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linux mutt接收邮件,mutt收发邮件



# System configuration file for Mutt



# default list of header fields to weed when displaying


ignore "from " received content- mime-version status x-status message-id

ignore sender references return-path lines

ignore date delivered-to precedence errors-to in-reply-to user-agent

ignore x-loop x-sender x-mailer x-msmail-priority x-mimeole x-ms- x-priority

ignore x-accept-language x-authentication-warning thread- priority importance

ignore x-original-to domainkey-signature dkim-signature


# emacs-like bindings

bind editor "\e" kill-word

bind editor "\e" kill-word


# map delete-char to a sane value

bind editor delete-char


# some people actually like these settings

#set pager_stop

#bind pager previous-line

#bind pager next-line


# don't add the hostname to the From header

unset use_domain

# don't generate a From header

unset use_from


# Specifies how to sort messages in the index menu.

set sort=threads


# Exim does not remove Bcc headers

unset write_bcc

# Postfix and qmail use Delivered-To for detecting loops

unset bounce_delivered


# weed out binary-only announcements to -devel-changes

#macro index \CW T!~s\(.*source.*\)\nWn^T~A\n "Weed out binary-only announcements"


# imitate the old search-body function

macro index \eb "~b " "search in message bodies"


# simulate the old url menu

macro index,pager \cb "urlview" "call urlview to extract URLs out of a message"

macro attach,compose \cb "urlview" "call urlview to extract URLs out of a message"


# Show documentation when pressing F1

macro generic "!zcat /usr/share/doc/mutt/manual.txt.gz | sensible-pager\n" "Show Mutt documentation"

macro index "!zcat /usr/share/doc/mutt/manual.txt.gz | sensible-pager\n" "Show Mutt documentation"

macro pager "!zcat /usr/share/doc/mutt/manual.txt.gz | sensible-pager\n" "Show Mutt documentation"


# Use folders which match on \\.gz$ or \\.bz2$ as [gb]zipped folders:

open-hook \\.gz$ "gzip -cd %f > %t"

close-hook \\.gz$ "gzip -c %t > %f"

append-hook \\.gz$ "gzip -c %t >> %f"

open-hook \\.bz2$ "bzip2 -cd %f > %t"

close-hook \\.bz2$ "bzip2 -c %t > %f"

append-hook \\.bz2$ "bzip2 -c %t >> %f"


# show the incoming mailboxes list (just like "mutt -y") and back when pressing "y"

macro index,pager y "?" "show incoming mailboxes list"

bind browser y exit


# If Mutt is unable to determine your site's domain name correctly, you can

# set the default here.


# set hostname=cs.hmc.edu


# If your sendmail supports the -B8BITMIME flag, enable the following


# set use_8bitmime







## Please see the manual (section "attachments") for detailed

## documentation of the "attachments" command.


## Removing a pattern from a list removes that pattern literally. It

## does not remove any type matching the pattern.


## attachments +A */.*

## attachments +A image/jpeg

## unattachments +A */.*


## This leaves "attached" image/jpeg files on the allowed attachments

## list. It does not remove all items, as you might expect, because the

## second */.* is not a matching expression at this time.


## Remember: "unattachments" only undoes what "attachments" has done!

## It does not trigger any matching on actual messages.


## Qualify any MIME part with an "attachment" disposition, EXCEPT for

## text/x-vcard and application/pgp parts. (PGP parts are already known

## to mutt, and can be searched for with ~g, ~G, and ~k.)


## I've added x-pkcs7 to this, since it functions (for S/MIME)

## analogously to PGP signature attachments. S/MIME isn't supported

## in a stock mutt build, but we can still treat it specially here.


attachments +A */.*

attachments -A text/x-vcard application/pgp.*

attachments -A application/x-pkcs7-.*


## Discount all MIME parts with an "inline" disposition, unless they're

## text/plain. (Why inline a text/plain part unless it's external to the

## message flow?)


attachments +I text/plain


## These two lines make Mutt qualify MIME containers. (So, for example,

## a message/rfc822 forward will count as an attachment.) The first

## line is unnecessary if you already have "attach-allow */.*", of

## course. These are off by default! The MIME elements contained

## within a message/* or multipart/* are still examined, even if the

## containers themseves don't qualify.


#attachments +A message/.* multipart/.*

#attachments +I message/.* multipart/.*


## You probably don't really care to know about deleted attachments.

attachments -A message/external-body

attachments -I message/external-body


# colors

color normal white black

color attachment brightyellow black

color hdrdefault cyan black

color indicator black cyan

color markers brightred black

color quoted green black

color signature cyan black

color status brightgreen blue

color tilde blue black

color tree red black

#color header brightgreen black ^From:

