及如何将交互和动画构建到设计中,从而对用户的触摸/指令做出React。

  • Information Architect: Organises the design elements so that they make sense. The Information Architect deals with the structure of a website, app or any other interactive product.

    信息 架构师 :组织设计元素,使它们有意义。 信息架构师负责处理网站,应用程序或任何其他交互式产品的结构。

  • Usability Expert/UX Researcher: Deals with the user’s needs. The aim of the research is to answer two questions: who are our users? And: what do our users want and need? This profile usually conducts interviews with users and does research about market data.

    可用性专家/ UX研究人员 :处理用户的需求。 该研究的目的是回答两个问题:我们的用户是谁? 并且:我们的用户想要什么和需要什么? 该个人资料通常会与用户进行访谈,并对市场数据进行调查。

  • Metrics Analyst: Gathers and analyses financial and operational information for an organisation. The person performing this role may also be responsible for the analysis of costs and effectiveness of staffing practices and training programs.

    指标 分析师 :收集和分析组织的财务和运营信息。 履行这一职责的人还可能负责人员配置和培训计划的成本和有效性分析。

  • Enterprise Architect: Works with stakeholders to create a holistic view of the organisation’s strategy, processes, information, and information technology. The enterprise architect uses this knowledge to ensure that the business and IT are in alignment.

    企业 架构师 :与利益相关者一起创建组织策略,流程,信息和信息技术的整体视图。 企业架构师使用此知识来确保业务和IT保持一致。

The configuration of the team will change according to need. For example, if an enterprise wants to disrupt a product space, the team might skew towards UX Research. If it needs to implement a design system, then the team will require UX Managers. There can be quite a lot of overlap between these roles, particularly for young UX teams. The same person could perform the functions of the visual designer and interaction designer, and even UX designer, in the team’s early days. This will reduce initial outlay and allow the team to find its feet.

团队的配置将根据需要进行更改。 例如,如果企业想要破坏产品空间,则团队可能会偏向UX Research。 如果需要实施设计系统,则团队将需要UX管理器。 这些角色之间可能有很多重叠之处,特别是对于年轻的UX团队而言。 在团队的早期,同一个人可以执行视觉设计师,交互设计师,甚至UX设计师的功能。 这将减少初始支出,并使团队能够找到自己的脚。

Once it has been decided what kind of roles to hire, it is time to figure out how the UX team will work with other teams. Essentially you have two options here, as laid out by Lean UX author Jeff Gothelf in his post on integrating user experience into Agile development — the internal agency model, or the hub and spoke model.

一旦确定了要聘用的角色类型,就可以确定UX团队将如何与其他团队一起工作了。 从本质上讲,您有两个选择,这是精益用户体验作者Jeff Gothelf在他的关于将用户体验集成到敏捷开发中的帖子中提出的-内部代理模型或中心和辐条模型。

内部代理商模型 (Internal Agency Model)

A UX Manager acts as a gatekeeper, intercepting and divvying up incoming work to the team based on ability and capacity. This approach means that designers have to figure out how to make their output comprehensible to developers, for example through high fidelity prototyping. It also means that product teams have little understanding of the UX team, and vice versa.

UX管理器充当网守,根据能力将能力拦截并分配给团队。 这种方法意味着设计人员必须弄清楚如何使开发人员可以理解其输出,例如通过高保真原型制作。 这也意味着产品团队对UX团队了解甚少,反之亦然。

轮毂和辐条模型 (Hub and Spoke model)

UXers are placed within other groups such as product design, development, and marketing or sales. This, says Gothelf, is the stronger of the two alternatives when integrating with agile because UXers “feel connected to (the) team’s focus. In doing so, the designer’s priorities become clear.” This is true, but UXers should still have a team space and take part in UX activities, to prevent them feeling isolated or misunderstood.

UXer被放置在其他组中,例如产品设计,开发以及市场营销或销售。 Gothelf说 ,这在与敏捷集成时是两个选择中的更强者,因为UXer感觉“与(团队)的关注点有关。 这样,设计师的工作重点就变得很明确。” 的确如此,但是UX用户仍应拥有团队空间并参加UX活动,以防止他们感到孤立或被误解。

5.整合UX团队 (5. Integrating the UX Team)

Now comes the hard work of building acceptance and relationships between the new UX team and the rest of the enterprise’s employees. For UX designers coming from agency or start-up backgrounds, a global enterprise may feel alien and bewildering: for the established enterprise team, having a bunch of nebulous ‘experience designers’ around may feel like a distraction.

现在需要进行艰苦的工作,以建立新的UX团队与企业其余员工之间的接受度和关系。 对于来自代理或初创公司背景的UX设计师来说,全球化的企业可能会感到陌生而又扑朔迷离:对于已建立的企业团队来说,周围有一群模糊的“经验设计师”可能会让人分心。

In fact, according to Atlassian’s Design Manager Alistair Simpson,

实际上, 根据Atlassian的设计经理Alistair Simpson所说

The hardest thing any designer will have to do is to convince the rest of the team or their company of the importance of really investing in user experience and design in the first place.


