当前位置: 首页 > 工具软件 > Q4Wine > 使用案例 >




发布时间:2008-10-16 10:17:43来源:红联作者:fyw518




1、tar xvfz wine-1.1.6.tar.bz2 (解压缩)

2、cd wine (切换到wine录下)

3、./configure --prefix=/usr/local/wine (进行编译配置)

4、make (对源码包进行编译,这个过程会很长,大概用了我二三十分钟,根cpu的性能有关)

5、sudo make install (安装到系统)

测试你的 wine :

运行 /usr/local/wine/bin/notepad (注意,这个前面不需要 加 wine ),如果一切正常,则说明 wine 已经可以正常工作了。(我运行这个之后打开了一个新记事本)



[root@localhost ~]# cd /E

[root@localhost E]# cd wine-1.1.6

[root@localhost wine-1.1.6]# ./tools/wineinstall

Wine Installer v1.0

You are running wineinstall as root, this is not advisable. Please rerun as a user.


[root@localhost wine-1.1.6]#


[root@localhost ~]# su xiaojin

[xiaojin@localhost root]$ cd /E

[xiaojin@localhost E]$ cd wine-1.1.6

[xiaojin@localhost wine-1.1.6]$ ./tools/wineinstall

Wine Installer v1.0

The source directory is not writable. You probably extracted the sources as root.

You should remove the source tree and extract it again as a normal user.

[xiaojin@localhost wine-1.1.6]$


上面的问题解决了,原来换用户之后还得在文件夹属性里面修改将权限中的属有者用户改成当前用户。。再次运行出现YES OR NO选项。。输入YES又出问题了。。汗!!头大了

[xiaojin@localhost wine-1.1.6]$ ./tools/wineinstall

Wine Installer v1.0

I see that Wine has already been configured, so I'll skip that.

We need to install wine as root user, do you want us to build wine,

'su root' and install Wine? Enter 'no' to continue without installing

(yes/no) yes

Compiling Wine. Grab a lunch or two, rent a video, or whatever,

in the meantime...

make[1]: Entering directory `/E/wine-1.1.6/tools'

make[1]: “makedep”是最新的。

make[1]: Leaving directory `/E/wine-1.1.6/tools'

make[1]: Entering directory `/E/wine-1.1.6/libs'

make[2]: Entering directory `/E/wine-1.1.6/libs/port'

make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'.

make[2]: Leaving directory `/E/wine-1.1.6/libs/port'

make[2]: Entering directory `/E/wine-1.1.6/libs/wine'

(GIT_DIR=../../.git git describe HEAD 2>/dev/null || echo "wine-1.1.6") | sed -n -e '$s/\(.*\)/const char wine_build[] = "\1";/p' >version-stamp || (rm -f version-stamp && exit 1)

/bin/sh: version-stamp: 权限不够

rm: 无法删除 “version-stamp”: 权限不够

make[2]: *** [version-stamp] 错误 1

make[2]: Leaving directory `/E/wine-1.1.6/libs/wine'

make[1]: *** [wine] 错误 2

make[1]: Leaving directory `/E/wine-1.1.6/libs'

make: *** [libs] 错误 2

make[1]: Entering directory `/E/wine-1.1.6/tools'

make[1]: “makedep”是最新的。

make[1]: Leaving directory `/E/wine-1.1.6/tools'

make[1]: Entering directory `/E/wine-1.1.6/dlls'

make[2]: Entering directory `/E/wine-1.1.6/dlls/acledit'

../../tools/makedep -C. -S../.. -T../.. main.c

Makefile: Permission denied

make[2]: *** [depend] 错误 1

make[2]: Leaving directory `/E/wine-1.1.6/dlls/acledit'

make[1]: *** [acledit/__depend__] 错误 2

make[1]: Leaving directory `/E/wine-1.1.6/dlls'

make: *** [dlls/__depend__] 错误 2

Compilation failed, aborting install.

[xiaojin@localhost wine-1.1.6]$

[本帖最后由 fyw518 于 2008-10-18 11:43 编辑]
