a) nvl函数
b) nvl2函数
c) 隐式转换表
is numeric data, then Oracle Database determines which argument has the highest numeric precedence, implicitly converts the other argument to that data type, and returns that data type.
三, lightdb对nvl/nvl2的支持
a) lightdb中对nvl的函数定义(nvl2同理)
List of functions
Name | Result data type | Argument data types
nvl | bit | bit, "any"
nvl | bytea | bytea, "any"
nvl | date | date, "any"
nvl | numeric | double precision, "any"
nvl | numeric | integer, "any"
nvl | numeric | numeric, "any"
nvl | text | text, "any"
nvl | timestamp without time zone | timestamp without time zone, "any"
nvl | timestamp with time zone | timestamp with time zone, "any"
nvl | time without time zone | time without time zone, "any"
b) 使用示例
1, select pg_typeof(nvl('A', 1)), nvl('A', 1);
pg_typeof | nvl
text | A
(1 row)
2, select pg_typeof(nvl(1.1, null)), nvl(1.1, null);
pg_typeof | nvl
numeric | 1.1
(1 row)
3, select pg_typeof(nvl(to_date('2022-01-01', 'yyyy-mm-dd'), null)), nvl(to_date('2022-01-01', 'yyyy-mm-dd'), null);
pg_typeof | nvl
timestamp without time zone | 2022-01-01 00:00:00
c) lightdb中nvl/nvl2 特殊情况的说明
expr1 为 null 时返回的类型取决于数据的来源。 执行下面的例子时,根据隐式转换规则,null实际上是未知类型,所以调用的函数是nvl(text, 'any')所以函数返回text类型。
lightdb@test=# select pg_typeof(nvl(null, 1)), nvl(null, 1);
pg_typeof | nvl
text | 1
(1 row)
create table test_nvl (id int, func varchar(20));
insert into test_nvl values (null, 'nvl');
lightdb@test=# select pg_typeof(nvl(id, 1)), nvl(id, 1) from test;
pg_typeof | nvl
numeric | 1
(1 row)
因为ltrim返回的类型是text,所以下面例子中实际调用的函数是nvl(text, "any"),所以函数返回的是text类型。
lightdb@test=# select pg_typeof(nvl(ltrim(func, 'nvl'), 1)), nvl(ltrim(func, 'nvl'), 1) from test;
pg_typeof | nvl
text | 1
(1 row)