Existing departments have to open up to incorporating UX processes, and UXer newbies have to learn the new jargon and hierarchies of critique.


Dedicated integration activities can do a lot of the grunt-work in this regard. Integration activities should be designed to demonstrate the value added by UX to more established departments, and tackle the uncertainties of both UX team members and legacy employees. There are plenty ways to do this, but below are some ideas:

在这方面,专门的整合活动可以做很多艰巨的工作。 集成活动应设计为向更多成立的部门展示UX的附加值,并解决UX团队成员和旧员工的不确定性。 有很多方法可以做到这一点,但是下面是一些想法:

超越UX团队的福音UX (Evangelise UX Beyond the UX Team)

Evangelizing UX is an ongoing effort that aims to promote the value of user experience to non-UXers. Jared Spool identifies “exposure hours” — the minimum hours per month that staff are required to spend with customers — as an essential part of this. Companies that mandate exposure times build more successful products because they know their users better.

向UX宣传是一项持续不断的工作,旨在向非UX用户推广用户体验的价值。 Jared Spool确定了“曝光时间” ,即员工每月必须与客户共度的最少小时数,这是其中的重要组成部分。 规定曝光时间的公司会制作出更成功的产品,因为他们更了解其用户。

Successful UX evangelising does not have to be powered by the UX team itself: most enterprises will have at least one executive who has already bought into the UX ethos and will be willing to support pilot projects and initiatives and to defend the value of UX if necessary. Getting that UX-friendly executive actively on board with promoting UX is an excellent way to earn acceptance.

成功的UX宣传不必由UX团队本身来推动:大多数企业将至少拥有一位已经接受UX精神的高管,并愿意支持试点项目和计划,并在必要时捍卫UX的价值。 。 通过推广UX积极吸引对UX友好的执行人员,这是获得认可的绝佳方法。

Also, Jeff Gothelf shares some great advice on successful evangelising in an interview with Justinmind:

另外,Jeff Gothelf在接受Justinmind的采访中分享了成功传福音的一些很好的建议:

One of the most important things to getting this way of working accepted is transparency: people fear change, they fear for their job, their bonus, their salaries, and if you try to change stuff too quickly without telling them why, they’ll resist. The more transparent you can be about why you’re trying to change and what that change looks like, the more likely you’ll be to drive meaningful impact in your organisation.

使这种工作方式被接受的最重要的事情之一就是透明度:人们害怕改变,他们担心自己的工作,奖金,薪水,如果您尝试过快地更换东西而不告诉他们原因,他们会抵制。 您对尝试更改的原因以及更改的外观越透明,就越有可能对组织产生有意义的影响。

To build transparency, communicate with employees through the organisation’s internal newsletter or news blog, giving examples of what the UX team is working on and how it is making an impact.


投资内部UX意识培训 (Invest in Internal UX Awareness Training)

There are likely a lot of people in any organisation who have no idea what UX is, from management downwards. Even IBM acknowledges this, running design thinking boot camp for executives to change institutional thinking. One-off workshops that introduce UX, participatory design sessions and cross-functional user experience brainstorms are different ways to inculcate employees in user-centricity and get new team members to interact with established departments. Or for more in-depth training, try something like UX Designer Robin Titus did at CapGemini:

在任何组织中,从管理层到管理层,很多人都不知道UX是什么。 甚至IBM都承认这一点,运行设计思维新手训练营,让高管改变机构思维。 介绍UX,参与式设计会议和跨功能用户体验头脑风暴的一次性研讨会是以员工为中心向员工灌输并让新团队成员与既有部门进行互动的不同方式。 或者,要进行更深入的培训,请尝试用户体验设计师Robin Titus在CapGemini上所做的事情:

We started a small education program for the whole department to create awareness about what UX really means. Explaining the different methodologies like working with personas, user interviews, usability testing, user journey maps, interaction design, wireframes, mockups and prototypes. Most important? — ?we did this based on real cases from our business? — ?not just theory or common examples.

我们为整个部门启动了一个小型的教育计划,以提高对UX真正含义的认识。 解释不同的方法,例如使用角色,用户访谈,可用性测试,用户旅程图, 交互设计 ,线框,模型和原型。 最重要的? —我们是根据业务中的实际案例来做到这一点的? -不仅仅是理论或常见的例子。

There is some great advice on running UX workshops in an enterprise on UsabilityGeek.


让UX团队促进他们的流程 (Have the UX Team Promote Their Process)

The UX team can actively explain and evangelise their worth by revealing their entire process, from research to interactive prototypes. For example, broadcasting user testing sessions to non-UX team members is a good way to explain the usability testing process, and will help UXers justify their worth. By telling the story of how they add value, UXers can overcome any lingering doubts about their contribution and possibly open up new avenues of collaboration across teams.

