Visualization Library is a C++ middleware for high-performance 2D and 3D graphics applications based on the industry standard OpenGL 2.1, designed to develop portable applications for the Windows, Linux and Mac OS X operating systems.
Short Feature List
- 3D file formats supported: 3DS, OBJ, PLY (binary and ascii), STL (binary and ascii), AC3D, MD2.
- Image file formats supported: JPG, PNG, TGA, TIFF, BMP, DDS, DICOM.
- GUI bindings: Win32, MFC, Qt4, wxWidgets, SDL, GLUT, Cocoa.
- Volume visualization: direct volume rendering via screen aligned slices, isosurface extraction via marching cubes.
- Virtual File System: read/write disk files and directories, read zip files and directories, read/write memory files and directories, read/write gz files.
- Texturing: 1D, 2D, 3D textures, cubemaps, texture arrays, texture rectangles, multi-texturing, render to texture, texture coordinate generation, texture combiners, mipmapping and mipmaps generation, anisotropic filtering, compressed textures, depth textures, integer textures, non normalized textures.
- OpenGL Shading Language support.
- Geometry Shaders support.
- GLSL multiple render targets.
- OpenGL accelerated 2D vector graphics.
- Multisampling.
- Framebuffer Objects support.
- Vertex Buffer Objects support.
- Pixel Buffer Objects support.
- Display Lists support.
- Hierachical frustum culling against boxes and spheres.
- Multiple cameras, multiple scene managers, multiple renderings.
- High quality unicode text rendering and text manipulation functions and classes.
- GLSL based C++ vector/matrix library.
- Hierachical bounding volume scene manager.
- Kd-Tree hierachical scene manager.
- Portal/sector scene manager.
- Kd-Tree based terrain scene manager (with GPU acceleration if available).
- Hierarchical matrix transformations.
- Morphing animations (with GPU acceleration if available).
- Geometry instancing.
- Geometry Level of Detail.
- Shader Level of Deatil.
- Multipassing.
- Render state sorting and minimization.
- Automatic transparency management.
- Billboards.
- Clipping planes.
- All OpenGL lighting models/materials supported.
- Extensible resource system to support new resource types.
- Geometry optimization functions, triangle reduction/decimation, double vertex removal etc.
- Rich image manipulation routines.
- Molecular visualization.
- Extrusion generation.
- Linear and Catmull-Rom path interpolation.
- Bicubic Bézier surfaces.
- Edge and silhouette enhancement.