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访问/存取 方法
An accessor method is an instance method that gets or sets the value of a property of an object. In Cocoa’s terminology, a method that retrieves the value of an object’s property is referred to as a getter method, or “getter;” a method that changes the value of an object’s property is referred to as a setter method, or “setter.” These methods are often found in pairs, providing API for getting and setting the property values of an object.
You should use accessor methods rather than directly accessing state data because they provide an abstraction layer. Here are just two of the benefits that accessor methods provide:
· 你不需要重写你的代码如果一个描述或者存取属性的方法改变。
· 存取方法常常实现重要行为是无论何时一个值被检索或者设置都会被重现。例如,当一个值被改变的时候, 设置方法频繁的实现内存管理代码并且通知其他对象。
Because of the importance of this pattern, Cocoa defines some conventions for naming accessor methods. Given a property of type type and called name, you should typically implement accessor methods with the following form:
- (type)name;
- (void)setName:(type)newName;
The one exception is a property that is a Boolean value. Here the getter method name may be isName. For example:
- (BOOL)isHidden;
- (void)setHidden:(BOOL)newHidden;
This naming convention is important because much other functionality in Cocoa relies upon it, in particular key-value coding. Cocoa does not use getName because methods that start with “get” in Cocoa indicate that the method will return values by reference.
这种命名惯例很重要,因为在Cocoa中的很多其他的功能都依赖它,特别是key-value coding。Cocoa不使用getName因为以get开始的方法表明方法返回引用类型的值。
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Use Accessor Methods to Get or Set Property Values in Programming with Objective-C