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C代码单元测试(三)_Google cmockery阅读


执行测试程序_Test Execution

Cmockery 单元测试程序使用void function(void **state)函数,使用unit_test*()宏定义函数初始化带有测试用例的函数指针的表

#define unit_test(f) { #f, f, UNIT_TEST_FUNCTION_TYPE_TEST }


#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <cmockery.h>

// A test case that does nothing and succeeds.
void null_test_success(void **state) {

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    const UnitTest tests[] = {
    return run_tests(tests);

异常处理_Exception Handling

在 run_tests() 执行测试函数之前,建立一个异常情况处理的程序,程序仅显示错误并在发生异常时退出测试函数。 如果在测试函数之外发生异常,例如在 Cmockery 本身中,应用程序将中止执行并返回错误代码。

错误条件_Failure Conditions

如果通过 run_tests() 执行测试函数期间发生故障,则测试函数将中止,应用程序的执行将继续执行下一个测试函数。测试失败通过 Cmockery 函数 fail() 发出信号。 以下事件将导致 Cmockery 库发布测试失败信号:



// Assert that the given expression is true.

// Assert that the given expression is false.

// Assert that the two given integers are equal, otherwise fail.
assert_int_equal(a, b) 

// Assert that the two given integers are not equal, otherwise fail.
assert_int_not_equal(a, b)

// Assert that the two given strings are equal, otherwise fail.
assert_string_equal(a, b)

// Assert that the two given strings are not equal, otherwise fail.
assert_string_not_equal(a, b)

// Assert that the two given areas of memory are equal, otherwise fail.
assert_memory_equal(a, b, size) 

// Assert that the two given areas of memory are not equal, otherwise fail.
assert_memory_not_equal(a, b, size) 

// Assert that the specified value is >= minimum and <= maximum.
assert_in_range(value, minimum, maximum) 

// Assert that the specified value is < minumum or > maximum
assert_not_in_range(value, minimum, maximum) 

// Assert that the specified value is within a set.
assert_in_set(value, values, number_of_values)

// Assert that the specified value is not within a set.
assert_not_in_set(value, values, number_of_values) 


#include "all_head.h"

extern	int add_user(int a, int b);
extern	int sub_user(int a, int b);
/* Ensure add() adds two integers correctly. */
void test_add(void **state) {
	assert_int_equal(add_user(21, 1), 22);
	assert_int_equal(add_user(3, -3), 0);
/* Ensure sub() subtracts two integers correctly.*/
void test_sub(void **state) {
	assert_int_equal(sub_user(3, 3), 0);
	assert_int_equal(sub_user(3, -3), 6);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	const UnitTest tests[] = {
	return run_tests(tests);


#include "all_head.h"

//#define NDEBUG	1

#ifdef NDEBUG
#define assert_in_range(expression) ((void)0)
#define assert_in_range(value, minimum, maximum) \
    _assert_in_range( \
        cast_to_largest_integral_type(value), \
        cast_to_largest_integral_type(minimum), \
        cast_to_largest_integral_type(maximum), __FILE__, __LINE__)


int add_user(int a, int b)
	assert_in_range(a, 1, 20);
	return a + b;
int sub_user(int a, int b)
	assert_in_range(a, 1, 20);
	return a - b;



test_add: Starting test

21 is not within the range 0-1
ERROR: g:\code_training\0811\c_test\c_test\testfunction.c:18 Failure!
test_add: Test failed.

test_sub: Starting test

test_sub: Test completed successfully.

1 out of 2 tests failed!
请按任意键继续. . .


test_add: Starting test

test_add: Test completed successfully.

test_sub: Starting test

test_sub: Test completed successfully.

All 2 tests passed

请按任意键继续. . .
