当前位置: 首页 > 工具软件 > orm4es > 使用案例 >

python elasticsearch orm_elasticsearch-orm: orm4es是一个Elasticsearch的ORM工具,它可以生成简单的查询对象. 它本身非常简单,也很容易使...


orm tool for elasticsearch

orm4es is an orm tool for elasticsearch. It is very simple and easy to use.

This tool generate java bean of index mapping.

you can use the bean to search.

the main method of the bean show how to use it.

step 1

svn install

step 2

java -jar orm4es-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar -h

usage: orm4es [-c ] [-C ] [-d ] [-H ]

[-h] [-i ] [-P ] [-p ]

example: java -jar transfer.jar -H 192.168.. -p 9300 -n

Product -i product

-c,--class class name,use index name if not


-C,--cluster cluster name,default is


-d,--directory file directory,default is c:

-H,--host hostname or ip of es host

-h,--help get help infomation

-i,--index index name

-P,--package package.

-p,--port es port,default 9300.

this is a orm tool for es.


orm for es index mapping.code gen
