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rust nightly_CSS Grid子网格登陆Firefox Nightly


rust nightly

For the CSS Grid fans who have been following along, last night the subgrid value for grid-template-columns and grid-template-rows landed in Firefox Nightly. Download a copy of Nightly and give it a go!

对于一直关注CSS Grid粉丝来说,昨晚, grid-template-columnsgrid-template-rows的subgrid值登陆了Firefox Nightly。 下载Nightly的副本并尝试一下!

To help I have created some things for you to read and play with:


  1. My initial write-up of the feature in Smashing Magazine.
  2. The documentation for the feature on MDN.
  3. Examples over at Grid by Example
  4. The recent talk I have been doing - the latest was yesterday at Codegarden - has slides and more demos.
  5. A post on this blog regarding one of the less obvious patterns subgrid will help us with.
  1. 我最初在Smashing Magazine中撰写该功能
  2. 有关MDN的功能的文档
  3. 网格上方的示例
  4. 我最近一直在做的演讲-最近的演讲是昨天在Codegarden举行的-有幻灯片和更多演示
  5. 此博客上有关不那么明显的模式子网格之一的帖子将对我们有所帮助

Regular readers will know that this is a feature I have been very keen to ensure is made available, spec historians might enjoy earlier writing on the subject:


  1. A 2015 post about why I felt we needed to keep the subgrid feature
  2. A post from 2016 about the revised subgrid specification which would have tied subgrid to both dimensions. I am glad we dropped that idea.
  3. My post when the feature was moved to Level 2 in 2017.
  4. A year ago I explained the First Public Working Draft of Grid Level 2.
  1. 2015年的一篇帖子,讲述了为什么我觉得我们需要保留子网格功能
  2. 2016年的一篇文章,介绍了修订后的子网格规范 ,该规范会将子网格绑定到这两个维度。 我很高兴我们放弃了这个主意。
  3. 我在2017年将该功能移至Level 2时的帖子
  4. 一年前,我解释了网格2级的第一个公共工作草案

If nothing else, I have staying power when advocating for the things I believe are important! Now it is over to you.

如果没有别的,在提倡我认为重要的事情时,我将保持力量! 现在一切都结束了。

If you are looking at subgrid and find something which looks like a browser bug in Nightly - something where the specification says one thing and the browser is doing another - you can raise that over at Bugzilla. The main bug for implementation is here. If you look at the “Depends on” section you can see other issues already raised. If you find something new, raise a new issue.

如果您正在查看子网格,并且在Nightly中发现了类似于浏览器错误的内容-规范说明了一件事情而浏览器正在执行另一件事-您可以在Bugzilla上提出。 实现的主要错误在这里 。 如果您查看“依赖于”部分,则可以看到已经提出的其他问题。 如果您发现新问题,请提出新问题。

If you find something that is not in the specification but you think that it should be, or realise there is a problem building a certain pattern which seems like a subgrid use case, log that with the CSS Working Group as an issue on the spec itself.


Head over to the Chrome bugtracker and star the bug there to show your interest in implementation. Don’t add “me too” type comments, just hit the star. By doing so you’ll get updates if any comments are made on progress.

前往Chrome Bugtracker并在其中标记错误,以表示您对实施感兴趣。 不要添加“我也是”类型的评论,只需按一下星号即可。 这样,如果对进度有任何评论,您将获得更新。

I’ll be talking about the feature next week at CSSConf EU, I’m very excited that everyone will be able to actually take a look at my demos, though I now have some slides to update. I’ll also be covering subgrid in my upcoming layout workshops, for example in a few weeks at SmashingConf Toronto.

我将在下周的CSSConf EU上讨论该功能,我很高兴每个人都可以实际查看我的演示,尽管现在我有一些幻灯片需要更新。 我还将在即将到来的布局研讨会中介绍子网格,例如在SmashingConf Toronto的几个星期中。

翻译自: https://rachelandrew.co.uk/archives/2019/05/23/css-grid-subgrid-lands-in-firefox-nightly/

rust nightly
