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import org.nd4j.linalg.api.ndarray.INDArray;
import org.nd4j.linalg.factory.Nd4j;
import org.nd4j.serde.binary.BinarySerde;

import java.io.*;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;

INDArray arrWrite = Nd4j.linspace(1,10,10);
INDArray arrRead;

//1. Binary format  二进制格式
//   Close the streams manually or use try with resources.
try (DataOutputStream sWrite = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(new File("tmp.bin")))) {
    Nd4j.write(arrWrite, sWrite);

try (DataInputStream sRead = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(new File("tmp.bin")))) {
    arrRead = Nd4j.read(sRead);

//2. Binary format using java.nio.ByteBuffer; 使用特定类库存储二进制格式
ByteBuffer buffer = BinarySerde.toByteBuffer(arrWrite);
arrRead = BinarySerde.toArray(buffer);

//3. Text format 存储文本格式
Nd4j.writeTxt(arrWrite, "tmp.txt");
arrRead = Nd4j.readTxt("tmp.txt");

// To read csv format: 存储成为CSV格式,但是该方法已经标记为过时
// The writeNumpy method has been deprecated.
arrRead =Nd4j.readNumpy("tmp.csv", ", ");

更多文档可以查看 https://github.com/sjsdfg/deeplearning4j-issues