#color header brightcyan black ^To:

#color header brightcyan black ^Reply-To:

#color header brightcyan black ^Cc:

#color header brightblue black ^Subject:

#color body brightred black [\-\.+_a-zA-Z0-9]+@[\-\.a-zA-Z0-9]+

#color body brightblue black (https?|ftp)://[\-\.,/%~_:?&=\#a-zA-Z0-9]+


# GnuPG configuration

set pgp_decode_command="gpg --status-fd=2 %?p?--passphrase-fd 0? --no-verbose --quiet --batch --output - %f"

set pgp_verify_command="gpg --status-fd=2 --no-verbose --quiet --batch --output - --verify %s %f"

set pgp_decrypt_command="gpg --status-fd=2 %?p?--passphrase-fd 0? --no-verbose --quiet --batch --output - %f"

set pgp_sign_command="gpg --no-verbose --batch --quiet --output - %?p?--passphrase-fd 0? --armor --detach-sign --textmode %?a?-u %a? %f"

set pgp_clearsign_command="gpg --no-verbose --batch --quiet --output - %?p?--passphrase-fd 0? --armor --textmode --clearsign %?a?-u %a? %f"

set pgp_encrypt_only_command="/usr/lib/mutt/pgpewrap gpg --batch --quiet --no-verbose --output - --encrypt --textmode --armor --always-trust -- -r %r -- %f"

set pgp_encrypt_sign_command="/usr/lib/mutt/pgpewrap gpg %?p?--passphrase-fd 0? --batch --quiet --no-verbose --textmode --output - --encrypt --sign %?a?-u %a? --armor --always-trust -- -r %r -- %f"

set pgp_import_command="gpg --no-verbose --import %f"

set pgp_export_command="gpg --no-verbose --export --armor %r"

set pgp_verify_key_command="gpg --verbose --batch --fingerprint --check-sigs %r"

set pgp_list_pubring_command="gpg --no-verbose --batch --quiet --with-colons --list-keys %r"

set pgp_list_secring_command="gpg --no-verbose --batch --quiet --with-colons --list-secret-keys %r"

set pgp_good_sign="^\\[GNUPG:\\] GOODSIG"


# S/MIME configuration

set smime_ca_location="~/.smime/ca-bundle.crt"

set smime_certificates="~/.smime/certificates"

set smime_keys="~/.smime/keys"

set smime_pk7out_command="openssl smime -verify -in %f -noverify -pk7out"

set smime_get_cert_command="openssl pkcs7 -print_certs -in %f"

set smime_get_signer_cert_command="openssl smime -verify -in %f -noverify -signer %c -out /dev/null"

set smime_get_cert_email_command="openssl x509 -in %f -noout -email"

set smime_import_cert_command="smime_keys add_cert %f"

set smime_encrypt_command="openssl smime -encrypt %a -outform DER -in %f %c"

set smime_sign_command="openssl smime -sign -signer %c -inkey %k -passin stdin -in %f -certfile %i -outform DER"

# This alternative command does not include the full certificates chain.

# Be sure to understand RFC 2315 section 9.1 before using it.

# set smime_sign_command="openssl smime -sign -signer %c -inkey %k -passin stdin -in %f -outform DER"

set smime_decrypt_command="openssl smime -decrypt -passin stdin -inform DER -in %f -inkey %k -recip %c"

set smime_verify_command="openssl smime -verify -inform DER -in %s %C -content %f"

set smime_verify_opaque_command="openssl smime -verify -inform DER -in %s %C"


set mixmaster="mixmaster-filter"


# See /usr/share/doc/mutt/README.Debian for details.

source /usr/lib/mutt/source-muttrc.d|





#set pop_last=yes

#set pop_pass=【相应Gmail邮箱密码】

#set pop_user=【邮箱账号】@gmail.com

#set pop_host=pops://pop.gmail.com



color normal brightblue default

color attachment blue default

color error red white

color status white blue

color hdrdefault magenta default

color indicator black cyan



set sendmail="/usr/bin/msmtp"

set use_from=yes

set from= 我的邮箱@gmail.com

set envelope_from=yes



set editor="vim"


set mbox="~/Mail/inbox"

set mbox_type=Maildir

set spoolfile="~/Mail/inboxrc"

set postponed="~/Mail/postponed"

set record="~/Mail/sent"


macro index G "!getmail\n" "Invoke getmail"

macro pager G "!getmail\n" "Invoke getmail"


# 让mutt监视下面几个邮箱,并随时报告新邮件

# mailboxes "=inbox"

# mailboxes "=USTCstudent"

# mailboxes "=USTCteacher"

# mailboxes "=ustcbbs

# mailboxes "=Gmail"

# set check_new = yes

# set timeout = 600


#set alternates=" usr@gmail.com"

## 这是一个格式字符串,用来控制你的index的列表显示。它的缺省定义是

## set index_format="%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-15.15L (%4l) %s"

##指定你有哪 些信箱文件。当你按 "c" 切换信箱时,再按 Tab 键,这些信箱就可供你选择

mailboxes Mailbox sent-mail

## 这是一个 bool 型变量。它表明你在回信时引用原文是否加入原文的邮件头。

set header=yes

## 可以设置为 yes, no, ask-yes, 或者 ask-no.

## 这是说,当你按q退出时,是否提示你(ask-yes,ask-no),

## 还是直接就退出了(yes),还是根本不理你(no)。

#set quit=ask-yes

## 那些类型的附件是允许直接通过 .mailcap 浏览的?

#doc类型的附件通过wvware转成html 浏览

auto_view text/html application/msword

## 这也是一个提示性变量。它是确定当你退出时,是否提示你把信件

##从spool 移动到的mbox 文件。

set move=no

## 当 Mutt 用 thread 方式显示时,是否用纯 ascii 表示树状列表。

set ascii_chars=yes

## 回信时是否包含原文。

set include

## 回信的引文之前插入那个符号?

set indent_str="> "

## 设置你自己的邮件头。

my_hdr From: 我想显示的邮箱@gmail.com

## 打分

## 新信件+4分,主题包含"通知"的+2,主题包含 "Circulation" +3, 已经标记

## 删除的 -5,上次没有读的 +1,包含 "believe"的 -10(垃圾广告!)。

score "~N" +4

score "~s 通知" +2

score "~s icesx" +3

score "~D" -5

score "~O" +1

score "~s believe" -10

## 排序方式。

set sort=score

## 当用 thread 排序方式时,我们对各个 thread 的相对排序顺序。

set sort_aux=date

## 如果翻到最后,再按往下翻也不会翻到下一封信件

set pager_stop

## 如果设置,当你按 "r"

## 回信时,就不会再提示你输入回信地址和主题,直接进入编辑


set fast_reply

## 当你按 "t" 或者 "D" 之类的标记操作时,是否自动把光标移动到下一封信件。

set resolve=yes

## 地址簿

source ~/.mutt.alias

## 当你在 index 里按 "a"

## 为来信者取别名时,使用哪一个别名文件保存这个别名。

set alias_file=/home/ydjx/.mutt.alias

## 你发出的邮件保存到那个信箱文件?比如可以像我这样每个月发出的信件放在不同的文件


set record="~/Mail/=sent-mail-`date +%Y-%m`"

## 你的终端支持哪一种编码的显示?这个必须和你的终端编码一样。

##注意这个如果设置不正确的话会导致在写邮件时出现一个"bad IDN"的错误信息

set charset="utf-8"

## send_charset

set send_charset="us-ascii:iso-8859-1:gb2312:utf-8"

## 外部程序退出时,是否要求用户按一个键才返回。这在察看某些shell命令输出时是比要>的,

## 否则它们一下就消失了。

set wait_key=yes

## 当你要把信件存到另一个信箱,而这个信箱已经存在时,是否提示附加?

set noconfirmappend

## 是否把邮件头也放在编辑器里可以修改?

set edit_headers=no

## 当你在用 pager 看信件时,在 index 留出多少行显示邮件列表?

set pager_index_lines=4

## 告诉 Mutt 你已经订阅了那些邮件列表(mailing-list).

## subscribe fvwm@fvwm.org

## mutt显示日期为中文

##set locale="zh_CN"

set locale="UTF-8"

## Chinaren 等服务器发出来的信件使用了 quoted-printable 的 subject,

## 而且设置编码为 "iso8859-1",这显然是错误的。

## 对付这个错误的办法是把 iso-8859-1 变成 gb2312 的别名

charset-hook ^iso-8859-1$ gb2312

## evolution 发过来的 subject 为 utf-8 编码的邮件标题乱码!

## 那就把不是 utf-8 的编码都映射到 gb2312

charset-hook !utf-8 gb2312


folder-hook . 'macro index d "~/Mail/Trash\r"'

folder-hook ~/Mail/Trash 'bind index d delete-message'


set signature="~/Mail/.signature"
