Apache Harmony要换主席了

Geir辞职了Tim Ellison将会是下一任Apache Harmony主席

引自Apache Harmony mailing list

Dear Community,

On March 14th, I left Intel and started a new job at Joost (http://
www.joost.com/).  I knew that I wouldn't have the same amount of time
for Harmony, I couldn't resist the change to get back to a startup.
I knew that I would have less time for Harmony, but I'd get back to
creating and using software "in anger", which I thought would be a
valuable tradeoff.

I was right and I was wrong.  I was right, because I certainly had
less time for harmony, and I was wrong because I actually had no time
for Harmony.

At first, it was because I wanted to do a deep dive into my new job.
I figured that I'd come up for air at some point.  My plan was
"ruined" two months ago, when I was given additional responsibility,
and effectively had to do another deep dive.  That was well in hand
when my scheme was ruined again and I was elected to the Apache Board
of Directors.

So it's clear that for now, I'm just not going to have the time
needed, nor will have in the near future.

Therefore, I'd like to announce that effective upon acceptance by the
Apache Board, I hereby resign as VP, Apache Harmony.  I am still a
passionate advocate of open source Java, and will continue to work in
this project as time allows in the future.  I'll remain on the PMC,
and continue doing my work regarding the JCP on behalf of the ASF.
I've very much enjoyed being the first chair of this great project,
and very proud of how far and how fast this project has grown.  We've
made a significant mark in the history of Java, and I very much look
forward to helping this project continue to grow.

With that in mind, I'd like to announce that the Apache Harmony PMC
is recommending to the Apache Board of Directors that Tim Ellison be
selected as the new VP, Harmony - the new Chair of the Apache Harmony
PMC.  I think that Tim is a great choice, and look forward to
continuing to work with him in his new role.  I'll be submitting the
following resolution to the Board for consideration this wednesday :

Change the Apache Harmony Project Chair

      WHEREAS, the Board of Directors heretofore appointed Geir
Magnusson Jr.
      to the office of Vice President, Apache Harmony, and

      WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in receipt of the resignation
      of Geir Magnusson Jr. from the office of Vice President,
Apache Harmony;

      NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Geir Magnusson Jr is
      and discharged from the duties and responsibilities of the office
      of Vice President, Apache Harmony, and

      BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Tim Ellison be and hereby is
      appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache Harmony, to
      in accordance with and subject to the direction of the Board of
      Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until death,
      resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification, or until a
      successor is appointed.

Thanks again for such a great project. 