Mingw developer studio


   一个简单但是强大的C和C++IDE,底层编译器是mingw,关键大小只有几十M,比起MS Visual 或者Visual studio系列的算是练习算法神器,这个也许已经有些同学还不知道。

 MinGW Developer Studio

MinGW Developer Studio created by Parinya Thipchart, is a great, free, cross-platform C/C++ IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for MinGW compiler system. MinGW Developer Studio is designed to look and feel like MS Visual C++ 6.0. It features a multiple document interface, syntax highlighting, project managment with debug and release configurations, code folding, code help integration, debugging support and much more. (支持语法高亮和调试功能)

Unfortunately MinGW Developer Studio has not been under development since 2005 and the official website has been down since 2008. The MinGW Compiler shipped with the IDE has become really outdated and working download links for MinGW Developer Studio are hard to find.(几年前被关过,这样集成mingw的IDE已经很难找的到了) 

As an effort to keep MinGW Developer Studio alive, I have created updated installers for MinGW Developer  Studio with a newer version of the MinGW compiler system  and ResEd resource editor. Mirrors for original  MinGW Developer Studio installers are also available. However, it is highly recommended that you use the updated installers, as they add support for newer APIs used by Windows Vista and Windows 7. 
    Updated Installers Include:       
      - MinGW (C/C++) Compiler 3.4.5-3
      - Binutils 2.24-1
      - Windows32 API 3.17-2
      - MinGW Runtime Libraries 3.20
      - GNU Debugger (GDB) 6.3
      - GNU Make 3.82.90-2
      - ResEd








