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The tigers that lost their roar 喑哑的亚洲虎


The tigers that lost their roar

From The Economist print edition

Other emerging economies are producing world-class companies by the dozen. Why aren't the countries of South-East Asia?

Illustration by James Fryer

IT IS easy to forget, now that China and India are all the rage, thatuntil ten years ago South-East Asia was the world's fastest-developingregion, winning the sort of investor attention and breathless columninches that the two new giants now enjoy. The region has, slowly,recovered from the blight of 1997-98. It has recently had several yearsof strong growth (see chart 1) and its governments' finances have beengreatly improved. Even so, after all this time the region's five maineconomies—Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore andThailand—are still notable for the near-absence of companies that couldtruly be called world-class.

The region has 570m people and had a head start in economic developmentover much of the rest of Asia. So why does it still have no globalconsumer brands of the stature of South Korea's Samsung and LG? Whereare its rising technology leaders, like Taiwan's AU Optronics andTaiwan Semiconductor? Where are its equivalents of India'sworld-conquering Tata Steel, Ranbaxy and Wipro? Or China'smarket-devouring Huawei and Lenovo? Ask an investor in London or NewYork to name globally respected South-East Asian firms and the answeris unlikely to consist of much more than Singapore Airlines.
该地区有5亿7千万人,与亚洲的其余国家相比拥有经济发展上的领先优势。那为什么它没有像韩国三星和LG那样的全球消费品牌呢?它们的技术领先者,像台湾的友达光电(AU Optronics)和台积电(Taiwan Semiconductor)在哪里呢?像印度的征服世界的塔塔钢铁(TataSteel),Ranbaxy和Wipro在哪里呢?像中国的吞噬市场的华为(Huawei)和联想(Lenovo)又在哪里呢?问一位伦敦或纽约的投资者,要其举出一个全球敬仰的东南亚公司,那么答案除了新加坡航空(Singapore Airlines)之外不大可能有更多了。

In a recent book, “Asian Godfathers”, Joe Studwell, a journalist,examines this failure in stark terms. The region's business scene, hesays, remains dominated by old-fashioned, mediocre, sprawlingconglomerates, run at the whims of ageing patriarchal owners. Thesefirms' core competence, such as it is, is exploiting their cosyconnections with governing elites. Their profits come fromrent-seeking: being handed generous state contracts and concessions, orusing their sway with officialdom to keep potential competitors out. Ifthey need technology, they buy it from abroad. As a result, Mr Studwellsays, the region has “no indigenous, large-scale companies producingworld-class products and services.”
