deepin linux 如何更换窗口主题,Window_theme - deepin Wiki



This entry give brief introduciton to settings of GTK theme and window them in Deepin desktop environment.

Description of GTK theme

Configuration files

There are two places where configuration files of GTK theme and window theme are stored:

~/.themes (user customized settings)

/usr/share/themes (global settings)


Quick install

After downloading and installing the deb file of the theme, you can open deepin control center -> Personalization -> Theme, and choose the installed theme.

Manual install

Open file manager with root permission

sudo dde-file-manager /usr/share/themes

and copy all theme files here, according to the directory hierarchy of the original archive file.

Now you can open deepin control center -> Personalization -> Theme, and choose the installed theme.


Open file manager with root permission

sudo dde-file-manager /usr/share/themes

and remove the files introduced by the theme during installation.

