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图神经网络 / Graph Neural Networks
胶囊网络 / Capsule Network
图像分类 / Image Classification
目标检测/Object Detection
目标跟踪/Object Tracking
弱监督语义分割/Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
MathJax performs much of its activity asynchronously, meaning that the calls that you make to initiate these actions will return before the actions are completed, and your code will continue to run ev
Visual Studio Code can be a great companion to Unity for editing and debugging C# files. All of the C# features are supported and more. In the screen below you can see code colorization, bracket match
Note: ASP.NET Core and DNX (the .NET Execution Environment) on OS X and Linux are in an early Beta/Preview state. We recommend following the ASP.NET Home project on GitHub for the latest information.
Node.js is a platform for building fast and scalable server applications using JavaScript. Node.js is the runtime and NPM is the Package Manager for Node.js modules. Node.js是一个使用JavaScript开发和部署快速且规模化的
Office Add-ins run inside an Office application and can interact with the contents of the Office document using the rich JavaScript API. Under the hood, an Office Add-in is simply a web app that you c
Awesome - Most Cited Deep Learning Papers [Notice] This list is not being maintained anymore because of the overwhelming amount of deep learning papers published every day since 2017. A curated list o
Demo包含播放器sdk和评论库sdk的简单使用 最新版本(v1.0.162304505) 日期:2021年6月7日 下载android SDK以及Demo 更新说明: 1、评论更新用户授权流程,添加第三方登录,token登录方式; 2、修复部分视频拖动问题,修复拖动时偶现error错误; 3、修复偶现黑屏; 4、修复倍速播放崩溃; 5、增加播放器pts信息回调。 历史版本 v1.0.16098
主要内容:本节引言:,1.普通单线程下载文件:,2.普通多线程下载:,3.使用DownloadManager更新应用并覆盖安装:,4.参考代码下载:,本节小结:本节引言: 又是一个深坑,初学者慎入...本节将从普通的单线程下载 -> 普通多线程下载 -> -> 以及一个很实用的例子:利用Android那只DownloadManager更新apk 并覆盖安装的实现代码!好的,这样看上去,本节还是蛮有趣的,开始本节内容! PS:我们把整个完整的多线程断点续传放到下一节中! 1.普通单线程下载文件: