This document describes how to get started with the Early Access HiKey ARMv8 community development board.
These release notes apply to Early Access HiKey boards that are being provided to Linaro developers and other community developers prior to general availability of the HiKey board (which is expected to be end March 2015). While the hardware is functional, the current software described in this document is pre-release and still under active development. Please understand that this is a work in progress and that things will change. This software is NOT yet functionally complete.
Before powering up the HiKey board please read these notes.
*The startup procedure for the Early Access boards involves flashing the internal eMMC with an updated bootloader and the operating system. *
*Note that after the Early Access program, boards will be shipped with the bootloader and OS pre-installed so the HiKey will work "out of the box". Developers will still be able to then update the bootloader if they wish. *
The following is provided in this release:
Note that this is only required for Early Access boards. For production, images will be pre-flashed onto the HiKey board.
You will need the following to get started:
Images for the pre-release Debian 8.0 ("Jessie") file system
SD card image for booting to SD card (optional)
The fastboot application installed on your Linux PC – if this is not installed use the following commands
On Debian/Ubuntu $ sudo apt-get install android-tools-fastboot
Either create the file: /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules with the following content, or append the content to the file if it already exists:
# fastboot protocol on Kirin620 SoC
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="18d1", ATTR{idProduct}=="d00d", MODE="0660", GROUP="dialout"
# adb protocol on Kirin620 SoC
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="12d1", ATTR{idProduct}=="1057", MODE="0660", GROUP="dialout"
# rndis for Kirin620 SoC
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="12d1", ATTR{idProduct}=="1050", MODE="0660", GROUP="dialout"
HiKey Board Hardware User Guide
Board pin options
Please refer to the Hardware User Guide (Chapter 1. Settings Jumper) for more information.
For the flashing the bootloader (fastboot), the top two links ("AUTO PWR" [1-2] and "BOOT SEL" [3-4]) should initially be closed and the 3rd link (GPIO3 1 [5-6]) should be open.
Link 1-2 causes HiKey to auto-power up when power is installed. Link 3-4 causes HiKey bootROM to stop at a special "install bootloader" mode which will install a supplied bootloader from the microUSB OTG port into RAM.
1. Prepare the HiKey board
Connect a standard microUSB to USB connector between the HiKey microUSB port and your Linux PC. Connect the HiKey power supply to the board.
Note: USB does NOT power the HiKey board because the power supply requirements in certain use cases can exceed the power supply available on a USB port. You must use an external power supply.
2. Loading the Software Build
With Links 1-2 and 3-4 on, check that the HiKey board has been recognized by your Linux PC
$ ls /dev/ttyUSB*
The following instructions assume that /dev/ttyUSB0 is the tty port for communication with the HiKey board. is the Python download tool for the HiKey. This is used to install the bootloader as follows:
Execute the following commands as a script or individually:
First, get the Python script to write fastboot into the bootROM:
The script was written for Python 2. Make sure you're not default to Python 3 by typing:
python --version
Run the script to initially prepare fastboot:
sudo python -d /dev/ttyUSB0 --img1 fastboot1.img --img2 fastboot2.img
If you get the following error message, while running the script:
ImportError: No module named serial
Then you need to install the python-serial module, on Ubuntu/Debian, simply run:
sudo apt-get install python-serial
If not, you can use pip install:
sudo pip install pyserial
If you have Python 3 installed, make sure to install with the right version, for instance:
sudo pip2.7 install pyserial
After the python command has been issued you should see the following output:
Serial: /dev/ttyUSB0
Image1: fastboot1.img
Image2: fastboot2.img
Sending fastboot1.img ...
Sending fastboot2.img ...
This means that the bootloader has been successfully installed into RAM. Wait at least 10 seconds for fastboot to actually load. The following fastboot commands then load the partition table, the bootloaders and other necessary files into the HiKey eMMC flash memory.
sudo fastboot flash ptable ptable.img
sudo fastboot flash fastboot1 fastboot1.img
sudo fastboot flash fastboot fastboot2.img
sudo fastboot flash nvme nvme.img
sudo fastboot flash mcuimage mcuimage.bin
sudo fastboot reboot
Once this has been completed the bootloader has been installed into eMMC.
Power off the HiKey board by removing the power supply jack.
Next change the link configuration as follows:
Now power up the HiKey board again.
Check that the HiKey board is detected by your Linux PC:
You should see the ID of the HiKey board returned
sudo fastboot devices
0123456789abcdef fastboot
Now you are ready to install the operating system into the eMMC flash memory.[1]
sudo fastboot flash boot boot-fat.emmc.img
sudo fastboot flash system hikey-jessie_developer_20150208-104.emmc.img
Once you have completed these operations you should be able to boot the HiKey board from eMMC:
*Alternatively you may attach a keyboard directly to the micro USB port if you have a suitable OTG cable.
The board should boot into the pre-release Debian 8.0 ("jessie") distribution. After about 1 minute you should see the console login appear on the HDMI display.
[1] If you don't have access to the serial port you might want to modify the filesystem image to configure the WIFI connectivity before flashing it (see WIFI configuration instructions in section four of this document)
To modify the emmc sparse image do the following:
$ sudo apt-get install android-tools-fsutils
$ simg2img hikey-jessie_developer_20150208-104.emmc.img raw.img
$ sudo mount raw.img <mount point>
You can now edit the file system from your host machine:
$ sudo cp wlan0 <mount point>/etc/network/interfaces.d/
$ sudo mkdir <mount point>/root/.ssh/
$ sudo cp <mount point>/root/.ssh/authorized_keys
once done:
$ sudo make_ext4fs -L rootfs -l 1500M -s hikey-jessie_developer_20150208-104.updated.emmc.img <mount point>
$ sudo umount <mount point>
3. Using a SD Card
The eMMC boot software enables an alternative boot method to a boot kernel and root file system installed on an SD card. If an SD card is installed at power up the HiKey board will boot to the SD Card software rather than the built-in eMMC.
This section describes how to prepare a bootable SD card.
Using your Linux PC copy the SD card image onto the SD card.
Important note: presently SD and SDHC cards are supported. SDXC and UHS cards are not yet supported by the HiKey software.
Install an SD card into your PC. Make sure that you know the SD Card device node before carrying out the next step. Note: for this example we assume the device node is /dev/sdb. Replace with your assigned SD card device.
$ sudo dd if=hikey-jessie_developer_20150208-104.img of=/dev/[sdb] bs=4M oflag=sync status=noxfer
Plug off/in SD card, then flash the boot partition:
# fastboot flash boot boot-fat.img
If your SD Card is more than 2GB capacity you may want to change the rootfs to use the rest of the SD Card as follows:
$ sudo fdisk /dev/sdb
remove the disk and re-insert
$ sudo resize2fs /dev/sdb2
will make the file system take up all the space left on the SD Card.
4. Configuration Information
The HiKey board does not support a battery powered RTC and NIST has not yet been implemented to update the system time from the network. Therefore remember to set the date on each power up.
A standard USB to Ethernet dongle may be used to get network connectivity. You will need to manually add the configuration to /etc/network/interfaces.d/eth0 for it to come up, and link /etc/resolv.conf (see Known Issues below).
WiFi is coming soon to the HiKey build. The following information will apply once WiFi is supported:
To configure networking on a WPA protected WiFi network carry out the following steps:
Create a wpa_supplicant configuration file for your WiFi network:
Do the following on your Linux PC:
Restrict the permissions of /etc/network/interfaces, to prevent pre-shared key (PSK) disclosure:
# chmod 0600 /etc/network/interfaces
Generate a WPA PSK hash for your SSID:
$ wpa_passphrase myssid my_very_secret_passphrase
Now on the HiKey board edit /etc/network/interfaces
$ sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces
Define appropriate stanzas for your wireless interface, along with the SSID and PSK HASH. For example using the psk from the previous step:
auto wlan0
iface wlan0 inet dhcp
wpa-driver nl80211
wpa-ssid myssid
wpa-psk ccb290fd4fe6b22935cbae31449e050edd02ad44627b16ce0151668f5f53c01b
Bring your interface up. This will start wpa_supplicant as a background process.
$ sudo ifup wlan0
The network should now be running and can be verified by using for example:
$ ping
To verify basic Bluetooth operation you can carry out the following commands.
# hciconfig hci0 up
# hcitool scan
CPU Load
The supplied Linux 3.18-based kernel supports the thermal protection framework and DVFS.
This will cause the HiKey core frequencies to be reduced from the maximum 1.2GHz if the thermal setpoint of the SoC is reached. In an extreme case thermal shutoff will occur if DVFS has not been effective at reducing the SoC temperature to an acceptable level.
Higher performance may be obtained by using forced air (fan) cooling on the HiKey board.
Note that hotplug of the HDMI monitor is not yet supported. The monitor must be attached and power up before powering on the HiKey board.
