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Can sugar make you stupid?


Vocabulary Preview

concentrated-- made stronger,especially by removing liquid(such as water)

maze--a difficult and confusing path ,or a puzzle(迷惑) or game whose object is to find the continuous(连续的) path.

vs--against,or showing the opposite idea.

nutrients--ingredients(材料) in food that are necessary for growth and good health.

overindulge(溺爱)-- to eat or drink too much,or to do a pleasursble activity too much

deplete(耗尽)--  to use all of something ,to reduce the amount of the something available for use

moderation(适度)--balance,reasonable amount of something.

intoxicate(使喝醉)--drunk,having had too much alcohol.


Scientists have discovered that giving rats  a diet high in concentrated sugar producted made them  forget how to get throuth a maze they knew that very well.However, the group of rats that were given Omega-3 fatty acids(多不饱和脂肪酸),which are found in fish and nuts ,along with the sugars,were able to find their way through the maze.


  1. Do you eat a lot of sugary foods?What kinds of sugary foods do you like to eat?
  2. Do you think people eat too many unhealthy foods today?Why do we eat too much junk food ?
  3. What do you do to protect your health?Do you think you do enough?Explain.

Healthy vs unhealthy foods

What makes food unhealthy?Unhealthy foods are usually high in salt,sugar ,fat ,and calories,and have what are called "empty calories",-calories with few or no nutrients such as vitamins(维生素),minerals(矿物),and protein(蛋白质)。

What can be done to encourage people to eat better?who should be responsible for doing it?


  1. talk about some of traditional  foods in your culture.how healthy are they?
  2. Do you think it's okay for the government to regulate(监管) people's eating habits? that is ,do you think the government should monitor(监控) or put limit on the amount of sugar,fat,etc,that adult eat?what about the children explain your answer.
  3. How often do you eat breakfast?
  4. What do you normally have ?do you consider it to be healthy?
  5. What do you think about the researchers' findings that eating too much sugar can deplete you intelligence?do you agree or disagree?
  6. Have you ever overindulge in junk food?How  did you feel afterwards?why did you eat so much?
  7. How often do you work out?do you think it's enough? why do not you get more exercise?
  8. What kinds of exercise are best for men ?what about for women?Explain your answer.

Wrap up

so what can we learn from the research and from our own experiences,Perhaps,as socrates said,the answer is ' everything is moderation' it's all right to have a bit of jukn food now and then ,but do not go overboard(过火).it's okay to have a drink,but don't get intoxicated(沉醉).





