Terms of Use | 用户协议



                                                                     Terms of Use

[First and Introduction].

You're welcome to read the User Agreement and become a subscriber!

Legal agreement between the Subscription Service Agreement (the "Agreement") regarding the Subscription and the services provided by the Application in the Subscription (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Subscription").

The terms of this agreement (including the provisions relating to the exclusion of liability, the limitation of your rights, the agreed method of dispute resolution and the jurisdictional provisions, etc.) which may be materially related to your rights and interests, please pay attention to the focus. You should use the Subscription Service with the express understanding that you have fully read the bolded terms.

The Application may modify or change the Subscription and/or this Agreement based on the overall planning of the Subscription, etc., and if you do not agree with the foregoing modifications or changes to the Subscription and/or this Agreement, you may discontinue using the Subscription Services. Your use of the Subscription Services (including, without limitation, the act of payment or the completion of the entire process of becoming a subscription without raising any objection to this Agreement with the Application, or the use of the Subscription Services, etc.) constitutes your acceptance and agreement to all the terms of this Agreement, including, without limitation, the foregoing modifications and changes.

If you are under the age of 18, please read this agreement with a legal guardian.

This Agreement is based on, and is inseparable from, the Privacy Policy and the Terms of Service of the Application (collectively, the "Application Terms of Service"), and the Agreement, Activity Rules, etc. relating to subscriptions published by the Application from time to time are part of this Agreement.

Special Note: After you open a subscription service through this application, you may use different software version, equipment and other third party reasons, you can actually use the specific services are different, which may cause you inconvenience, you understand, and will not make any claim to this application or hold this application any responsibility. Also, the User Service Agreement may differ due to differences in the version of the Software you use, and you understand and agree that the final version of this Agreement is the latest version available for the Application.


I. general provisions

(1) Subscription service is the network virtual goods value-added service established by the application in the application client.

(2) The subscription service adheres to the following purpose: to provide you with a variety of better online value-added services to become a subscriber, to promote your mutual communication with other subscriptions, subscriptions and this application to enhance your in-game revenue.

II. This application solemnly declares that this application subscription service does not affect all existing free services of this application and guarantees the quality of service. The availability of the subscription service will not affect your in-game play.

III. Procedure for obtaining a subscription service

(i) Methods of becoming subscribed

1. You can open a subscription service through the in-app store interface, please make sure you read and understand this agreement and purchase. Subscription prices may vary depending on the version of the software you use, so please keep your app up to date. At the same time, you may not open a subscription for yourself or others through any of the following means

(1) To establish subscriptions for oneself or others for purposes other than personal use, such as profit, business, etc..

(2) To create subscriptions for themselves or others through any program, software, such as any robot software, spider software, crawler software, screen scrubbing software, etc.

(3) To open subscriptions for himself or others by any improper means or in a manner that violates the principle of good faith.

(4) Modification by technical means of information on the duration of the subscription service, the amount spent, the status of the transaction, etc..

(5) To open a subscription for themselves or others by means other than those specified in this application.

(6) To open a subscription for oneself or others by violating the legal rights and interests of this application or others.

(7) To open subscriptions for themselves or others through other means that violate relevant laws, administrative regulations, state policies, etc.

If you violate the above, the Application reserves the right to modify, limit, suspend, or terminate all or part of your subscription to the Service, without compensation or refund, as appropriate to your circumstances.

2. When you join a subscription in a specific way, you must read and confirm the relevant agreements and methods of use. The information provided in your application to join the subscription must be true and valid, and in case of changes in your personal information, please promptly amend the registered personal information.

(1) You can enjoy a number of exclusive privileges and value-added services after your subscription is successful, and the effective date is calculated from the time the subscription service is opened. On "Settings" → "iTunes Store and App Store" → "Apple ID", select "View Apple ID", enter "Account settings" screen, and then click "Subscribe" to inquire.

(2) Before your subscription expires, this application will alert you that your subscription is about to expire through - system notifications and so on, you can renew your subscription again by purchase. If your subscription expires, the application will terminate the provision of the subscription service.

(3) You acknowledge and agree that the subscription service is a network merchandise and virtual merchandise, and that the subscription fee is the price of the network merchandise corresponding to the subscription service purchased by you, not a prepayment or deposit, deposit, savings card, etc., and that the subscription service is non-transferable or non-refundable once opened (except in the event of a breach of this application due to a material defect in the subscription service that causes you to be completely unable to use it, unless otherwise agreed in this agreement, required by laws and regulations, or deemed refundable after judgment of this application). If you do not accept the Subscription Service, you may stop using the Subscription Service or stop renewing the Subscription Service.


IV. Obligations of this application


The Application, while providing a number of exclusive privileges and virtual goods for subscriptions, makes every effort to ensure the stability of the subscription service by providing technical support, including but not limited to.

(i) In-game proceeds during the period of subscription opening.

(ii) Active and effective content support and technical support for subscription services, including routine maintenance, repair and updating.

(iii) Frequently asked questions and basic rule explanations arising during the provision of the subscription service.

