- Cheese, Take photos and videos with your webcam, with fun graphical effects
- Chronojump, jump and run timetracking and statistics
- Conduit, synchronization solution for GNOME desktop
- Conglomerate, Editor for DocBook and similar formats.
- Fantasdic, dictionary application (DICT client)
- Frogr, Flickr Remote Organizer for GNOME
- F-Spot, personal photo manager
- Galeon, Web Browser
- GARNOME, build utility for the GNOME Desktop
- GB, GNOME Basic
- gbrainy, Brain teaser game
- GCalctool, Desktop Calculator
- GCompris, Educational software suite comprising of numerous activities for children aged 2 to 10
- GConf, GNOME Configuration Daemon
- gDesklets, Desktop widgets framework
- GDM, GNOME Display Manager
- gdome2, GNOME DOM Engine
- gedit, Text Editor
- gevice, GNOME Network Device Manager
- GGet, Download Manager
- Gnac, Audio conversion program
- GNOME blog, blogging application
- GNOME Color Manager, Manage, install and generate color profiles
- GNOME Commander, Light and fast file manager for GNOME
- GNOME Fax, Faxing Software
- GNOME Format, Simple Formatting Tool
- Gimp, Graphics package
- glabels, Label and business card designer
- Glade, Interface Builder
- Globalmenu Applet, Global menu bar
- Glom, Database designer and user interface
- Gnac, Multimedia converter
- gnocl, Tcl binding
- GNOME DB, Generic database Interface
- GNOME Games, fun for your desktop
- GNOME-GCJ, Java bindings
- GNOME Usability Project
- GNOME Meeting, Video conferencing Software
- GNOME Network, Client Network-oriented Tools
- Gnome Python, Python Bindings
- GNOME Print, GNOME printing library
- GNOME System Tools, System Configuration
- GNOME Power Manager, System Configuration
- GNOME Scan, Scan as simple as you print
- Gnome Subtitles, Video subtitling for the GNOME desktop
- GNOME VFS, Filesystem Abstraction library
- Gnomeradio, a FM tuner application for GNOME
- GNU, GNU for which GNOME is sub-project
- Gnucash, Personal Finance Manager
- Gnumeric, Spreadsheet
- GOB, GNOME Object Builder
- Gossip, GNOME Jabber chat client
- Gparted, Creating, reorganizing, and deleting disk partitions
- Guppi, Charting application
- GStreamer, Multimedia Architecture
- gthumb, Image viewer and browser
- GTK+, Graphical Toolkit Library
- GTK-Doc, API documentation tool
- GtkImageView, Image viewer widget for GTK+.
- gtkmm, C++ bindings
- gtksourceviewmm, C++ bindings of gtksourceview. Extends the gtkmm API.
- GtkPerl, Perl Bindings
- Gtranslator, translation file editor
- Gucharmap, the GNOME Character Map, based on the Unicode Character Database
- Guikachu, resource editor for PalmOS applications
- GtkMathView, widget for MathML rendering, editing, interaction
- Gwget, Download Manager
- gyrus, IMAP/Cyrus administrator
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- Inkscape, Scalable Vector graphics Editor
- Kupfer, Convenient command and access tool, that can launch applications and open documents, and access different types of objects and act on them
- LaTeXila, an Integrated LaTeX Environment
- libchamplain, Clutter/GTK+ map widget
- libdmapsharing, DAAP, DPAP and DACP library
- libgda, Database and data abstraction layer
- LibXML, XML library
- LibXSLT, XSLT library
- LinuxConf, System Administration
- Linux Screen Reader, Extensible assistive technology
- Longomatch, The Digital Coach
- Nanny, Gnome Parental Control
- Nautilus, File Manager
- Nautilus-Actions, A Nautilus extension which offers user configurable context menu actions
- Nautilus-Python, Python Bindings for the Nautilus Extension API
- Nautilus-Sound-Converter, Nautilus extension to convert audio files to a different format
- Nemiver, A GNOME C/C++ graphical debugger.
- Nemo, File Manager
- Netspeed, a small applet that shows network traffic in the panel
- Network Manager, network connection management
- NumExp, numeric computation suite
- OCRFeeder, Document layout analysis and optical character recognition system
- OnTV, Panel applet for monitoring whats on TV
- Gnome/OpenOffice.org, Office Suite
- ORBit, CORBA Orb
- Orbit-Python, Orbit Python bindings
- Orca, Scriptable screen reader for people with visual impairments
- Pan, Newsgroup reader
- Pango, International Text
- Paperbox, Document browser
- Passepartout, Desktop publishing application
- PDF Mod, Quick, easy PDF modifications
- Peacock, HTML editor
- PiTiVi, Video editor
- pkg-config, compile&link flag library
- Planner, Project Manager
- Pong, Propert Dialogs creation tool
- Postr, GNOME Flickr Uploader