UX团队可以通过揭示从研究到交互式原型的整个过程来积极地解释和传播其价值。 例如,向非UX团队成员广播用户测试会话是解释可用性测试过程的好方法,并将帮助UX用户证明其价值。 通过讲述他们如何增加价值的故事,UXer可以克服有关其贡献的任何挥之不去的疑问,并有可能开辟跨团队合作的新途径。

协作的工作方式 (Collaborative Ways of Working)

Find the means for new UX team members to work together, perhaps by having them sit in on each other’s weekly meetings, by displaying project/sprint timelines in the same physical or digital space, or by initiating a buddy system, in which a UXer and a non-UXer spend a morning together each week working on a product problem.


测试团队以确保其正常工作 (Test the Team to Make Sure it is Working)

There is only one way to know if a product works, and that is to test it on users. The same goes for an enterprise UX team: conducting a little self-assessment at regular intervals will help the new team identify its strengths and weaknesses, and get an actual idea of its impact.

只有一种知道产品是否有效的方法,那就是对用户进行测试。 企业UX团队也是如此:定期进行一些自我评估将有助于新团队确定其优势和劣势,并获得其影响的实际想法。

Start out with a team analysis, documenting each team members core competencies on a scale of 1–5, then assess those core competencies against the projects the team is involved in; if there is a mismatch (say you are doing lots of UI building, but your team is heavy on UX Researchers), recalibrate them team and table a new hire when possible.

从团队分析开始,以1-5的等级记录每个团队成员的核心能力,然后根据团队所参与的项目评估这些核心能力; 如果存在不匹配的情况(例如,您正在做大量的UI构建,但是您的团队在UX Researchers上很忙),请重新校准他们的团队并在可能的情况下安排新员工。

Also, talk to your users, or in this case, the wider enterprise team. A quick survey on their experience working with the team on particular projects may reveal stumbling blocks that would otherwise have gone unnoticed.

另外,请与您的用户,或更广泛的企业团队联系。 对他们在特定项目中与团队合作的经验进行的快速调查可能会发现绊脚石,否则它们将不会被注意到。

Ongoing monitoring of the integration and impact of a new UX team should come pretty naturally to UX professionals and will result in a stronger team that meets the enterprise’s needs.


结论 (Conclusion)

Establishing an enterprise UX team is no cake-walk, but it is pretty do-able by following the core tenets of user experience design. Firstly, decide that an in-house team really is the best fit for your enterprise. If it is, listen to people, find out what they need and how they work, and give it to them. Find out what the enterprise needs, understand the individuals involved in delivering on that, and structure a UX team and workflow to meet those demands.

建立企业UX团队并非易事,但只要遵循用户体验设计的核心原则,就可以做到。 首先,确定内部团队确实最适合您的企业。 如果是这样,请倾听人们的声音,找出他们的需求和工作方式,并将其提供给他们。 找出企业的需求,了解参与交付的个人,并组建UX团队和工作流程以满足这些需求。

By encouraging a company culture that values user experience, promotes its value and supports UX projects, you will be well on the way to getting that buy-in and building products that create great user experiences. Just like the impossibly perfect product, you will never have the complete enterprise UX team … but you may end up building a team that works.

通过鼓励重视用户体验,提升其价值并支持UX项目的公司文化,您将处在获得认可并构建可创造出色用户体验的产品的道路上。 就像不可能完美的产品一样,您将永远不会拥有完整的企业UX团队……但是您最终可能会组建一支行之有效的团队。

想了解更多? (Want to learn more?)

If you’re interested in the managerial and strategic aspects of UX, then consider to take the online course on UX Management and Strategy. If, on the other hand, you want to brush up on the basics of UX and Usability, then consider to take the online course on User Experience (or another design topic). Good luck on your learning journey!

如果您对UX的管理和战略方面感兴趣,请考虑参加UX管理和策略在线课程 。 另一方面,如果您想了解UX和可用性的基础知识,请考虑参加有关“用户体验” (或其他设计主题 )的在线课程 。 祝您学习愉快!

(Lead image: Depositphotos — affiliate link)

( 首选图片: Depositphotos —会员链接 )

Originally published at UsabilityGeek by Cassandra Naji, who is Marketing Content Editor at Justinmind, a prototyping tool that allows you to prototype web and mobile apps so you can visualize and test your software solution before writing a single line of code.

最初由Justinmind的市场营销内容编辑器Cassandra NajiUsabilityGeek上发布, Justinmind是一种原型设计工具,使您可以原型化Web和移动应用程序,以便在编写一行代码之前就可以可视化和测试您的软件解决方案。

翻译自: https://medium.com/usabilitygeek/how-to-build-an-in-house-ux-team-1d677798be54

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