(iv) Management of procedures and data arising from subscription services to ensure the stability of subscription services.

(v) Do its utmost to safeguard your legitimate interests.


V. Subscription Code

(i) After you become a subscription, you can enjoy the exclusive privileges and value-added services of the subscription, and shall comply with the relevant agreements and service rules of the subscription service.

(ii) When you apply for the subscription service, please fill in the true and valid information.

(iii) You can not take the sale, transfer, misappropriation, rental of other user accounts for subscription registration or through the sale, transfer, misappropriation, borrowing other subscription accounts and other ways to enjoy the subscription, once found, the application will have the right to suspend the user account or cancel its subscription, and will not give any compensation or refund of fees.

(iv) If you violate this Agreement or the Terms of Service of this application, the application has the right to cancel your subscription, the application may take measures to modify, restrict, suspend or terminate all or part of the subscription service or pursue your legal responsibility according to your actual situation, and the application does not need to refund any fees to you, and you shall bear the losses suffered by you, third parties and/or the application.

(v) Please be responsible for the proper and correct custody, use and maintenance of your subscription information, account information and account password. You are requested to take necessary and effective measures to protect the confidentiality of your account information and account password.

VI. Privacy Policy

1. The User understands and agrees that the Application will process and protect the User's personal information as agreed in the Privacy Policy.


VII. Protection of minors

(i) This application pays great attention to the protection of minors. If you are a minor, you should read this Agreement under the guardian's supervision and guidance and use the Subscription Service with the consent of your guardian.

(ii) Guardians should instruct their children on the safety issues that should be taken into account when surfing the Internet, so that they can prevent such problems before they occur. If the guardian agrees to the use of the subscription service by the minor, he/she must apply for consumption in the name of the guardian and properly guide and supervise the use of the subscription service by the minor. The use of the Subscription Service by minors and the exercise and performance of their rights and obligations under this Agreement shall be deemed to have been approved by the Guardian.

(iii) This application reminds minors to recognize the difference between the online world and the real world when using the subscription service, so as to avoid becoming addicted to the Internet and affecting their daily study life.


VIII. Notification and announcement methods for subscription services

The notice and announcement of the subscription service will be issued to the subscription in one or more of the following forms, through which the subscription can check the new value-added services, account information, rights and obligations of the subscription, service rules, etc., and must strictly comply with the corresponding service rules

1. Update note.

2. The e-mail address you provide.

3、In-app subscription service page, etc.


IX. Change, suspension or termination of subscription services

(i) The Application shall have the right to interrupt or terminate the provision of the Subscription Service to you in the following circumstances.

1. Your subscription has expired.

2. You exist or the Application, in its independent judgment, believes that you have any conduct that violates national laws, regulations or regulatory policies, violates this Agreement or is detrimental to the reputation and interests of the Application or/and its affiliates.

3. In accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations, regulatory policies or the requirements of competent authorities.

4. To maintain account and system security and other emergency needs.

5. Force majeure (in view of the special nature of the Internet, force majeure also includes hacking attacks, significant effects caused by technical adjustments in the telecommunications sector, temporary shutdown due to government regulation, virus attacks and other circumstances affecting the normal operation of the Internet).

6、Other situations that this application cannot resist.

(ii) In the event of the aforementioned termination, you endorse the following treatment.

1. The subscription rights and interests that have been generated but not used are automatically cleared and not discounted.

2. If you have an ongoing transaction within the application, the application will then be reasonably handled according to the circumstances.

3, unless otherwise provided by laws and regulations or otherwise stated in this application, the subscription fee collected is not refundable.

4. In case of termination due to your breach of this Agreement, the Application shall have the right to require you to bear the corresponding liability for the breach as appropriate.

5、The application shall not be liable to you or any third party unless otherwise provided by law or regulation or otherwise stated in this application.


X. Application and jurisdiction of the law

The interpretation, validity and dispute resolution of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws and regulations of the mainland of the People's Republic of China. This Agreement shall apply to arbitration by the Shenzhen Arbitration Commission in accordance with its arbitration rules. An arbitral award is final and legally binding on the parties.



                                                        Subscription auto-renewal service rules

The Rules for Automatic Renewal of Subscription Service (hereinafter referred to as "the Rules") are deemed to be an annex to the Subscription Service Agreement and in the event of a conflict between the Rules and the Subscription Service Agreement, the Rules shall prevail. 

If you need to use the Application to subscribe to the auto-renewal service, you need to agree to this rule.

You understand and agree that.

1. Subscription auto-renewal service (hereinafter referred to as "Subscription") means that, under the premise that you have opened a subscription, the subscription for the automatic renewal of the demand to avoid the subscription due to negligence or other reasons for failure to renew the subscription in time to provide the service. Specific auto-renewal billing cycles include: monthly, quarterly, annual, etc. (depending on the details provided in this application), you can choose.

2. If you open a subscription, you authorize the Application to withhold fees for the next billing cycle from your own top-up account, third-party payment account tied to your member account, bank card, payment account tied to your Apple Store account, etc. (collectively, the "Accounts") at the time your subscription to the Service is about to expire.

