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linux中tailf命令详解,linux tailf命令详解


linux tailf命令是跟tail -f命令几乎等同的一个命令,那么它具体用途是怎样的呢?下面由学习啦小编为大家整理了linux tailf命令的相关知识,希望对大家有帮助!

一、linux tailf命令用途说明

tailf命令几乎等同于tail -f,严格说来应该与tail --follow=name更相似些。当文件改名之后它也能继续跟踪,特别适合于日志文件的跟踪(follow the growth of a log file)。与tail -f不同的是,如果文件不增长,它不会去访问磁盘文件(It is similar to tail -f but does not access the file when it is not growing. This has the side effect of not updating the access time for the file, so a filesystem flush does not occur periodically when no log activity is happening.)。

tailf特别适合那些便携机上跟踪日志文件,因为它能省电,因为减少了磁盘访问嘛(tailf is extremely useful for monitoring log files on a laptop when logging is infrequent and the user desires that the hard disk spin down to conserve battery life.)。tailf命令不是个脚本,而是一个用C代码编译后的二进制执行文件,某些Linux安装之后没有这个命令,本文提供了怎么编译安装tailf命令的方法。

二、linux tailf命令常用参数

格式:tailf logfile


三、linux tailf命令使用示例

示例一 使用tailf命令跟踪日志

[root@web imx_server]# tailf log/WEB.LOG

"seq": 5710,

"clientId": 1291343201649254,

"presenceStatus": "1"

} }})

16:09:21.324 DEBUG http-80-79 hyjc.cometd.CometdServlet - { "cid": 1291343201649002, "op": "recv", "ncc0": 175}

16:09:21.444 DEBUG http-80-32 hyjc.filter.AccessCounterFilter - uri=/imx/cometd/service

16:09:21.506 DEBUG http-80-79 hyjc.filter.AccessCounterFilter - uri=/imx/cometd/service

16:09:23.239 DEBUG http-80-45 hyjc.cometd.CometdServlet - { "cid": 1291343201649184, "op": "recv", "ncc0": 55}

16:09:23.327 DEBUG http-80-45 hyjc.filter.AccessCounterFilter - uri=/imx/cometd/service

16:09:24.288 DEBUG http-80-145 hyjc.cometd.CometdServlet - { "cid": 1291283017076175, "op": "recv", "ncc0": 82}

16:09:24.339 DEBUG http-80-81 hyjc.cometd.CometdServlet - { "cid": 1291283017076151, "op": "recv", "ncc0": 142}

16:09:24.360 DEBUG http-80-64 hyjc.cometd.CometdServlet - { "cid": 1291343201649090, "op": "recv", "ncc0": 40}

16:09:24.359 DEBUG http-80-143 hyjc.cometd.CometdServlet - { "cid": 1291283017076176, "op": "recv", "ncc0": 66}

16:09:24.878 DEBUG http-80-145 hyjc.filter.AccessCounterFilter - uri=/imx/cometd/service

16:09:24.892 DEBUG http-80-143 hyjc.filter.AccessCounterFilter - uri=/imx/cometd/service

16:09:24.896 DEBUG http-80-64 hyjc.filter.AccessCounterFilter - uri=/imx/cometd/service

16:09:24.906 DEBUG http-80-81 hyjc.filter.AccessCounterFilter - uri=/imx/cometd/service

16:09:25.095 DEBUG http-80-115 hyjc.filter.AccessCounterFilter - uri=/imx/cometd/service

16:09:25.095 DEBUG http-80-115 hyjc.cometd.CometdServlet - msgType IMX_ACTIVE_TEST msgBody {"clientId":1291343201649002,"presenceStatus":"1","seq":385}

16:09:25.095 INFO http-80-115 imx.client.ImxClient - Tx IMX_ACTIVE_TEST{seq=5711,client_id=1291343201649002,presence_status=1(presence_status_online),}

16:09:25.095 DEBUG http-80-115 hyjc.cometd.CometdServlet - { "cid": 1291343201649002, "op": "send", "sent": 0, "rc": 1, "msg": { "mt": "IMX_ACTIVE_TEST", "mb": {

"seq": 5711,

"clientId": 1291343201649002,

"presenceStatus": "1"

} }}


[root@web imx_server]#
