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apt-fast is a shellscript wrapper for apt-get and aptitude that can drastically improve apt download times by downloading packages in parallel, with multiple connections per package.



You can use the PPA to get a graphical configuration file setup and automatic updates, for details see: ppa:apt-fast/stable.

Some distros, such as PCLinuxOS include apt-fast in their repos.


For those of you who want to manually install it, download it and perform the following:

cp apt-fast /usr/bin/
chmod +x /usr/bin/apt-fast
cp apt-fast.conf /etc

You need to have aria2c installed(先安装这个):

apt-get install aria2

Then, you should be ready to use it - simply run apt-fast instead of apt-get or aptitude any time you find yourself needing to manage packages!

官方项目主页: https://github.com/ilikenwf/apt-fast
