rpgmakermv(8) XY_TitleMenu插件




* @plugindesc v1.00 Display Multiple Menu in Title Screen.
* @author XueYu Plugins
* @param DisplayJumpToMap
* @desc Display Jump To Map? true/false
* @default true
* @param JumpToMapText
* @desc The name will be display in title screen's command window.
* @default JumpToMap
* @param JumpToMapId
* @desc The Id of map that you will jump to. 1,2,3...etc.
* @default 1
* @param JumpToMapSwitchId
* @desc The id of Switch that you will use to after jump to map.
* 1,2,3...etc. Set to 0 to disable.
* @default 0
* @param DisplayExit
* @desc Display exit? true/false
* @default true
* @param ExitText
* @desc The name will be display in title screen's command window.
* @default Exit
* @param MaxCols
* @desc The title screen command window MaxCols.
* @default 5
* @param WindowWidth
* @desc The title screen command window width.
* @default 840
* @param X
* @desc The x position of command window.
* default:(Graphics.boxWidth - this.width) / 2
* @default (Graphics.boxWidth - this.width) / 2
* @param Y
* @desc The y position of command window.
* default:Graphics.boxHeight - this.height - 96
* @default Graphics.boxHeight - this.height - 96
* @param WindowSkin
* @desc Default is Window, it means the window skin
* is the file img/system/Window.png.
* @default Window
* @param Align
* @desc left/center/right
* @default center
* @param TextColor
* @desc #000000-#FFFFFF or red blue green yellow etc.
* @default yellow
* @help
* Introduction
* This plugin allows you to place Multiple Menu command
* to your title screen.