3. The Service is provided that you have tied your subscription account to the above-mentioned account and that the full amount can be successfully debited from the above-mentioned account. If you do not choose to cancel your subscription, the Application may continue to provide you with automatic renewal service when/if your account balance is sufficient (subject to the rules of each third-party payment channel), and once your subscription is successfully deducted, the Application will resume your subscription service and subscription. 

4. You acknowledge and agree that if you use a third-party payment channel to pay your fees, you will also be bound by the terms of service, rules of use of that third party.

5. The subscription is valid from the date of its opening until it is terminated at your own choice when you cancel it. The application will send you an automatic renewal reminder by sending a system notification before your subscription expires, so please pay attention.

6. If you do not cancel your subscription, you will be deemed to have agreed to the application's renewal attempt in accordance with these rules, and once the deduction is successful, the application will add the corresponding subscription validity period for you (you can check the subscription validity period in the personal center - subscription page). If the price of the subscription service is adjusted on/before the automatic renewal, the price currently in effect shall prevail.

7. If you purchase another subscription without cancelling your subscription, or if you purchase a subscription at the same time as another similar subscription, the duration of the subscription and the duration of the other similar subscription will be added to the duration of your subscription and you understand and agree that the Application will continue to deduct the cost of the subscription from your account.

8. You may cancel your subscription by.

Please manually open the iPhone or iPad "Settings" → go to "iTunes Store and App Store" → click "Apple ID", select "View Apple ID", go to "Account Settings" page, click "Subscription", select this application and cancel the corresponding subscription. If an auto-renewal subscription is not cancelled at least 24 hours prior to the debit date displayed on the Manage Auto-Renewals page, the subscription will be automatically renewed and debited. 

Special Note: If your subscription is cancelled successfully, it will not affect your subscription rights that have been successfully deducted and will not be automatically renewed upon expiry of the valid subscription period. Any order you have made to the Application to automatically renew your subscription prior to choosing to terminate your subscription is still valid and the Application is not refundable for any fees deducted based on such order, and you are solely responsible for such fees.













(一)  订阅服务是本应用在本应用软件客户端中设立的网络虚拟物品增值服务。

(二) 订阅服务秉承以下宗旨:为成为订阅的您提供各种更完善的线上增值服务,促进您与其他订阅、订阅与本应用之间的相互交流提升您游戏内的收益。

二.本应用郑重声明: 本应用订阅服务,不影响本应用现有的一切免费服务并保证服务质量。订阅服务开通与否不会影响您在游戏内的游玩。 













(一)您成为订阅成功后,可享受订阅多项专属特权和增值服务,有效日期以订阅服务开通的时间算起,具体您可以在“设置”→进入“iTunes Store 与 App Store”→点击“Apple ID”,选择“查看Apple ID”,进入“账户设置”页面,点击“订阅”内进行查询。

















1. 用户理解并同意,本应用将按照《隐私政策》的约定处理和保护用户的个人信息。

七. 未成年人保护




























2. 如您开通订阅,则视为您授权本应用在您订阅服务期限即将过期时,从您的自有充值账户、与会员账号绑定的第三方支付账户、银行卡、与苹果商店账户绑定的支付账户等(以下统称“账户”)中代扣下一个计费周期的费用。 

3. 该服务实现的前提是您已将订阅账号与上述账户绑定,且可成功从上述账户中足额扣款。因上述账户中可扣款余额不足导致的续费失败,由您自行承担;如您未自主选择取消订阅,本应用可能在您账户余额恢复充足时/后,继续为您提供自动续费服务(具体以各第三方支付渠道的规则为准),一旦扣款成功,本应用将恢复您的订阅服务和订阅。  

4. 您知悉并同意,您使用第三方支付渠道支付费用的,您还将受到该第三方服务条款、使用规则的约束。 

5. 订阅自您开通之日起长期有效,直至您自主选择取消订阅时终止。本应用将在您的订阅有效期届满前向您以发送系统通知的方式发送自动续费提示,请您予以关注。 

6. 订阅由您自主选择是否取消,若您未取消,则视为您同意本应用按照本规则进行代扣款项的续费尝试,一旦扣款成功,本应用将为您增加相应的订阅有效期时长(您可在个人中心-订阅页面查看订阅有效期)。若在自动续费时/前,订阅服务价格发生调整,应以现时有效的价格为准。 

7. 若您在未取消订阅的同时购买其他订阅套餐,或者在已购买其他同类订阅套餐的同时购买订阅的,订阅的订阅时长和其他同类订阅套餐的时长将共同累计到您的订阅有效期时长中,您理解并同意本应用将从您的账户中继续代扣订阅的费用。 

8. 您可通过下述方式取消订阅:

【AppleID购买】请手动打开iPhone或IPad“设置”→进入“iTunes Store 与 App Store”→点击“Apple ID”,选择“查看Apple ID”,进入“账户设置”页面,点击“订阅”,选择本应用,取消相应订阅即可。如未在管理自动续期页面显示的扣款日期前至少24小时前取消自动续期订阅,那么将会自动续订并扣款。  