USB Ports
There are multiple USB ports on the HiKey board:
1x microUSB OTG port on the front panel 2x Type A USB 2.0 host ports on the front panel 1x Type A USB 2.0 host ports on the high-speed expansion bus
Please read the HiKey Board Hardware User Guide for more information on the following hardware restrictions:
See the notes below for additional temporary software restrictions on USB usage. This text will be removed when the software has been updated.
Warning: /etc/resolv.conf is not a symbolic link to /etc/resolvconf/run/resolv.conf
A workaround is available: create the symlink using the following command:
# ln -s /etc/resolvconf/run/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf
To build a kernel using a linux computer use the following instructions. These assume that you have a good level of knowledge in using Linaro tools and building Linux kernels.
The HiKey kernel sources are located at:
To build a kernel, make sure you have an Aarch64 cross-toolchain installed on your linux computer, and configured to cross compile to ARMv8 code. For example, Linaro GCC 4.9:
$ wget
$ mkdir ~/arm64-tc/bin
$ tar --strip-components=1 -C ~/arm64-tc/bin -xf gcc-linaro-aarch64-linux-gnu-4.9-2014.09_linux.tar.xz
$ export PATH=~/arm64-tc/bin:$PATH
Note: the toolchain binaries are for 32bit host system. On Debian/Ubuntu, you should install multiarch-support and enabled i386 architecture. On Fedora, you should install glibc.i686 package.
The following instructions can then be used to build the kernel:
Git clone the source code tree:
$ git clone
To build the kernel:
# make ARCH=arm64 CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu- defconfig
# make ARCH=arm64 CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu- -j`getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN` Image modules dtbs
To build the boot image:
For the ramdisk image, use the image from the pre-release Debian 8.0 ("Jessie") or create a dummy ramdisk:
$ touch initrd ; echo initrd | cpio -v > ramdisk.img
Creating the boot image:
$ echo "console=tty0 console=ttyAMA0,115200n8 root=/dev/mmcblk0p7 rootwait rw" > cmdline
$ mkdir boot-fat
$ dd if=/dev/zero of=boot-fat.img bs=512 count=131072
$ sudo mkfs.fat -n "BOOT IMG" boot-fat.img
$ sudo mount -o loop,rw,sync boot-fat.img boot-fat
$ sudo cp -a arch/arm64/boot/Image boot-fat/Image
$ sudo cp arch/arm64/boot/dts/hi6220-hikey.dtb boot-fat/lcb.dtb
$ sudo cp initrd.img boot-fat/ramdisk.img
$ sudo mv cmdline boot-fat/cmdline
$ sudo umount boot-fat
$ rm -rf boot-fat
After the above, you can flash the boot-fat.img to eMMC with the command:
$ sudo fastboot flash boot boot-fat.img
$ sudo fastboot reboot
Install onto SD Card
Note: File names are important. Refer to Table 2 to find out all four files that expected to be in the boot partition. In case any of these missing from SD's boot partition, it will fall back to eMMC boot partition and boot from eMMC.
Source for jessie rootfs build
We pull all the packages from Debian official repository. The only change is uim package. Sources are available in github at
Table 1 describes the partition layout info on HiKey eMMC
Name | Partition | Offset | Size |
fastboot1 | 1 | 0x0000_0000 | 0x0004_0000 (256KB) |
ptable | 0 | 0x0000_0000 | 0x0010_0000 (1MB) |
vrl | 0 | 0x0010_0000 | 0x0010_0000 (1MB) |
vrl_backup | 0 | 0x0020_0000 | 0x0010_0000 (1MB) |
mcuimage | 0 | 0x0030_0000 | 0x0010_0000 (1MB) |
fastboot | 0 | 0x0040_0000 | 0x0080_0000 (8MB) |
nvme | 0 | 0x00C0_0000 | 0x0020_0000 (2MB) |
boot | 0 | 0x00E0_0000 | 0x0400_0000 (64MB) |
Reserved | 0 | 0x04E0_0000 | 0x1000_0000 (256MB) |
cache | 0 | 0x14E0_0000 | 0x1000_0000 (256MB) |
system | 0 | 0x24E0_0000 | 0x6000_0000 (1536MB) |
userdata | 0 | 0x84E0_0000 | 0x6000_0000 (1536MB) |
Table 1: HiKey Partitions
Table 2 describes the binaries located in the boot partition
File Name | Description | Supported Max. Size |
Image | Kernel Image | 16MB |
ramdisk.img | Ramdisk Image | 8MB |
lcb.dtb | Device Tree Binary | 512KB |
cmdline | Command line text file | 512B |
Table 2: boot partition files